A possible compromise to RDF from an anti-RDF perspective

And for the most part you’re correct. However, they’ve made many mistakes and backtracked more times than I can count over the last few years. It’s the way they do things now, make unpopular decisions and revert when the players rebel.

The real question you should be asking is why have they released a dozen blue posts today about dragonflight… But still haven’t announced 70 boost details? That’ll go live tomorrow.


Discussing the implementation of the original version of RDF is as hypothetical as discussing a compromise version of it. Which is what I tried here.

As for the boost point, I mean that is for another discussion in another thread xD and I 100% agree with you, Blizzard are absolutely TERRIBLE with their communication. If the boosts go live tomorrow as everyone thinks (have they confirmed it somewhere?), it is unacceptable that we still have no details as to what to expect.

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Hes keeping them.because none of them caused a problem at all. The problems that have been claimed are a bunch of crap. Rdf as it was improved the game. Not having it creates problems.

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Running to a dungeon for the 100th time doesn’t perserve world interaction, it just makes people afk and continue on what they were doing until someone else goes and runs them to summon them. By your logic, summons shouldn’t be allowed because think of all that world interaction your skipping being summoned to a dungeon? Who doesn’t like just afk flying in a straight line to the dungeon of your choice for 10+ minutes while tabbed out getting drinks / food? :roll_eyes:

Forcing RDF to be same server only will not fix the issue of smaller servers having extraordinary queue times.

Not everyone wants to play on a mega server for the majority of their game play, nor should be try to in any way force people to migrate to more populated servers, if they do not want to be on a massively populated server. Cross Realm RDF Fixed this issue, allowing people to stay on their servers with the communities they built up, but still having the option to go run a dungeon if everyone was offline, busy, or in a raid.

The extra awards you harp on about were not bonus rewards, they were reworked daily quests for heroic dungeons, that got applied as being part of the RDF system instead of being a quest you pick up, run the dungeon, then turn in.

We had the same quests in TBC, as we did in wrath that were just daily quests for extra badges and extra gold.

After you ran RDF those awards were taken away, outside of the Call to arms bonuses that were later introduced as an incentive for highly needed roles to join the queue.

If I recall correctly, after you did your daily heroic dungeon, you instead just got awarded a small amount of experience (For leveling dungeons) that got turned into gold at max level so you’d get like 10 gold a dungeon you completed. (It’s been over a decade, so my memory might be slightly faulty on this one)

In all likelyhood if you removed the “Bonus” rewards, people would just use RDF to specifically queue for the dungeons that the dungeon quests were assigned to for that day first, then probably return to what they were doing, leading to absolutely no change. Just slightly more predictable on what dungeon your first dungeon of the day would be. :woman_shrugging:

If you haven’t been playing classic why is this issue important enough for you to weigh in on? If you have been playing classic, uhh…

I like your ideas. We came up with them months ago. You were absolutely correct about one thing, though - Blizzard isn’t listening.

No. Go back to the quest givers. Heck, make them not random, have them rotate on a schedule. Without RDF you’re going to have a devil of a time completing any heroic that isn’t the daily so if you need an upgrade from Halls of Stone or whatever it will be nice to no longer be at the mercy of the whims of RNG and other players capriciousness.

Not a bad idea … like not bad at all i could live with it.

I’ve been playing classic as my main game since its launch… I was never inspected for gear, specs or logs for 5-man dungeons…

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THIS RIGHT HERE is by far the most simple and tbh appropriate way to approach RDF as a staple. Im anti-rdf due to my bias with it seeing it start and go through expansions but im also someone who did like the feature for accessability and lets be real … this proposed compromise is actually great all around.


The “traditional MMORPG” feel of warcraft died in 2009. If he wanted a traditional casual friendly mmorpg then he would be pro-rdf, as it caters to casuals more than anyone. His entire existence is an oxymoron at this point.

Youve been playing classic as your main game since launch and have 0 logs in any vanilla raids and 1-2 raid logs in kara/ZA and nothing else? So youre telling me you just run normal and heroic dungeons all day and care not an ounce for progression? Something doesnt add up here, and if that is the case, your opinion is worth nothing because you dont represent even a casual player, even they are in BT/Hyjal lol.

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This harkens back to the poor attitude Sethyl was talking about.

If you wanna run RFK, post in LFG “LFM RFK need all” and you’ll surely be able to find 4 players just like you who want to run it as well.

I’m on Grobb, which isn’t a megaserver, and all dungeons are run.

For every player complaining that there aren’t any groups there are at least 4 players who wanna join a group but don’t wanna start one.
My proof? If you think single realm RFD would fix the problem then you agree with me.

Fix your approach — the game ain’t broke.

Nah, apparently it died in 2005 when Battlemasters were added and you didn’t have to travel to a bg anymore. Or maybe 2006 when they made bgs cross-realm and server communities ceased to exist.

Until they brought it back with Classic.

Where did anyone mention casuals? Can you please keep up with what is actually being said?

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I have multiple characters… how was that hard to figure out??

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That’s the point they’re trying the make. The answer is no. I was there in original wrath (about halfway through, before RDF) and we couldn’t find an old world group to save our lives. Everyone was focused on level 80 content (raids heroics etc). The number of people leveling through was too small. Cross realm dungeon finder is what saved it.

You’re just wrong. It’s against the Classic ethos of community first. If you want easy access to groups, you need to build relationships. Simple as that.

You’re absolutely correct, it does.

Have to agree here … because they tend to fill up quite rapidly esp if a tank/healer post needing only dps … i see it every day on my server in chat … filled so many msg ty ty

I’m so glad a character that just started posting a few hours ago, who definitely isn’t just some troll’s alt, thinks so.