Unfortunately us older players are being out voiced by the younger players…myself I issue with dragon flying with my hands and wrists due too hand injuries I have…the constant pressure having to use to fly with dragons on a daily bases has me back in my hand and wrist braces again as my hands and wrists are swelling up…normal flying doesn’t do that too me.
I think these replies should suffice…
Yeah, they suffice, suffice at exposing you as an idiot that can’t think outside their own desires.
I even stated that I WANT both. Your replies just reek of you want one thing and anyone that wants differently is an idiot.
News flash, Blizzard is already working on adding DR to the old world, so I don’t think it is going away anytime soon.
Highly unlikely, Blizzard have repeatedly stated time and again, that Expansion features in most cases remain confined to those expansions, sometimes even restricted to a single content patch…
Archaeology was expanded on - temporarily until it was stopped at the end of BFA, where Blizzard stated that the original intent was to have it for it’s original expansion only…
Shadowlands Soulbinds
Legion Artifact Weapons
Azerite Power
Dragonflying will most likely end up being disused and forgotten come 11.0… The drawback is that we will be seemingly hamstrung by going to back to the old 310% speed, rather than the 830% which we have become used to… Or do you honestly expect that people are going to sit, happily with their gargantuan mount collections remaining virtually unusable whilst a faster flight exists? All that farming for Invincible, Mimiron’s Head, etc, all for nought…
No, it won’t happen… Feel free to link me back to this post, if, by some fluke Dragonflying isn’t shelved come 11.0.1…
ALSO: Fixed your replies to something less volatile
Push button, fly higher or
Push button, fly faster or
Push button, stop on a dime.
Aim down, gain speed.
Aim up, lose speed.
Regen energy when going fast.
If this is too complicated, how in the world are you doing combat routines???
Or remove regular flying and only have DF flying in all zones
Honestly, I don’t see anything wrong with having both. As long as I can keep my dragon riding, I don’t care what other people do. I mind my business.
The only way DR is disused and forgotten in 11.0 is if they don’t take it forward, but why would Blizzard put in the work to update the old world for it if it was not planned to be taken forward?
You realize, they have already began working on making old mount rigs to use the dragon riding animations, are putting racecourses and dragon riding events in the old world, and have stated that they plan on keeping dragon riding in the game moving forward?
Never going to happen.
So how do you feel about the fact that they seem to have made progress on extending dragonriding to Azeroth, but they don’t seem to have anything new to tell us about enabling normal flight in Dragonflight content?
I feel that is par for the course, work is being done to increase DR for older content but they are, possibly, saving news about normal flight in DF content till they feel they need it to save face/subs.
I envision it being implemented in the next pre-patch. If there were subs to lose over this, they’re already gone.
It has nothing to do with it being complicated. It’s just a badly designed GW2 rip off. We’ve had normal flying for over a decade. It’s what people like and what they are familiar with. Yes, Dragonflying is a change. But the problem isn’t some “boomer” mindset of “We don’t like change!”. It’s that it’s genuinely just not good and more of a pain then normal flying.
The boomer literally said pressing two buttons is too complicated to follow.
Two buttons. That’s all. We occasionally need to press TWO buttons as our needs require and in exchange we get to go from 310% speed to 830%.
And for everyone crying about it being “too imprecise” stop ignoring the third major button in your DR rotation, Aerial Halt. Y’all really just need to git gud.
Yeah, realistic, kind of like the magic balls of energy my toon spits out. Very real life.
I’m guessing this is the part where I find out that ducks don’t cast magic spells in real life isn’t it?
I want a flying Duck mount…one that waddles like duck when running on the ground as a mount…
I love DF dragons and flying at ‘UFO’ speeds… it is fun. I am so glad for this new thing, sorry if other games did this… I don’t know about them. If they brought in regular mounts to …that would be cool for herbing/mining/treasure hunting… that would be helpful. I would appreciate that.
But I really do like Dragon Flight … I think I really suck at finding the very cool appearances for them though!
I’m burned out on Blizzards BS with dragon riding. Why is it so hard to do right by your playerbase and just let them choose which type of flight they want to use.