A new take on player housing

but if it is so great and useful (as you claimed), why have the wow developers over looked it for two decades?

Again, I don’t know why, you’re asking me questions that I have no idea what the answers are.

Despite what some think, that Blizzard only cares about money, the truth is that’s not entirely the case. They don’t, for example, sell all the best-in-slot equipment on their shop, which would also make them money.

I know you think you have some sort of “gotcha!” by saying “if it would make so much money, why haven’t they done it?”. Nobody knows why they haven’t done it.


i mean the reality is that player housing, regardless of whether or not it is a huge money maker, has not been implemented by blizzard in the past 20 years.

if player housing was so popular, then blizzard would have added it to their game as it would increase sub count.

and you’re right, lots of people ask for player housing all the time

yes, the devs have acknowledged that “some” (likely few) wow players would want player housing but they have expressly declined to add it to the game.

the only logical conclusion is that player housing isn’t as popular as the vocal minority would like us to believe, right?

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great ideas they need to update the garrisons, interesting ideas you had there as well!!

wrong , its a lot of dev time, they concentrate on raids which is quick and cheap while they continue to hemorrhage subs. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have my garrisons.Some bean counter is calculating the dev dollars…I think they really don’t care if wow dies.

so you like garrisons and do consider them to be player housing?

i guess thats why the devs havent made new player housing because we already have player housing located in Draenor.

We need updates though on it

why would you need updates?

you already said that garrisons are so perfect that they are the reason you continue paying a sub fee every month, right?

No, we do not.

This game has never had player housing when compared to other games in the genre. Garrisons are a half-hearted attempt if one were to use “housing” as loosely as possible.

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Yes I know that’s a reality. Not sure why you’re telling me something I already know…

Player housing is popular. In other MMOs people love it. Sims is the 10th best selling franchise in video gaming history.

And you said it yourself: people always ask for it. They’ve been asking for it as long as the game has been out. But we have no idea why they haven’t done it. I’m guessing, and this is a guess, that since WoW really doesn’t have competition when it comes to MMOs, they probably figured they could get away with ignoring this request. Save themselves money and manpower.

Have you ever played an MMO with real housing?

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i dont know… it just seems to me that the devs dont share that opinion.

you said yourself that people always ask for it… if it were actually a large majority of people who asked for player housing, we would have it in the game…

so basically, there are a few people who ask for player housing very loudly and very often, that is different than everyone asking for it.

You think you have it all figured out but you don’t. Nobody knows why they don’t give us player housing.

There are hundreds of things they could do to “make more money” but they don’t do them. Like I said, this isn’t the “gotcha!” you think it is.


Actually Ion himself did touch on this and state that it is something that has had a huge backing. And that the problem behind it is both the time it would take to develop and the technology involved. And he did say that it is an ongoing project that they are working, trying to overcome these obstacles. So Blizzard has acknowledged that a LARGE portion of the Player base wants this feature.

So it is very likely coming, it’s just a matter of how long it will take them to overcome the technological barriers.


so blizzard has acknowledged that a large portion of the playerbase wants player housing but they still refuse to implement it?

would it possibly have anything to do with the fact that raids, mythic plus, and pvp are much more popular?

so basically, ion’s answer is that player housing is just simply not worth the time investment and the monetary investment to develop the technology that player housing would require?

Not sure how popular group content is when they keep doing stuff to help the solo player.

Looking at Solo Shuffle and the new Follower Dungeons.

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solo shuffle is still a team game mode - you just queue solo.

follower dungeons - i have read that players are not happy with its implementation.

see this thread that was started recently:

guess blizzard didn’t put very many resources into this system, probably because pvp raiding and mythic plus are so much more popular than solo dungeons.

You are cherry picking words to suit your own narrative here. I ALSO said that they are continuing to work on this as an ongoing project to implement. So, in conclusion. It’s coming. It’s just taking time to overcome the barriers. So no. It’s not ‘Oh this isn’t here so this is more popular.’ Stop trying to dance around facts. Just cause someone wants something and you don’t doesn’t mean it is less popular than the things you like. Let Blizz work, and eventually the system will come out. And You’ll still have your raids and other stuff.


So, when a thread says people want player housing, it’s a “handful of people on the forum” but when a thread is created that says the Follower Dungeons aren’t that great, then it’s fact.

Makes sense.


so, has anyone at blizzard stated when we should expect player housing to be implemented into the game?

No, but again, it is them working to overcome technological barriers. When they have a concrete timetable, they’ll give it. Simple.