A Pet Collector's Perspective On Remix

Continuing the discussion from Thoughts on Remix Overall, with 73 Days to Go:

So I just started it two days ago. I actually resubbed because it looked interesting. I’m enjoying it a lot and hope that we get other remixes in the future. It’s a good excuse to level alts and IMO, I wish something like this had been implemented ages ago to level alts + make old content relevant. Super fun, and I’d definitely enjoy a BC Remix, WoTLK Remix, Cata Remix, and maybe Legion Remix, too.


I’m kinda annoyed at how pet collectors get shafted here. Mount collectors get a nice boon by having some really stupidly rare mounts available for bronze which is NOT hard to get. Meanwhile, there are some pets from MoP that are also stupidly rare or annoying to get…so why weren’t they placed on a vendor for bronze, too?

I understand that (potentially) the reason might be gold-related, but IMO, it’s a weak excuse to punish pet collectors.

Not to mention there are like 40 new mounts you can get for a low cost…but only two new pets, both tied to achievements that you kinda have to go out of your way to get? Like I’m almost at max with my first remix character and haven’t completed either of them. I don’t mind working for it, it’s just baffling why I can level up normally and get a cool mount tied to a relatively simple achievement (August Phoenix) but for battle pets - it takes way more work. Something to think about.

But since there’s a decent chunk of time of MoP Remix left, I’d really like for there to be some annoying MoP battle pets added to a vendor. Pets like the Timeless Isle pets (Jadefires, Guchi Swarmling, Spineclaw Crab, etc), the Tiny Carps, and so on. It’s only fair. There are pets I’ve been farming from that era just as long as some mount collectors have been farming Elegon, and ToT bosses.

FlipMethod from Reddit, put together a beautiful spreadsheet (I cannot post links but if you google Flipmethod Reddit Remix and Battle Pets it’ll come up) which documents some of the ridiculous rarity battle pets from MoP that could / should have been placed on a vendor for bronze during this event. It’s worth noting a good chunk of these battle pets are RARER than a lot of the mounts offered during Remix. We also have quite a few battle pet models from MoP that are unique / were never given as pets. It would be nice to offer some of these for purchase during the remainder of the event.

Again - there is a decent chunk of time before the event ends. Plenty of time to give pet collectors a chance to get these rewards. Please Blizzard. I want my Blue Panda & Spirit of Socks battle pets ;__;


Fellow pet collector here (collected way before they could battle).

I was so disappointed we didn’t have a pet vendor. :frowning:


No new pets is a shame, and they should have brought back the Thundering Serpent Hatchling :confused:


Oh my goodness! I didn’t even think about this. This type of event is perfect for bringing back the Thundering Serpent Hatchling!

Same! I used to keep one of my bags full of pets to cycle through. I loved them even if they were wonky looking in the early years. I can’t get enough of them! :slight_smile:

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True. I’m concerned about the pet battle team. Like just based on the changes between 10.2 and 10.3 and then this. Like I’m not kidding when I say that pet battles drew me back to wow from FFXIV, like FFXIV has some weird pet battle thing too but its closer to an, like in between an RTS and warcraft rumble, and I had ran out of things to collect there so I popped on over here for some pet battle stuff and then basically just did shadowlands and dragonflight and that would not have happened without me getting a hankering to do some pet battles. What I’m trying to convey with this ramble is that fun little evergreen content is a load-bearing beam and I hope they aren’t trying something they learned in business school with it, such as haphazardly firing people for the sake of short term profits at the expense of institutional knowledge. Sorry for the rant, just the absolute state of american capitalism right now has me feeling a certain kind of way lately.

But yea, got my yak, got my serpent, and if they can’t get the ensembles to work better and the add a weapon appearance vendor then I’m pretty close to done with the event.


I agree with you.

I left WoW for FFXIV, was a pet collector there, but I just didn’t enjoy the pet battling system there. I enjoy WoW’s system…I just wish we got some more love from the devs.


This is why more pets need to be non-cageable. The Thundering Serpent already is, so why they couldn’t bring it back is a mystery.

One thing they could have done for pet collectors that would not have screwed ANYONE ELSE would have been to add shinies to the wild MOP pets. Nobody misses out on the Malayan Quillrat from not doing the event, you just get the opportunity to have a red one from doing it. Easy-peasy.


Has anyone caught a tiny carp in remix? I made it to best friends with Nat Pagle without seeing any.

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Speaking as someone who spent days farming ancient spineclaws to get monstrous spineclaws to spawn to have a miniscule chance at a 50/50 shot at getting a P/P Spineclaw Crab…I fully endorse this motion. It was a mostly miserable experience with the only silver lining being that I made a couple farming buddies. In fact, most of the Timeless Isle pets are a pain to get even now.

Although I do not agree with the sentiment, I also suppose that some people might take comfort that pets bought with bronze would not contribute to the Timeless Isle collection achievement.

They have pet collecting/battles in FFXIV? Yeesh, now I’m really starting to get tempted to try it out…guess I might do some research on it once I finish my current gaming goals.



I already have a majority of the ridiculously annoying to get pets from MoP. Would I benefit with this addition by potentially getting the last few that elude me? Sure. Would I be mad that other pet collectors have a way easier time than I did? Nope. I’d be thrilled. Farming a 0.05% drop is not difficult or fun it’s just tedious.

I’d much rather do things like pet battle dungeons for pets…but that’s a different topic, lol. Leveling up a character in Remix and acquiring bronze is a nice compromise and I really hope a wandering Blizzard Dev sees my post and makes it happen.

It’s just…weird. Like I get what they were going for, but…idk how to even describe it. You’ll have to experience it for yourself lol.

Its pretty close to warcraft rumble, but you get a wider variety of units

I collect pets too. It’s probably because they could have been traded out of remix into retail. That would be my guess as to why they did not add a pet vendor

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Is it that thing at gold saucer where you put about 100 pokemon of about 4 different kinds out into an arena floor and they just sort of do their thing?

Still could have done something with it, like making little sha battle pets that match every color of the trading post cloaks and then having the sha of pride drop an invite to the sha of the month club and then having that mail people the shas one each month so you can have a sha to match your cloak

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That is a pretty good description of it

I’d definately vote for those as there are a couple I still don’t have.

I agree with your post. I was disappointed with the lack of rare pets on the vendor list. I guess they figure people are only interested in new dresses.


Yeah I hate it. I win all the time but idk how I won and I’m convinced I have no idea what’s going on.

Blizz has been steadily re-releasing TCG pets through Twitch while making the Twitch versions untradeable. If it was that big of a concern, they could make the remix pets untradeable as well.


Yes, I caught the Red and Blue tiny Carps. Haven’t got anywhere near best friends with Nat while doing it though. So i definitely got lucky with them.

That is probably why i can’t for the life of me get a Jadefire Spirit pet to drop after over 100 kills, and camping and killing it every 20min.

I also 100% agree that there should have been a pet vendor, or at least at the pets to a vendor, the guys who sell the mounts are called beast masters I think. Just slap all the pets on to those guys.

I would farm as much bronze as needed so that I don’t have to camp the timeless isle rares for the pets anymore.


Timeless Isle pet farming is the worst. Not only do you have to go out of your way (on top of going out of your way to go to Pandaria in the first place) but you’re also competing with people and the rares don’t last super long so you’ll be forced to wait again. It’s just a mess.

It would take such little effort to throw these pets on the beast vendor who sells the mounts. ;__;