A new take on player housing

Thank you.

I personally don’t think very highly of player housing in WoW but I’m always happy to be proven wrong.

this is the sentiment that i get from most people whenever i hear player housing being discussed, i think it is quite common to have that point of view.

I think this is the more uncommon thing to think specifically because MMOs and other non-MMOs now’a’days are designed with it in mind. The reason I don’t think highly of it in WoW is because I genuinely think Garrisons were them making a good attempt at player housing and what it demonstrated to me is that WoW’s playerbase is far more communal rather than personal.

Folks want player housing no question about that … but I just think it is a case of “you think that you do, but you don’t”. Again though, I’m more than happy to be proven wrong.

It’s a system that has been enjoyed a lot in other games. And has been a sticking point for a lot of players with WoW when they see it in other games but not in their favorite game. At the end of the day it is a very optional system. But it provides a lot of depth to how players interact with the world.

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Garrisons are not player housing not at all…

Or people could stop beating this dead horse

lost ark doesn’t have player housing.

new world doesn’t have player housing.

wow doesnt have player housing.

those are the big three MMOs.

Ashes (in development) has not mentioned player housing.

the Riot MMO has also not mentioned any player housing.

yes, exactly. this is a good point.

the wow playerbase already had player housing in Warlords of Draenor with garrisons and the overall sentiment regarding garrisons is that players did not enjoy them, which is why they were not carried forward in following expansions.

Palia is a great game for player housing …its damn wonderful for sure…and its Free to play too…

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that sounds wonderful, looks like everyone who wants player housing already has the option of just playing palia instead, correct?

doesn’t seem like we need player housing in wow if players can enjoy it in palia instead.

And you dang wrong about New World now …it does have Player housing…duh… In New World, player houses are part of the many settlements that can be found in Aeternum. Houses in New World are semi-instanced, allowing players to purchase the same house. But, They will only be able to enter and manage their own version of it.

“How do we get the decor items into the hands of the players” is the smallest and least consequential part of designing player housing. That’s like saying you have a brilliant new idea for a car company and then going on about how you’re going to decorate the dealership.

if new world does have player housing then it must be a largely ignored and unused feature because i never heard anyone who plays new world mention anything about player housing

I am well aware of it and I personally enjoy it in other games where it exists from the grounds up. But the problem at hand is that, I don’t think it works in WoW simply because WoW have never had it. And the only thing that got close, whilst it wasn’t as detailed as other systems on the market, then became some of the most celebrated systems WoW has EVER had namely the Class Order Halls and the Covenants (when people could pick the ones they wanted rather than for the ability).

So to me that indicates that much like in most other aspects, WoW has a bizarre playerbase. One that is unlike many other playerbases on the market, which is both its greatest strength and weakness in many aspects. This being one of 'em, and why I fundamentally think this is a “you think you do, but you don’t” sort of a thing. Because of course folks will love them and I honestly know folks who loved Garrisons back in the day even with how basic they were, I VERY MUCH so personally know and have experience of frankly love for 'em…

But I don’t think that’s applicable as widely across the board specifically because of what the garrisons showcased, and what they in turn became and thus showcased that strength of community and a communal class feel. I personally think they are going to make use of Warbands to make a sort of “Warband camp” and that might be what they elude towards in terms of player housing, but that’s a wild guess work mostly based on a few factors namely it would allow customization whilst still being small enough where it doesn’t take up as much space as the garrisons did whilst being as closed off from other players as they were.

And it would also mean that we have some chance at a Vulperan Racial-esque mechanic being applied to them as well. Still don’t think we’ll get anything ‘massive’ in terms of player housing in WoW though as a result of these things.
Edit: Oh one more thing … all of this also has to be doable without adding another profession like the weird ones that people suggest. We already know that scribes getting dragonflight customization options … well, as much as they showed up every now and then, they weren’t as big as folks would’ve maybe thought they would be. And anything customizable that would also be on the scale of what anything even eluding towards player housing would need to be, would most likely require a system like that of our dragons at least.

Wrong we do need players housing…it would make the game even more fun for many that can’t raid or don’t want to raid …giving them something to work towards for their game play…much like raiders do with Raids…but you can’t see that now.

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but casual players are able to earn whelpling crests from doing world quests, is that not enough?

This is what you said:

We do not have the option to add a pond or herb garden. That is false.

There were three types of buildings and those buildings had very specific places you could put them. So to say “any spot” is false.

You could pick which small, medium or large building you wanted but other than that, you had no choice. Everyone’s garrison looked exactly the same, with buildings in the exact same location. And for the rest of the buildings, like the “pond” and herb garden, you had no choice in what they looked like, where they went or even if you wanted them or not.

But you know all that. Everyone knows all this. I really don’t get the point of your lies.


I know it’s negative but I think about this so much, it took them almost 20 years to realize people would want something like a backpack as a back slot or eye glasses?

Did we really need until legion to make a cosmetic tab? and then not see them make cosmetic sets until bfa? until this new xpack not even out yet to let us collect armor we can’t wear or make rep account wide?

Wow feels SOOOO slow for for what feels like very normal concepts and quality of life improvements


what would you call this that the wowhead article discusses?

Guide to the Garrison Herb Garden - Wowhead

and this:

Guide to the Garrison Fishing Shack - Wowhead

players most certainly did have ponds and herb gardens in their garrison housing complex: the wowhead articles confirm this.

See, you would be on to something, if the problem people had with Garrisons also applied to normal housing systems. It doesn’t. The problem was that the Garrisons killed any reason to go to a hub city.

Housing doesn’t do that. It’s a place to customize, to be your own. To have gatherings with your friends. But it’s not a hub. It doesn’t have the Amenities of a hub. There for there are still reasons to go to those hub cities and be part of the communities.

But we will see what the future brings.

Still trying to find that article. Trying to sift through the 5,000 articles it brings up when you try to search for WoW player housing is a nightmare.

Nope not player housing.

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