A Pet Collector's Perspective On Remix

is that an actual pet name because that sounds funny


Spirit of Socks is a pet utilized only in the Celestial Tournament by Sully McLeary - it’s just a ghost version of Socks the Raccoon. But I want it. Lol


Ah just found the name to be funny. Goodluck with your mission of having pets added in remix!

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I’ve never understood the pet collectors. Pokemon is right over there!

Pokemon is locked behind

  1. Nintendo’s hardware
  2. Nintendo’s sticker price
  3. Nintendo’s Lawyers
  4. Nintendo’s design philosophy which hasn’t changed since red and blue launched 30 years ago

If I was going to spend that kind of money it’d be on Shin Megami Tensei Vengeance because I could actually play that on PC without having to fight an army of Nintendo Lawyers


I’d just like something else to spend Bronze on.

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It is kind of lame there aren’t any pets or pet battles.

Some unique pets would have been great. Or the option to purchase pets from the expansion for bronze would be pretty cool too. – I’m looking at you there mr. Spineclaw Crab. (especially one that grants credit for the gonna need a bigger bag achievement)


I agree. Give us a battle pet vendor!

The trafficking of battle pets in retail is such a lame excuse if it is one. The market would be flooded with them and so it’s not about make people super rich. If people are worried about it affect the value of their battle pets? Then, maybe people need to reevaluate some things…

Plus, the iconic ones, like from the celestial tournament aren’t tradable anyway. I have 2 of them, but the weekly grind makes it such a pain to get (3 weeks per pet). If they made the battle pet Celestial Tournament lockout daily like the raids, that would be a cool compromise.

I’d love to have them add in some new ones like blue panda and ghost socks, plus all the others introduced in the xpac. Pandaria was the xpac to introduce battle pets and it’s just so sad they haven’t been included.

If they gave us a battle pet vendor and an armory of all the new mogs, I would be so happy. Please devs, please!


I do have a question about ‘marketing’ of battle pets. While I am not an Auction House pro, I do not see pets selling like hot cakes (in general). From my experience, while the rare ones do sell eventually, it’s a pretty slow and meticulous process of selling battle pets if someone chooses to do so. I’ve tried selling copies of mine at one point and just gave up because it is way, way too much work and going back and forth. So I really don’t feel like it would have such an adverse effect. Let everyone get 1 purchase per account, if you really want to limit it, so that they can’t be sold off endlessly.

It would be nice to be able to get some, especially unique ones. A bit strange that wasn’t the case. It’s been done plenty of times before where pets were ‘bound’ and couldn’t be caged (think the Druid class hall for example), so the technology surely exists.


It was the first thing I noticed when I found all the vendors, and I was so disappointed. I’m happy with the mounts and the transmog, but I would rather have had pets than toys. Even it was just the pets from MoP like the toy vendor offers.

Let us buy the raid pets. I’d gladly give 50k bronze for Kovok like the most expensive toys. SoO is long af

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I’ve sold battle pets on the AH and it’s pretty much a niche market. So it really shouldn’t matter one way or the other. It’s so silly.

I’m still hoping Blizzard will take notice and give an update on this. ;__;

Fully support this. And no trial accounts.


I’m sure they do sell, I just doubt it’s insane amounts. From my experience, even with ‘rare’ pets, it’s not going to sell fast, unless you’re lucky and someone happens to be trawling the AH for it or someone buys it out to try resell. I think the only pets I’ve ever actually sold reasonably fast (2 weeks-ish maybe) were ZM crafted pets, but even then…

I doubt they’ll add them (sadly) but it would have been nice. Especially since Pandaria introduced the system. Even if it was limited pets (like toys, you can’t get all from the vendor) from the raids, or something.

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I don’t have much faith either, unfortunately. But I’m hoping to keep this thread alive and maybe, just maybe, either a Dev will respond or take pity and make it happen.

I can dream. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I want a spirit of socks now

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Before cross server trade I was selling pets. They were easy to shuffle from high pop to low pop. The return was okay for the time. It was about 150k gold per hour invested if you knew exactly what you were doing and you were buying at good margins on high pop realms. That may sound like a lot of gold, but it’s really not…I had millions out to make that 150k gold. In DF I made about 25 mil gold off cooking recipes and green profession gear. If they put in a pet vendor it would sewer the value of mop pets, that’s not really game breaking, but it would happen.

I have no use for bronze in my main. I have about 380k surplus after buying everything. I am leveling alts on random servers now on a second account.

I have! While fishing up on top of the waterfall on timeless use, I got not one but TWO tiny blue carp!

Admittedly, I was up there for a VERY long time to try and get the pet drop from the rare. Fish, collect bronze, kill rare, fish, collect bronze, kill rare, rinse and repeat…


Selling pets is simply not a reliably lucrative endeavor.

Some battle pets can sell for hundreds of thousands of gold, if not millions; unfortunately pet collecting is such a niche market that a person can try to sell the same pet for months on end, and even when they slash the price, it doesn’t sell. It’s one of least reliable ways to make gold.

I’ve been trying to sell an S/S Gilnean Raven at a “bargain basement” price for weeks, not a single bite. There’s one person whom I’ve seen selling the same pet (they always list for 600k+) for over a year.

The only way you get the big gold from selling pets is when a rare collector just so happens to check the AH for that specific pet you’re selling that day, which is the ol’ needle in the haystack.


The only way it was reliable gold was to sell pets on dozens of different servers without overlap (I was undercutting myself by accident sometimes before I remembered shared realms). It is not insane but as I said I consistently made 150k per hour of time invested. Absolutely NO farming of pets. I only flipped from high to low/med pop. There are better ways to ah now with cross server trade. I made roughly 4 million flipping tcg pets. You end up with millions of gold invested though to do this.