A new take on player housing

Right. So you can get me to take a forum vacation. Of course.

ok so what you are suggesting is the following:

you want blizzard to spend millions upon millions of dollars to design player housing assets.

you then want blizzard to spend millions upon millions more dollars to implement those housing assets into the game.

they do these first two steps FOR YOU without getting any new profits from you or any other current person paying a sub fee.

you then expect blizzard to SPEND MORE MONEY to create EXTRA assets to put in the wow shop…

there are about 10 people in this thread who are interested in player housing, so blizzard is going to spend millions upon millions of dollars for a turn over of roughly $50-$100.

Is spamming not?

You’re not very good at math and estimates, are you?

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If posted once per thread, no. Spamming constitutes of making the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and hope that poor horse isn’t dead.

If you still feel compelled to locate and flag each time I posted it, you’re more than welcome to do so.

The irony here is that you are the one beating the dead horse, while the rest of us are enjoying the one that is very much alive and well.

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It won’t be that much.

It won’t be that much.

and the hundreds of thousands of others that would think player housing was cool

I, and those same hundreds of thousands of people, would be happy to buy assets from the shops. That’s extra money from me.

WoW barely makes their money from subscriptions, anyway. It’s mostly in-game services, tokens, and shop purchases.


You do not know how exponential growth or businesses work, do you?

I have no idea why you keep whining to me about this. I would take your own advice:

Also, if you’re tired of seeing player housing thread, I would stop clicking on threads titled: “A new take on player housing.”

We’re going to keep asking. We’re going to keep making threads I would:

And I’m done talking to you so I’m gonna put you on ignore too. I had no idea you’re one of those people that snip posts and make disingenuous replies to them. You are just like that other guy.


how do you know?

how do you know there are so many people interested in player housing? have they signed a petition for you?

i do know that the only people who are going to buy these player housing assets in the wow shop are the 10 people in this thread

I don’t flag. And nice attempting to quantify spam to deflect. You linked to your dumb thread 10 times, each time with some some remark acting like you know exactly what’s up, or some emoji, or saying “we’re forgetting this” as if you’re thread is something worth remembering.

But it’s not.


Do you know otherwise?

Do you know otherwise?

You have never touched another MMO, haven’t you?

Have you even played another game?

Ten times to a single thread? Okay.

This one never gets old. :laughing:

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Yeah, ignore the rest. You are not as important as you think you are and your ideas are not the end all be all of anything.


LMAO, I will never not laugh at this.


here’s what i do know:

blizzard has mentioned player housing for the past 20 years. Someone linked some article with blizzard discussing adding player housing in vanilla.

it was an idea that eventually was scrapped in order to put out more raid content.

so the reality is that blizzard is aware of player housing, they have discussed the possibility of adding player housing in the past and still TWENTY YEARS LATER WE HAVE NO PLAYER HOUSING

if player housing was going to make blizzard any money, they would have jumped on that ship as fast as possible at SOME TIME WITHIN THE PAST 20 YEARS…

I won’t even bother reading the rest.

It’s nothing.

You don’t know anything.


you have a lovely day…

maybe blizzard will change their mind regarding player housing in the next 20 years.

I don’t know why y’all keep entertaining those two. lol