A new take on player housing

One heck of a show. I got popcorns!


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Better get to reading, furry boy!

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LOL I’ll try XD haha

And I’m not furry, I’m fuzzy!

Where are your clothes? Cover your shame!

really then why does wow have 5x the viewers of FF14?

The forums aren’t showing them! D:

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okay, sure, let’s get some numbers.

aaaaand you lost me with irrelevancy. again.



ah if you think twitch viewers is irrelevant to the popularity and money making abilities of an MMO, then you really wouldn’t understand why player housing will never make wow money.

hint: theres a reason WOW has been doing twitch drops…

The thread is a nothing burger and you drop it in without context regardless of the thread you’re in.

Because no one cared about it since July of last year. :rofl:

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I have a great idea!

Lets jump into a puddle of mud and roll around in it.

… And then take a shower because ew.

It’s popular, sure.


Sea of Thieves does twitch drops, it doesn’t mean it’s the most popular Xbox game ever.

Lol homie, you are the show.


I know! I’m such a huge zit, aren’t I!?


Nah, it’s Bula’s show now. The gnome was just the intermission entertainment.


Here’s hoping, indeed.


Round of applause to Bula!


One of the few I do have on ignore.


W… let’s not. XD

Okay then just take a shower.

Showers are good.
