A new take on player housing

His posts are IQ-dropping.

But I’m already dumber than rocks. And he’s STILL losing.


I’m thinking they have me on ignore, hence the lack of a response. We all know they’ll bite just about any bait you float by them.


true twitch drops doesnt make a game popular by itself… u measure that popularity by number of viewers.

the reason that twitch drops is relevant is that blizzard is spending money to get more people to watch WOW on twitch because they know that twitch is important to the growth of an MMO.

currently, WOW has the most viewers on twitch by a LONG SHOT… obviously player housing didnt do that much for SWTOR (128 viewers)< ESO (1500 viewers) or FF14 (5,400 viewers)

while WOW (the MMO without player housing) is currently boasting a viewership of 24,500…

wow is doing great, doesn’t need player housing… player housing hasnt helped FF14 or the others.

That’s… odd. lol

but you just… nevermind.

Yet sub counts remain stagnant.


It’s not.

It has.

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Maybe after a shower, I could feast on a delicious chicken pot pie with some mashed potatoes.

And apparently it was important and we must all remember it! (I’m lucky I remember who a handful of people are around here, let alone who posts what threads half the time. lol)

Just B being B on another alt to troll everyone and they’re all taking the bait. Some for fun, some because they don’t know better. lol

Aww… no you’re not. :dracthyr_heart:



They are a form of it. End of story. You don’t want to view them as such, then sure. Doesn’t change that they are A form of it. Most folks agree that they were broken and didn’t work all that well. And from that folks keep going “but were they reaaaaaaaaaaaally player housing” and that’s what gets you confused.

You have made a choice to not listen to differing opinions and thus’ you state things that are objectively false. The Garrison was an attempt at player housing, one that didn’t really work. But it not really working out because folks disliked it doesn’t suddenly and magically not make it player housing - it just makes it a dysfunctional form of it.

And because you start with a premise, you are committing this mistake:
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” ― Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes

Your theory is “Garrison =/= player housing” thus a differing opinion which can rationalize it through factional understanding of how player housing as a whole mechanic work both in WoW and other games, cannot be true according to you. What you are doing is insinuating that someone HAS to be wrong because it doesn’t support your theory.

Again, same problem here:
Both of these were celebrated. Why do you think folks bring up “when are Class order halls coming back” on the regular then…? Or that folks really loved the Venthyr, or The Night Fae, or Maldraxxus, or Bastion? Folks disliked the covenants because people were railroaded into having to choose between abilities rather than aesthetics and characters.

Once folks had a greater ability to pick their covenants freely, they massively increased in popularity beyond just folks pining to be part of specific covenants.

Yet you saw folks exploring the place all the time anyway. You saw folks listening to conversations, and especially on roleplay realms you would find people EVERYWHERE. Less so of course on non-RP realms but folks were still listening in to conversations and went around exploring on the regular.

And I’ll be entirely honest… I have NEVER heard anyone complain about neither Boralus or Dazar’alor being “worthless”. I have heard folks complain about boats relating ot Boralus and the stupid number of stairs in terms of Dazar’alor, but I have NEVER ever encountered anyone on social media or in-game who called either city as “worthless”.

This entire section here is summarized by this. And I have explained this. In games with player housing whose community resemble WoW’s far more closely than that of ESO or FF14 (which are the ones I have more experience with than SWTOR), player housing is centred around two aspects:

  1. Communal activities (guilds, islands, ships, crews, etc.)
  2. “Look at my cool thing, and now that you have looked at it - let’s do something else”

They are just for gathering people, and storing whatever cool trinkets one have found along one’s travels. The houses, buildings, or the rest of it aren’t nearly as important as the memorabilia which doesn’t require the same aesthetic houses you find in games like ESO.

It is. One can ask a question or for clarification in ways that isn’t inflammatory.

Asking “I don’t follow, what do you mean?” versus “I don’t follow, you don’t really understand much about this do you?”

One of those is looking for a conversation, whilst the other one is trying to devolve a conversation. Which is hilarious since you accused me of doing precisely that.

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Awww… that’s sweet…

And painfully untrue.

there is a difference between TWITCH DROPS and TWITCH VIEWERS

twitch drops are used to get twitch viewers…

the amount of twitch viewers that a game has directly correlates to its popularity.

the popularity of a game directly correlates to the game’s potential to make profits.

currently, wow has the highest viewership of all MMOS on twitch, all player housing did for SWOTR was get it a grand total of 128 viewers.

Maybe one day I’ll have a referential thread I can pretend everyone remembers.

Anyone remember my thread showing off watch mogs? No…? Okay…

It’s relevant, it’s still January.

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I know I’m sticking my nose into y’all discussion but this isn’t true.

Brewa even linked the interview where the lead designer of garrisons specifically said player housing was not what they were going for.


Still completely irrelevant.

Watch mogs are valid, but I’m gettin ready for that Love Witch attire.

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I’m so ready. I changed my name for that mog.

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I really hope we get the color variants for that set but I’m not holding my breath.

I need to know how I get the Dark purple one. I need my Sailor Saturn cosplay.

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I decided to read that entire post and I like it. Because I’m in favor of common sense.

It’d be sad if we didn’t. The blue one I’ve been eyeing for my mage. I think maybe I can work in some Celestial Observer pieces.

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