A Plea: Make MCP a unique item

Its higher than that last I checked. it was closer to 70-80% of a bunch of other classes. It was only like a 50% parse for warrior/rogue.

Also my guild often has a small overflow on healers in MC (I hate dpsing in BWL… too much can randomly kill you and cost a fortune in consumables), and only 3-4 paladins, so I bring buff coverage as well.

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I don’t think any Blizzard employees have the credentials necessary to safely neuter a cat like that.

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I can’t tell if you’re being serious or sarcastic. xD

There is no such thing as “free will” outside of a relative sense.

First off it’s a 33% drop chance so no it’s not really high.

Secondly the SGC grind is a false equivalency SGC is something you will use for a long time but I use 1 pummeler a boss. My amount of gnomer runs is triple that of some of my warrior friends SGC farm runs, the only difference is mine is infinite

Lastly it’s an average of ~1 per lockout so no I’d usually have 0-3 unless I am lucky. Lastly you forget it isn’t guaranteed this week I’ve done 40 instances and only gotten 6/7 of my MCPs.

No, a good cat will never want to be in caster form unless using innervate or rebirth. Wind fury is complete trash for Cat form due to our fast ‘low damage’ attacks and switching out to use a mace hit is easily a dps loss unless you’re innervating. Kings buff is better by a mile

A good cat will time their powershifts before the energy tick and after GCD as to start with 80 energy and avoid being unable to shift due to the GCD being active when you cast catform.

You’re probably a really good bear but it’s obvious you don’t play cat. We use 7 MCPs and just like with bears it’s a necessity for us to be on par with rogues and warriors in dps or in your case tps

Sounds like OP want an excuse from Blizzard to tell people he dont have to farm it.

Well, I mean, it is a LITTLE silly that the best 2h in the game (for everyone) is effectively a consumable from a level 30 dungeon. At least you earn gold from using them, unlike potions.

imagine not playing horde and imagining that any one playing horde using windfury all the time would take him seriously. The guy doesn’t even get double the auto attack range when he turn human. Your making a movie were tauren an night elf are the same here.

Imagination is a fascinating thing

I once windfury out of form for a 2.5k auto attack. IMAGINE THAT and i even have the 95 parse to prove it.

Imagine it! realise it! knowing it! Sound like the worse self-help book you ever read.

just remove the charges
problem solved

you really dont need it to dps, classic raids are not super tight dps checks. could be a problem for druid tanks if you ran 30+ dungeons a day. now you will have to get by with less

I mean, sure… but it creates a new one.

That ability has no cooldown (much of why the weapon is as strong as it is). While it is active, it is stronger than literally all of the Naxx 2h weapons when fully raid buffed. We don’t really want a level 30 mace being the BiS forever weapon for everyone that uses 2h weapons.

Even if you put a cooldown on it, the thing would still be BiS forever for the first 30s of a fight.

It really kind of needs to stay obnoxious to farm, because it’s really, really overpowered. Also I’d feel bad for druids if they just lost it entirely.

First of all I believe I stated MCP is extremely good for ret pallies.
It isn’t undisputably the strongest 2 handed weapon in the game or else everyone else would use it. iirc Arms Warriors (which you will rarely see in a raid) never use an MCP despite it doing a whopping 10% more dmg for them according to your stats but Arms is irrelevant in raids as everyone is fury so lets move to pvp.

If you look in competetive WSG and Arathi Basin you don’t see a single warrior using MCP despite them willing to spend 100+g in consumables a match. This is because a slow high damage 2 hander like HoR, BRE or Asskandy allow for the warrior/ret pally to be able to burst a single person down or an AOE with extremely high damage via mortal strike or seal of command. The value a warrior gets from mortal strike is pitiful if its on a 200 dmg (before armor) swing that MCP does.

You can use it for 1.5 minutes. 3 thirty second charges with a 30 second cooldown upon applying a new one. Again only ret pallies and ferals ever use it, arms doesn’t get the same value out of it as we do.

Im saving the the most rude and wrong for last.

Imagine getting +15% to ALL STATS and never having to worry about threat. Again model size does not matter as unless you get a windfury crit every time you powershift and even then that is time you’re not shredding meaning its STILL A DPS LOSS. Youre shifting out of cat form to auto attack when you could have already powershifted and used your abilities for more dps.

Kek so you had one good parse that I cannot even find? Or is it your 95 on Ghazranka in Zul Gurub.

Ill tell you a secret, feral parses below 95 mean absolutely nothing. Unlike other classes there are far more ferals who do nothing and therefore make it easier for a parse like 389 dps on Rag or 392 dps on Shazzrah to be counted as high.

If you want to use anecdotes and appeal to ethos then I gladly will. I powershifted normally and had okay luck on Ragnaros (not getting knocked away) and did 800 DPS in mostly pre best in slot gear and with ease in both BWL and MC am competitive with our top dps and parse yellow and pink. You struggle to be competitive with the middle of the pack of your guild let alone the top.

Windfury totem does increase dps by a small amount but due to our high attack speed it rarely procs and when it does it gives an extra 1-2 dps. Kings on the other hand increases Agility and Strength by 15% thats more AP and more Crit which increases dps more than wind fury ever will for feral. Theres no need to be so passive aggressive and condescending to someone who knows more about a class and its rotation than you do.

33% is really high most things people want are like .05%- 20% i mentioned sgc for the reason that its easy to do 5 runs just like mcp just because how close it is to the entrance and its more than one per lockout if there was 6 lockouts id be two so its over one but less than 2 basically 1.65 per 5 runs based on drop rate luck may vary

Again its mainly to do with the fact that once ive grinded ~120 minutes of gnomer give or take 30-50 whilst also waiting for lockout a warrior who has gotten SGC will never need to grind for it ever again. MCP is basically a consumable not a piece of gear that you need to drop once and is therefor not really comparable to stuff like SGC

Arms doesn’t get as much out of it as mortal strike is a weapon damage based attack.

And you dont use it in PvP because it’s only good for short bursts, you use the charges too fast, and it isnt as good to have fast low damage strikes compared to bursts in that environment.

2h fury however? MCP is great for that setup. Almost no weapon damage based instants, highest autoattack damage so most rage gen, fast attacking allows for rage dumps through heroic strike / cleave, flurry talent stacks multiplicatively with the MCP haste, effectively being 45% instead of 30%.

It’s really, really good for 2h fury.

The only reason warriors dont use it is that DW fury is stronger.

and i never compared its consumable status to sgc all i said was the length of time to do the runs is similar or are you really gonna tell me you cant back door gnomer 5 times in less than 20 minutes you seem way too focused on the item im talking about and not the length of the run which is what i was talking about so forget about sgc its similar to arena farms in the time it takes you to lockout happy?

Difference is once you get what you need you wont farm Arena again, both grinds suck but neither are comparable fundamentally