A new take on player housing

Who cares about what Twitch viewers are watching?


Garrisons were not housing, they were a mandatory base with extremely limited customization on a planet nobody wants to be on.

Proper housing is done in residential districts attached to major hubs for every race they can find time to implement. These neighborhoods exist in the world, separated by layering tech.

There’s a reason Night Elves and Worgen got a place to congregate in this patch. Like Blizz said, if they are going to do it, they will do it right. A half-baked iteration nobody asked for isn’t in the cards.


Look up Wildstar’s Player Housing.

Since Wildstar shut down, blizzard needs to rip that housing system and figure out how to do it in WoW.

Wildstar had the best Player Housing I have experienced outside of Ultima Online back in the day.

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You know I have never experienced Ultima online. Was the system similar?

Garrisons are about as much as housing, as the garden was during Pandaria.

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Different. You could almost build your house anywhere. Depending on your resources, you could build large homes as well. You knew certain crafters lived in one place or another and their homes were their shops. There was not a metric ton of customization, due to the limitations of the game, but it was fun for its time.

Funny how Palia came about with a wonderful housing as part of the game…all from couple Dev that use to work for Blizzard…see Blizzard had the talent and workers but let them go…that housing in Palia could of been housing for WoW…


Interesting. Thanks for sharing! :smiley:

and you could raid your neighbor’s house and steal all their stuff.

I wouldn’t try that in Mulgore. We’re a “King of the Castle” territory.

No we don’t and I am so tired of this argument.

Blockquote garrison /găr′ĭ-sən/


  1. A military post, especially one that is permanently established.
  2. The troops stationed at a military post.

This does not equal housing, nor will it.

Give me actual housing with taxidermy, and carpenters, let me show off my work of 20 years.


Thank you! I find the subjugation of cute critters massively empowering.

Go play Palworld if you like subjugation. That game was made for it!

Ion touched on it after DF was announced saying:


I know this is a troll but, FFXIV’s housing takes up a physical spot in the map and there are limited plots. That’s why they need a demolition system for people who don’t log in for 30 days, which can happen for a variety of reason not just “bought a house time to never log in again.” Other games with housing use instancing and do not require any demolition.

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