A new take on player housing

I never claimed to be important at all. I’m just like you. I create threads, make responces, try to prove some points, and my guess is that whenever I say something completely that supports a clause, it gets flagged.

because it’s fun, innit

Welp, still relevant. Might as well use it myself.


Not to me! But I’ve never really enjoyed trying to engage with the IQ dropping posts.

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You’re just dropping an ad to your thread hoping someone will necro. You legit drop it with the < hidden > and type nothing else.

M+ and pvp are both crap to me alongside raiding. The entire focus on gear prog content is what keeps WoW held back and very far behind nearly all competitors.

I understand the game needs this content but what WoW really needs is for the devs to stop being complacent and stop believing they are the #1 MMO or game or that any of Blizzard’s games have such cultural impact in 2024 when there are hundreds of competing options that offer more even half the time.

General complacency and only listening to people who pat them on the back are mainly why WoW struggles today and why we don’t have housing yet, but it sounds like they’re going to possibly fix that issue in 2 expansions time.

:popcorn: offers some popcorn to Sen "Here this should at least be some mindless entertainment.

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You know me.

I even made (and mishandled) IQ-dropping threads, myself. Albeit unintentionally.

And I’ve only gotten vacation’d once!

…okay, twice. But that second time was for skirting around naughty language.

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wow is the #1 MMO… if you don’t think WOW is the #1 MMO, i would suggest you go play the game you think is the #1 MMO, because you will enjoy yourself a lot more.

Wow. I sure wish I had mind reading powers like you!

Oh wait.

What else am I to assume? You say you drop it because it’s relevant, relevant threads should be talked in, and you drop your ad with nothing else to say.

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Once again, spitting facts. Especially:

This is true. WoW is no longer #1. Right now, that title’s probably owned by FF14. Too bad the worldbuilding in Azeroth is way better, personally.

Blizz can take it back. Easily. With good player housing. And a myriad of other things.

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What if I play the #1 MMO even though I don’t think it is the #1 MMO? I’d love to hear your ramblings on this.

You should assume that player housing is a dead horse and the thread I “spam” displays clear reasoning why it perhaps won’t come to pass.

But now I’m making more assumptions! Ahhhhhhhh you got me.

I don’t know if I believe that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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let’s link some statistics to get some perspective on the issue, shall we?

twitch viewers for current MMOS

  1. WoW: 24,500 viewers
  2. Final Fantasy 14 ONLINE: 5,400 viewers
  3. Star Wars: The Old Republic: 128 viewers
  4. Elder Scrolls Online: 1,500 viewers

so we’ve established that FF14, SWTOR, and ESO all have player housing.

everyone here is so sure that player housing is so popular and such a huge money maker?

well why does wow have literally 5x the viewers of the next leading competitor of FF14?

comes back into thread almost 600 replies later

Holy… what all did I miss?

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The only Dead Horses are the ones I helped fight against the White Legs in Zion Canyon.

We can’t expect God to do all the work.

Oh, I genuinely do.


I will always love WoW, Azeroth, and its worldbuilding, the races, classes, etc. I just want more things to do, such as housing but I can think of several other aspects/areas that could easily be improved upon.

Yes, keep all gear prog content but strike a balance and add more casual things that have nothing to do with it. I know in DF they have been trying such things, but I want them to go a step further. Here’s hoping.