A Plea: Make MCP a unique item

i dont care whats dropping in arena i was giving a comparison on run length what if i was to farm arena for the fun of it what now i can do that endlessly

No. We’ve already started sliding rapidly down the slippery slope of classic+ type changes. Enough is enough, already.

Pretty sure your math left out a lot of things, like the raw stats on might of menethil, the usage of Slam as a dump, whirlwind being used etc.

2000 AP is also a huge amount and is absolutely a world/raid buffed + consumed number.

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It can more effectively use heroic strike and cleave as a rage dump due to the faster attack speed so it doesn’t need to worry about slam’s swing reset.

And MoM only has 4 more str than MCP, the 46 stam sometimes matters, I guess…

Go ahead, sim it. Fully raid buffed, with your BiS gear, a hasted MCP will beat out MoM for a 2h fury setup.

The better your gear gets the more it pulls ahead. The 50% haste means it WILL pass every other 2h, the question is just “when?” And that answer is far under where you’d expect it to be.

MCP is the only thing that makes a bear tank viable threat wise. Nerf that and you can get rid of them being able to hold threat. Otherwise they’re just offtanks and taunt soakers.

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I’m simming it and MCP used in a 30 second fight with 100% uptime is simming 150 DPS less than Might of Menethil. I could be missing something but I don’t see it.

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1127.7 MoM

858.2 MCP

I dunno dude, https://furysim.github.io/ a good enough sim for you? I used my current gear as a baseline for the sim.

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It doesnt seem to have MCP as a preset and I’m struggling to get it to have MCP with the proper haste

I just changed the values of MoM to be 46-70 and 1.3 swing timer to approximate the haste proc/damage values.

That doesnt work, you are short changing the MCP almost half of its AP scaling

Ah it does look like you’re correct about that, vastly different AA damage when I switch it to 2.0

I don’t expect MCP to have a large advantage with gear available, but I do expect it to edge out MoM while active.

It’s just tough to find a sim that supports a 100% uptime on the haste with a quick Google search.

2nd result from google showed MCP a bit lower than current BiS for warriors, but I dont know what they mean by “used the last 30s” when it really should be treated as up 100% of the time.

I set the fight duration in the sim to 30 seconds but I don’t know for sure if it’s correctly simming MCP.

So just changing it up again, to 2.0 and a 20% proc rate 50% boost for 99 seconds, I got a sim with 94% uptime, which is pretty close,

1147 DPS MCP
1212 DPS MoM

I adjusted the stats from gear to assume you had weapons equipped instead of no weapons.

Going back again to fix up the stats after playing with it:

1165 MoM

1073.3 MCP

For the MCP here I applied a 20% chance 50% attack speed buff with a 99 second duration, this resulted in 94.5% uptime for the AS bonus, which is close but clearly not a perfect value.

About 52% of dps is coming from AA/HS for the MCP sim, so we can figure that ~558.116 dps is being applied at about 94.5% value.

So it should be ~ 590.6 dps, or a gain of about 42.5 over the sim.

Final value:

1165 MoM

1115.9 MCP

Yeah, that’s pretty reasonable. As stats improve the gap should close a bit. Looks like the whirlwind is helping to keep MoM a bit ahead (and that 5% uptime difference will close it a tiny bit as well).

That 50% haste makes MCP better than it has any right to be across the board.

I’m interested on where they land in the forever BiS setup for the rest of the gear.

Pretty notable difference on my sims btw, for MoM I turned heroic strike off and slam on, and the inverse for MCP, heroic strike on and slam off.

They have gameplay differences as well in that regard, if you turn heroic strike on for MoM the dps will actually drop.

Thanks for that thorough review :slight_smile:

I dont know quite enough about warriors to accurately handle all of that with the rotational changes and what not.

I still find it hilarious that with your current gear levels as a base you had MCP within 50 DPS of MoM. Theoretically that gap should continue to shrink as gear improved.

Now, the one thing I will absolutely concede is that even if MCP does pass MoM on an average sim, MoM will always beat it on top parses due to having a much, much higher damage ceiling if you get lucky.

Just for fun I added 3% crit and 300 attack power to the sim and ended up with

1276.7 MCP (Adjusted for 94.5% uptime, funny enough HS+Auto becomes 62% of dps with those additional stats)

1304.1 MoM

So it definitely closes in, but not that fast it would seem. And almost certainly gets way close if we add more AP rather than crit.

Yeah, that sounds about right. So you’ll need maybe 600 more AP for MCP to outpace MoM for you as a fury war.

Not that this matters a ton, since dual wield is undeniably stronger for warriors anyway.

Yep, you’d also have to go all out on buffs/consumes. This is also of course, an ally sim, so windfury + slam spam may skew things heavily in favor of MoM.