A new take on player housing

ok let’s try this: you currently are spending money on a wow sub correct?

I’m glad you can finally admit it and that’s always the first good step.

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Imagine trying to present math without wanting to count.

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what are you, a cop?

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Good on you, robognome. If only Bula would come to the same realization. :sweat_smile:


obviously you have an active sub for wow because only active subs can post on the forums.

what benefit does blizzard get (monetarily) from using their resources to give you player housing?

you are already paying them a sub fee, if they spend more money to give you player housing, you’re not going to give them another sub fee, they still only get $15 a month from you.

I already answered this question via shop-sold assets.

You just gonna brush that under the rug?

Toying with him is fun.

The gnome or the troll?

so they not only have to create the player housing assets for you but then they also have to spend MORE money to create EVEN MORE assets that may net them a one time fee of $5 or $10, is this correct?

No. A good step is accepting the fact that nobody on these forums is willing to listen to any damn reason because of the **** ALL mentality and MY OPINION IS RIGHT AND YOURS IS WRONG FLAGS POOOOOOOST

I don’t know why I even try. Player housing is a dead horse. Accept it and move on.

uhhh… yes.

Yes, and it won’t just be me buying them.

Is this correct?

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Fair enough, I suppose.

A lot of folks thought Classic was a dead horse, too.

Your opinion is noted.

That’d be cute if there were any reason to begin with, in your manifesto’d ramblings.

Again, You can say this till you are blue in the face, But Blizzard has said that it is still something they are discussing internally and that it is something they are actively trying to figure out how to do. So no, it is not a dead horse, you are not right, we are not wrong. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.


It probably got flagged because you’ve posted it in other threads like 8 times and treat it like Gospel.

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Because it displays relevancy. How many times did I tell you, now?

But… Garrisons aren’t player housing. So that’s where I’m confused. How does one view player housing as Garrisons when it’s not— especially someone who supposedly knows a lot about player housing? This is where I’m completely lost and having trouble understanding the viewpoint.

Class Halls were simply a medium for class story— and they were not widely popular. People complained about having to go back to them all the time for storyline. Yes, they liked having class centered storyline, but no, Order Halls were more a pain than anything else.

Covenants? CELEBRATED??? You have got to be kidding me. :rofl:

Also a pain to go back and forth to and no one remotely cared about them in any positive manner, because it gated people so badly.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: We used a tiny corner of it. And everyone complained the rest was worthless. I’m not following this at all.

I’m looking at all of the people constantly complaining about having to do stuff with other people and wondering where you’re getting this— or how Boralus even remotely fit into some sort of “communal connection.”

I have never even remotely heard any of this stuff across streamers, forums, Reddit, in game, or anywhere else and I really don’t understand what any of this has to do with player housing.

This “communal” thing you seem to want to focus on doesn’t make any sense in terms of this community at all, nor does it have any bearing on player housing whatsoever, as housing can be whatever anyone wants it to be— to which I even gave examples of how public listing work.

You’ve completely lost me concerning your viewpoints. It seems like you’re focused solely on forcing people together, rather than giving people options.

It isn’t. It was a curious question.

Because it doesn’t. And I did ask for clarification. :dracthyr_shrug:

It isn’t. But since you want to once again devolve a conversation, then I’m done with you. As usual. Not even sure why I keep trying. Have a good night.

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But it’s not an important thread. You’re spamming it. Better to necro, imo.