A Rant - Keys should not derank

Oh brother :roll_eyes:
Nuance is a thing. I can recognize that there is a reason for why keys work the way that they do, while simultaneously disliking how it works today in its current iteration.

Why is it that, no matter what’s being discussed, the Mythic+ community insists on digging their heels and fixating on the most mundane of details.

I wished Mythic+ worked exactly like Torghast did. Maybe it’s not what everyone wants, but it’s what I would have wanted.

But on the flip side, if I even so much as make the suggestion it seems to really bother a lot of people for some weird reason.

When people start getting on each other like this it drives me crazy. It’s a video game. Not a job application. No one should be trying to prove anything. It’s so silly.

We’ll know for sure next expansion yeah, since it’s tough to gauge, when the change happened when we were pretty stacked with secondary stats.

I can tell you categorically that removing levels 2-10 from the old system reduced participation at the low end, which reduced the total number of spots for title and in turn increased the rating / level of keys required to achieve it.

What I can’t say is how much of that this season is attributed to the change and how much is just it being awakened.

I anticipate a wider gap between lowest title and highest in TWW S1 cause of affix changes.

I still can’t quite understand why Blizzard - and so many of their core WoW players - believe with all their hearts that simply failing content is not nearly good enough of a punishment for having the gall to try something and not succeed. There needs to be an additional punishment that feels bad. Always.

I mean, heck, why don’t we just make it if you were so bad that you started a key you couldn’t finish for any reason, your key gets deleted? Try again next week scrub. Let’s make the punishment really fit the crime of being bad.

I anticipate the reverse. Keys will be more consistent above 12 sure, but the difficult jump per key level will increase a lot more than it does currently. Title will require harder keys than it did in DF S1 for sure though.

I fail to see the corelation between keystone depletion and warriors not being a meta class.

Affixes that stay the same week after week will definitely help for the whole season. No more 1 week out of 2 months that if you missed, you’re behind everyone.

Affixes that stay the same week to week will cause most people to become bored.

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I don’t play the game this way, just rewards for me so I can’t comment with experience on this.

But it seems like for people that do, this change effects them all equally.

And I can imagine it is very frustrating that if you’re just trying to push IO and don’t care about the rewards, which is what forces the game to down rank, you have to go run a meaningless lower key anytime something silly happens.

The game can’t have both no down ranking and rewards for failing. So this seems like a reasonable compromise.

Can’t win them all. A lot of people also hate affixes :man_shrugging:

It’s only 12 and up, above the gear and portal threshold. I feel like it is what title push folks were specifically asking for.

I think it’ll be a case of people think they want something, but once they have it, they don’t.

My point is that no downranking might look appealing for high end pushers, but in reality it only benefits those in organised teams as while the risk decreases, the requirement to reach the same relative level within the playerbase massively increases, and that hugely favours those with the capacity to play in organised consistent groups for large amounts of time.

Yeah they’re just gonna dump the key without any consequence and do pull after pull until they’re perfect, and reach a level that’s simply unobtainable for everybody else.

Given I don’t know a single person on my friends list who even intends to PLAY M+ next week, I’d be inclined to disagree.

TWW waiting room status.

They’re playing this week, they’re gonna play the week after.

They’re just not playing next week. I wonder why…

fortified and bolstering, ugh

I might get a 20 AV done if it’s someone’s or my own vault key at the start of the week. But 19s of the other keys in order to get 20 AVs later on is an extremely tall order. Maybe RLP 19 Bolstering Fort is playable, but with the size of the pulls required in 19s timing anything else is very iffy.

Outside of a TGP level push group, which I ofc am not part of.