A new take on player housing

whatever makes you feel better, but we both know that i’m correct.

so have a lovely day.

if wow ever gets player housing, sure ill come back and say i was wrong, but we both know thats not happening (at least not for over 20 years)

thank you for your wonderful contributions to the thread, i thoroughly enjoyed reading them and responding to them, my friend :slight_smile:

This is what goes on in my head, constantly. Just so you know.


(i don’t know how to link videos directly, so i just copypasted)

I can see your link.

I’m eyeballing the blue one too.

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I’ve seen you have intelligent conversations and good points— sometimes they just don’t come across the way you mean. Welcome to the club. LOL

Who doesn’t love Toothless?! I’m almost exalted to get the black Whimsydrake customization to make mine look like Toothless. :grin:

D’AW, THANK YOU. :heart:

I heard rumors about a live-action How To Train Your Dragon movie. :eyes:

the song has been stuck in my head for like a week now, though. makes me wanna play pokemon black/white again.


People think lore isn’t important but it is…

I don’t care about some orc fortress in an alternate timeline! I care about AZEROTH! And rebuilding the undercity and Brill…a Forsaken house!!

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I’m one of the individuals who is still trying to piece together around Pandaren Death Knights and Mechagome druids.

Yeah this was part of my first posts. I don’t want my home to be in some alternate universe that will eventually be destroyed by the Light.

I want to be in Mulgore.

Odeargodno they need to stop with this stuff. lol

Worse yet Sen…they are doing live action Lilo and Stitch.

They seriously need to not do this. OR THE LILO AND STITCH ONE.

It isn’t much of a discussion since Sendryn is being stubborn as they usually are. Although I do wonder who between me and Sendryn who is really the most stubborn sometimes…

I went and took a look at it, and unless they specify later on that they specifically didn’t want to create a player housing system … isn’t all what they are saying “We didn’t want basic housing where you pick the colour of the curtains”?

Started skimming through it but it doesn’t seem like they indicate much if anything beyond that. Doesn’t seem to be anything about it not being intended as player housing, just not the type in which you have control over minute details. So something more akin to player housing on a base-level rather than a housing-level. To borrow the terminology that they were using.

Hey, if it’s good, it’ll be good.

But yeah, it’s probably not gonna be good.

still excited about the Avatar live-action, even though it’s probably gonna be crap

Hey, it could be fun, though…

…this one, not so much.

But, let’s be real, are Disney live-action adaptations really that good, anyway? They have a track record of failure.


Beauty and the Beast was actually good. And I’m super critical of that one, because the cartoon was my absolute favorite— the original version before they fixed his stuttering voice line in one spot. That’s how critical I was. lol

That was my reaction too.

Nearly chokes on coffee Thank you, best laugh of the day. Y’know, they say a good hearty laugh is good for you. Thanks (:


This is the quote I’m talking about:

We never wanted just basic housing where you could just pick up a color or have certain NPCs be around. We wanted something that change the gameplay. And this expansion kind of offers that perfect time to do that. Come through the portal, can’t get back. We have to establish a base on Draenor.

I think this quote is pretty clear. They didn’t want traditional player housing, where you just decorate it, they wanted to give us a base that changed the gameplay.

Honestly, player housing could even help breathe new life into archaeology, giving us things to farm out to put on display


Sure, but that’s kinda my point.

It is another form or type of player housing (or in this case I guess… “player base:ing”? Doesn’t work quite as well). Just not one that played out particularly well.