A new take on player housing

wow is coming out with a new expansion very soon. dragonflight was widely successful.

i dont see them making any core changes to their development philosophy when wow is in such a good place.

like here’s what i would do: if wow wasn’t giving me what i wanted from a game, i would play another game.

instead of coming to the forums to ask ion hazzikostas for player housing, you could be logging into FF14 right now and opening the door of your lovely house/dwelling structure and inviting all of your other FF14 friends inside for a lovely little party :slight_smile:

Of course it doesn’t make sense to you because you keep thinking I am talking about player housing when it comes to the Garrison. I view the Garrison as an example of player housing (because it is one way of doing it and it didn’t work). So what they did was to take the things that did work, and what we got from that were two features that are amongst the most celebrated features in the game:

Class Order Halls, and Covenants (once you could more freely pick the Covenant you actually wanted to join). Both of these felt like you were part of a community, part of a natural group of people who simply like or are the same thing as you do or is.

What the Garrisons showed was the general WoW player like that communal aspect of something one belongs to. We saw this in BFA as well, but through world building. Boralus is one of the most celebrated cities in the game because it feels like a city. Walking around it you feel like you are in a living breathing city. Zuldazar had less of this praise because of how separated several aspects of the city was, but it still received a lot of praise for its immersion.

When you are part of a community and you can immerse yourself as part of that it makes you connect with it. The general WoW player likes this communal connection to a community, and it is communal as you are made to join them explicitly. You can’t just ignore them but you end up as part of a community no matter who you are. That’s what I am talking about and that is something that Legion, BFA, and SL received praise for (in between the muck that BFA and SL were fairly criticised for).

That’s an attitude. You quite literally said here “[…] most of what you said doesn’t make much sense to me”, so instead of asking for a clarification in order to push the conversation forward - you opt to say “you really don’t know what you are talking about, do you”.

That’s an attitude, and one oh so damn common with folks who want to pretend to talk about player housing but as it gets demonstrated time and time again, no one actually wants to talk about it. Folks are just looking for echo chambers.

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Bro doesn’t know what the Forums are for LMFAO

I’m glad you can read and/or watch trailers.

Ehhh… widely? It was way better than Shadowlands, that’s for damn sure.

It’s not really in a good place, though. It’s still in recovery mode from two disastrous expansions before DF.

That’s cool, and I do this. But it’s willfully ignorant to ignore demands for change, especially if that change is arguably (and factually) a net positive for the game. AND that change seeks to keep up with the market.

I don’t play FF14 :slight_smile:

The number of player that wanted classic WoW (X) is greater than the number of players that want player housing (Y).

X > Y

For each player shown in the video I posted, that could have been $15 for a WoW sub (Plus any microtransactions they could potentially spend on retail).

:arrow_up_small: That is what they missed. Again, the opportunity was already gone.

THEN, they finally decided to give in and launch classic servers. Because of the amount of income they could generate.

My theory? Generated revenue for WoW Classic (A) is greater than Generated revenue for Player Housing (B)

A > B

Ergo, there is less motive (though its still there!) for Blizzard to implement player housing.

if changing wow’s design philosophy to include player housing would be a net positive for its yearly income, blizzard would have jumped at the chance to make player housing… but they didn’t.

why don’t you play ff14? don’t you need player housing?

You already failed with this baseless assumption.


Then yes I’m going to ignore this math because I know for a fact you can’t tell me what X or Y equals. Hell, I wouldn’t even call it math since it’s just your opinion.

Well, do you want to take the time to count all those players in the video?

Irrelevant and disingenuously pseudo-intellectual.

wow world better

This is probably some of the worst “math” I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some bad math. I can make up numbers and letters, too, you know.

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so wow is something that you enjoy playing, is that correct?

I don’t need to because it’s irrelevant. You don’t have the numbers for the people that want player housing.

I’m not even that bad at math, and that’s saying something.

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Yes, and building houses on Azeroth. :slight_smile:

I am bad at math, so I can attest that this is worse than anything I am capable of.

PBBBBBBBBBT O-KAY. Lets just ignore all that! All of it! Flush it down the toilet! My opinion is just WROOOOOONNNNNNG.

ok but there is no player housing on wow, what is it that you do enjoy about wow?

Glad we can agree!

Exactly, so I’m trying to change that! :slight_smile:

Glad you can finally see it my way.