A possible compromise to RDF from an anti-RDF perspective

The few people that visit these forums regularly will know that I am pretty vocal with my Anti-RDF perspective. However, it seems like this is literally game-breaking for others. I do get that this is an MMORGP and that a lot of people playing this game have different opinions on what makes it good or bad.

So… Here is my opinion on what would be, from my point of view, a compromise for RDF. This compromise is largely based on the fact that over the last few weeks, the main argument against my anti-RDF perspective that resonated the most with me was that it gatekeeps people not playing meta classes or specs. I agree, that sucks. Even tho I still believe only a minority of players would behave like that. So…

If Blizzard were open to discuss compromises, which they didn’t show any sign of, here is what I would suggest:

Implement the queuing and auto grouping features of RDF, without the instant teleportation to the dungeon, without the extra rewards, and only for same server and faction players. Keep the deserter debuff for those who leave the group based on its composition.

The queuing and auto grouping features paired with the deserter debuff protect from meta slaves to gatekeep other players.

Removing instant teleportation to dungeon preserve immersion and world interaction.

Same server and faction preserve the sense of community.

EDIT: Remove extra rewards so people who don’t want to use it don’t miss on rewards / goodies.

To be fair, as I wrote this, I still believe no RDF at all is better, but wanted to show openness to compromise. We all share this game, I don’t wish for no one to not be able to enjoy it.


No compromises needed because RDF doesn’t hurt anything. If the goal is to incentivize manual grouping, add the stat boost to manual groups instead of RDF groups. Making things more inconvenient so people don’t us them anymore is poor design


This isn’t a valid argument as it’s a misuse of the word gatekeep.

Non-meta specs are not gatekept. They simply see the gate, have the option of climbing over it via making their own group or joining a guild, and they deem that to be too much work, so they turn around and don’t even try.

The only thing gatekeeping people is their bad attitude.

So therefore, as Donkaa has said above,

I admire your willingness to compromise though, but as you can see, that’s something even pro-RDF players aren’t willing to do.


I mean… I’m trying here

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We have tried to compromise and they didn’t say anything, even with the LFG tool feedback they added one thing no one asked for lol.


You’re keeping the parts that don’t really help solve the problem. Just make RDF, as it was for old world content. Leave the LFG for the new stuff.


What problem is not solved?

Server population? They open free transfers all the time, just take one?

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LFG is still terrible, so I’d rather we add RDF with the queuing feature, but without the teleport and cross-realm (other than for small servers), and a daily quest in place of a random heroic queue to kill the last boss of any heroic dungeon.

I’m pretty sure Blizzard never offers free transfers off dead realms, do they? Or at least very rarely and not to ideal servers. Also why should someone abandon their server just to play the game?

LOL i have literally suggested this multiple times.

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Well I was on a dead realm and could freely transfer to my current realm… i did with all my toons, didnt have to spend a dime.

Because it is so dead that they argue the only way they can find groups for dungeon is through RDF…

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This doesn’t solve the old world problem. On anything but a a huge megaserver, what are the chances you’re going to find a random 20something group for razorfen Kraul? There might be plenty of players but 99.9% of them are level 80s.

Having your raid geared friend run you through a dungeon isn’t fun and isn’t the way I want to consume content (and pretty sure the devs don’t either).

I was here, in original wrath, the peak of WoW subscriptions questing through the zones. Trying to run dungeons for the gear and quest XP. maybe 2 or 3 successfully since there were so few players leveling the zones.

TBC got there before the buff, Original wrath did as well, you think a year or two down the line the old world won’t be dead in classic wrath as well?. Heck a month or two down the line, try leveling an alt and see how easy it is to get dungeons.


Sure, but they may have other reasons they want to stay. I didn’t want to leave Whitemane, but ultimately did because I couldn’t play the game anymore.

There are limits to transfers. I have a banking guild with all slots open. The logistics of trying to transfer is daunting.

Well, this too. Mostly they shouldn’t be abandoning servers - they should have stepped in and did something years ago.

Great idea

An option I see for these people in order for the compromise I suggested to work is to open free transfers at the time of implementation. Joining another server that will give you better chances to find groups at times that are good for you.

What are we even compromising for? Gutting functionality to appease mostly overstated “problems” is effectively just bidding against yourself. Teleporting to instances or getting the daily quest automatically isn’t hurting anything meaningfully; giving up those features is just making the tool less compelling.

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But two people flying afk to an instance portal to summon the other 3 adds so much to the game!!!


You’re compromising for something that Blizzard has told you no on 4, maybe 5 times now?

That’s typically how you bargain when someone denies your original request multiple times. If you’re not willing to compromise, well, good luck on getting your demands met I suppose.


Well, I mean I have given up trying to run dungeons because of my schedule. Kind of hard to find people for a dungeon via the pug system on a medium pop server after midnight EST (Even if I make the group). I just can’t get on eailer in the day for anything but questing or other stuff.

But at least my work is going well. Finally found a way so I don’t have to show my face on stream :slight_smile: