A new take on player housing

actually yes. Final Fantasy lost players after giving them player housing and had to spend more money to demolish the player housing in game.

it is quite obvious that player housing will have the same result in WoW as well.

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actually no, sorry.

have you read the Square Enix official patch 6.3 notes?

Player Housing in WoW would be pretty cool. :slight_smile:

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why would this be true? people who received player housing in Final Fantasy 14 stopped logging into the game.

Player Housing in WoW would be REALLY cool! :slight_smile:

has been requested and blizzard devs are aware of the request but they declined to put it into WoW, most likely because they saw that player housing in final fantasy was not producing any profit.

Simple and honest, I can appreciate that. But the question is do you begrudge others for wanting said system in WoW?

you silly bean!

well this has been a lot of fun and i have genuinely enjoyed engaging in this lovely discourse.

But i have said everything that needs to be said on this subject and definitively proven that player housing will not create a profit for an MMO.

I have explained that player housing will never be profitable for blizzard and i have provided evidence to support this argument.

I will repeat the most important facts:

  1. MMOs with player housing have very low viewership on twitch.

Twitch Viewership is important for two reasons:
First, it shows that there are active players in the MMO who are interested in consuming content created for the MMO.
Second, a large viewership on twitch allows the MMO producer to make more money with advertising revenue when streaming content of their MMO’s gameplay.

  1. Player Housing has been proven to negatively impact player retention rates as can be seen in Square Enix’s Automatic Player Housing Demolition System implemented in patch 6.3
  1. Garrisons were Blizzard’s attempt to create player housing within the World of Warcraft and it was received very poorly.

Thank you all and have a lovely day.

Another great idea for housing decorations. Paintings depicting specific key moments in an expansion. These could be tied to professions to make. With Recipes dropping in new and old raids.

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you barely engaged, honestly.

I guess having a Housing Profession, one for each type of “building” style, would be better. Like, you get something like a Lumberjack for human structures, Peon for Orcish and something like a “Wisperer” for Night Elves, Crystalsmith for Draenei, that sort of thing.

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An interesting thought. I’d more say make them sub professions for each of the existing professions. Ways to unlock the different styles of decorations.

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Yea, maybe gathering lumber could be an extension of Herbalism.

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you keep repeating this bit about square enix nuking player housing that goes unused for 30 days as if that makes a point of player housing being unpopular.

it does not.

player housing in ffxiv is limited - not every player can have a house. so it’s only logical that they get rid of housing people aren’t using so others who want to have a house but can’t due to # limitations can have an opportunity to get one.

and using that as some metric of player retention? come on.


It’s a good thought. There’s a lot of ways it could be used to expand on Professions.

already starting off with a fallacy. garrisons were never intended to be player housing. it has none of the hallmarks and was simply a mildly adjustable personal hub, not housing.

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I suspect that such a function may be to help them conserve server capacity, and has nothing to do with popularity.

You are taking snippets of information and forming your own opinionated theories as to what they mean.

I simply disagree with your opinion, same as with your previous alts in other threads.


Using Twitch as a metric for anything in this day in age is just plain stupid. Just stop. No one cares about your stupid takes, and wannabe metrics that have no relevancy whatsoever. Stop. Just stop. If you’ve nothing actually constructive to add, just go away.

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