[A-PvP] <Malicious Moogles> [USA] [Recruiting] <8PM-11PM EST Wednesday/Saturday>

Understandable, I have checked out of the main Classic forum for the most part. At least as far as replying. I like to add some hearts to my favorite posters though. If you are interested in joining our Guild, just add me on BattleDotNet. Maxxgold#1846 :slight_smile:

Yeah, clan members will need help with PvP, but a lot of us will be there to help in PVE, so that everyone can obtain the gear they want or need, or just helping in general. We will have a large number of PvP’ers though :slight_smile:

I want to Raid, and PvP as bad as anyone, but I will do my job as Guild leader to make sure everyone in the Guild is taken care of.

I’ll send you a Friend Request now, thank you for joining. When you accept my friend request I will send you the link to Discord. When you get assigned a role in Discord, please go in the #events channel and join the placeholder :fire: Molten Core :fire: Raid. This is just a placeholder, and we use it to show new members how we will schedule Raids/Events, and anything that can be scheduled. Just click the green check-mark.

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The Malicious Moogles are open for business today :grinning:

2 New Adventurers joined yesterday; Thank you!

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I have joined up.
Really good people, and seem to be well organised for the launch of Classic, I expect it to be an awesome good experience.


Thank you for joining the Malicious Moogles!

I’m having a good time doing some play testing with you!!! I’ll log in once I get some stuff done around the house :slight_smile:

Added our clans motto, thanks Arnold

Motto: “To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.”

The Malicious Moogles are open for business today :grinning:

this sounds like the guild for me. do you guys have any need of anything specific? i’m torn between healing as a priest or pally or dpsing as mage/hunter so if any of those are more needed than the other, my choice may be made :stuck_out_tongue:

any ideas what server you’ll be on if they stick with classic server lists? also i’m a bit interested in a leadership role especially in the pvp aspect of the guild :slight_smile:


We would love to have you :slight_smile: All spots are open right now, so choose what you like. I always encourage everyone to play what they want. If we need something specific we can work on that when the time comes.

We want to find a server that is going to be populated. I have reached out to a few guilds to see if we can all get on the same server, both Alliance and Horde.

Once you join the Discord we can talk about leadership roles. We do have some available, and they are based on participation, so they always come available if they are filled.

Welcome to the Malicious Moogles!

53 Members committed to playing Classic!!!

7 New members this week!

Molte Core Placeholder signup is at 35/40!

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Moogles noodles

This sounds like a great guild for me ! have sent you a friend request Maxx (harajii#1281) :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you mind if a casual druid explorer joined the Moogles? I love leveling alts and crafting too !

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We would love to have you :slight_smile: I just accepted your friend request. Feel free to join the Discord and hang out!

Sucks you guys will be ally, you guys seem like a ton of fun.
Let me know if you guys change you’re minds about faction.


Yeah, we are definitely going Alliance. I would love to play Horde too, but it’s just easier to get everything done on the Alliance side; at least that is the way I remember it. Horde will be PvPing, so their cue times will be high, and Alliance will get right in for PvP. If you get with a good Horde Guild maybe consider joining the same server : )


The Malicious Moogles are open for business today :grinning:

Come join us for the journey back to classic!

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The Malicious Moogles are open for business today :grinning:

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Still recruiting? :slight_smile:

BNET: FrostyLyfe#1958


Battlenet: Venom19#11292


If you have enough Harry Potter fans in your guild, they could call themselves the Malicious Muggles. :wink:

Yes, we are still recruiting. Thank you for joining us for our journey back to Classic. I’m sending you Friend Requests now. As soon as you accept I will send you the Discord info :slight_smile:

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Mmm, I dont think I recieved one. It might’ve expired :persevere: