A new take on player housing

That’s fair. And not a bad idea. My thought was more for how they could balance it for both sides.

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i don’t think it would be a good idea to place housing near any of the major cities.

If player housing in WoW follows the same path as player housing in FF14, then Blizzard will have to create a system to demolish the player housing when players don’t log in for 30 days because it will take up space near the capital cities.

I’d love to see a bunch of racial themed groves and buildings, along with some neutral ones, too. Like I’d love a Dragon Isles house!


I think Dragon Isles and Pandaria would be perfect for Neutral housing areas.

Maybe an apartement in Dalaran?

That might be nifty. An all indoor style.

unfortunately statistics have shown that player housing will require a system to demolish the player housing when the players don’t log in for 30 days, same as Square Enix had to do with Final Fantasy 14 Online.

we know you don’t :slight_smile:


Yeah Dalaran would be good for some apartments. Some nice arcane decorations. Would be great.


well if you are interested in educating yourself regarding the PLAYER HOUSING DEMOLITION SYSTEM in Final Fantasy 14, you can find all the information you need in the official 6.3 patch notes.

here is an excerpt from the official 6.3 patch notes:

You know seeing the Ignored Content thing keep popping up is amusing. Like I’m not sure what he’s trying to prove at this point.

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yes, everyone agrees that garrisons were player housing.

the overall majority of the wow playerbase have told blizzard that they didn’t like garrisons, so why would blizzard try to create player housing again when the feedback for Warlords of Draenor Player Housing was so negative?

sorry but i would have to disagree with that statement. it is proven that player housing does not increase player retention rates or the revenue producing capabilities of the game.

this can be seen through the creation of the automatic player housing demolition system in FF14 Online.

People who got player housing were not logging into the game again for over 30 days. This became such an issue that they created the demolition system in patch 6.3

it is not proven

what about the Square Enix official patch notes that expressly and directly state that they were forced to create a Player Housing Demolition System in Patch 6.3 because players who had the player housing were not logging into the game for over 30 days?

Another good feature would be trophies from raid bosses. Have Trophies drop off of raid bosses that you can put up in your house. Would be great.



I dunno if you realize this, but nothing you’ve been saying has been relevant no matter how you repeat it.

Like, I know you’re just trolling and stuff, but something in the back of my head says you’re being serious, which is way more concerning than you just being a troll.

So I’m just gonna keep messing with you, if that’s okay (idc if it’s not).

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That would actually make me go on Raids, tbh.

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Yep! Old Republic has those! I can decorate my walls with the different difficulties of bosses I’ve killed from dungeons and raids. It’s pretty swank. Nice way to show off. :grin:

There are PvP ones, too!

And bam. Point proven on how player housing can bring more people into content!


garrisons had this already.

Guide to Garrison Monuments - Wowhead

and garrisons received widely negative feedback.

well, see the thing is that WoW is an MMO… Final Fantasy 14 is also an MMO.

Final Fantasy provided player housing to their MMO players and the result is that Square Enix was forced to create a Player Housing Demolition System because players who had the player housing were not logging into the game for 30 days.

If player housing in Final Fantasy 14 doesn’t retain players, then there is no reason to believe that player housing would retain players in WoW, either.

nope, still irrelevant.

just so you know.

I do not want player housing, there are other games for that.