A new take on player housing

well i think the fact that we don’t have player housing confirms this, right?

so there has been no definite answer stating that player housing will be implemented, correct?

Sighs Yeah, you’re just trolling at this point. I’m gonna put you on ignore. Have a good day.


i hope you have a lovely day, too :slight_smile:

No, and that’s been explained many times and if you’re going to continue to ignore it, then I guess this conversation is over because I don’t like repeating myself.


people have explained that the blizzard devs have acknowledged that an unconfirmed amount of people have requested player housing, but the blizzard devs have not confirmed that there will be a specific time when player housing will be coming to the World of Warcraft game.

would i be correct in my understanding here?

thank you so much for your information on this topic, i really enjoyed having this discussion with you, friend :slight_smile:

Now that the Troll is on ignore and nothing of value was lost.

Let’s actually address the OP’s point.

Garrisons were not an actual player housing system. A player housing system is something that let’s you build houses in the style you want and decorate as you see fit, in a location of your choosing. There is a lot more freedom to what you can do with a housing system than what Garrisons allowed for.

The Garrisons were a player HUB system. And one that had positives and negatives. I still use my Garrisons from time to time, but if a true player housing system were implemented, and it will be see my posts above for details, then I probably wouldn’t use Garrisons as much.

Housing would also promote new aspects to Professions, Raids, and Dungeons. It would be a huge breath of life for the game. You can look at other games with housing systems to see how players have interacted with systems like this for example.


it seems as though professions, dungeons, and raids are already thriving in their current state and wouldn’t need player housing to sustain them.

but garrisons let you choose which buildings you wanted in your housing complex and build them as you choose, in any spot within the property.

you even had the option to add a pond, a stable of mounts and an herb garden.

garrisons seem like lovely homes to me.

If I can’t /tea in a pink designer home I’d be pretty uninterested.





And false.

Sure, when you make them into something they’re not.


I see the hidden reply thing. Are they still trying to talk to me even after I put them on ignore?

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Wow…that’s just sad.

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I think all the crap he made up about the garrisons just so it can fit his narrative is sadder.


You’re not wrong. It is honestly surprising to me when people try to compare Garrisons to a housing system when the information on video game housing systems is public knowledge. A quick google search will tell you all you need to know.


Yeah I don’t get it.

I also play SWTOR and that crappy, dying game has a housing system that blows garrisons out of the water. Even FF14, which has a terrible housing system, is still better than garrisons.

Like I said, he’s just being dishonest because it supports his argument that garrisons are our player housing.

Edit: and another thing I don’t get is why anyone would be against player housing. In all other mmos, player housing, unlike the crappy garrisons, is 100% optional.


I have only ever heard someone mention that Ion mentioned that it isn’t off the tables and they are looking into it (which admittedly is Blizzard-speech for “We are working on it but can’t tell you that we are right now!”), but nothing nowhere near as specific as what you are eluding towards here.

You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find this particular interview? The only one I am aware of touching on this is the one with Hazelnutty.

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yes, there were herb gardens.

here is a wowhead guide to garrison herb gardens

Guide to the Garrison Herb Garden - Wowhead

yes you had multiple plots within your housing complex to choose where you could place your houses within the garrison.

yes, you could make your garrison housing complex contain the following houses:

  1. alchemy lab
  2. Barn (lovely to have animals at your house)
  3. barracks
  4. gem boutique
  5. gladiator sanctum
  6. lumber mill

there are many more, instead of typing out all the different types of houses you could build within your garrison housing complex, i will link the wowhead guide to garrison buildings.

Garrison Buildings - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

I’ve participated in both SWTOR and FFXIV housing. Hell I participated in Lord of the Rings Online housing. Gods that’s a memory that takes me back…Anyway the systems, while flawed, are good in many ways. I think Wildstar also had a good housing system, though the game shot itself in the foot by catering only to its hardcore player base.

But any time I see people opposing Player housing, it always boils down to them thinking it will take something away from their preferred content. “If we get player housing we’ll lose a raid teir.” Or “PVP will suffer cause they are working on housing.” Or “They won’t do class tuning cause they are working on Player Housing.”

Which I get the concern, but I think they are working to spread their resources out more so working on things like Housing, won’t take away from the teams already working on those things. And with the Warband tech requiring them to rebuild a lot of code, more than likely they are also working on ways to fix their technological limitations that prevent things like housing.

yeah that’s what i had figured was the correct answer.

thank you very much for that.

I will see if I can’t find the interview in question. Give me a moment to find it. :smiley:

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