A new take on player housing

After checking my ignore list, I think I know exactly who you’re talking about.


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…you know, that would make a lot of sense.

what would make sense is playing the games that you enjoy the most instead of trying to make other games become like the games you enjoy.

I have no idea who we’re talking about.

checks ignore list

Edit: 99% of my list is HB alts. :rofl:

It’s fine to have an opinion but when you make statements like this, people are going to ask you to back it up.

You know you have no way to prove this so I have no idea why you keep repeating it as fact.

well the fact that Ion Hazzikostas has expressly stated publicly that creating player housing would be a massive undertaking that would require they divert resources from the real money making content of wow: raids.

Ok, bud. :slight_smile:

well lets just think about this for a second, ok?

so what we currently know

  1. ESO has player housing
  2. STWOR has player housing
  3. FF14 ONLINE has player housing
  4. WoW does not have player housing

what we don’t know

  1. if wow will ever have player housing

so, why bother trying to change wow instead of just enjoying the games that you enjoy?

Good. Let them.

Raids have always been crap.

Most people play M+ nowadays, anyway.

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The same one who had a few hundred posts in the account-wide ignore thread.


If you really want evidence, there is video footage of players lining up in Nostalrius from this video.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu-JMqNTn-M

(… I don’t know why I can’t post videos anymore. Weird.)

Thousands of players appreciating classic WoW. Blizzard’s missed opportunity to make REDICOULOSLY huge income. Gone.

When they launched classic servers again, I’m pretty sure most of them came back.

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OH yeah I knew it was them. LOL I think that other alt fell off my list.

well if raids aren’t making blizzard any money, why do they continue to develop raiding content?

That’s a first, for you. Try not to strain.


Seems to trend. If they wanna compete, they’re gonna have to do something.

Because it needs to be changed?

why does it need to be changed? wow has a VERY large playerbase who currently enjoy the game as it is.

“Let’s keep the game exactly the same with no changes because that will definitely keep players!!!” :upside_down_face:

Dude, stop being disingenuous. You know that’s not what I’m talking about because that’s not what I quoted.

You’re starting to sound like that Bula person.

Because it hasn’t kept up very well with the current market.

The very large part is a bit of an exaggeration. WoW has seen a massive dip in sub count since BFA.

Are we just going to ignore the math? Like… really? Okay.

What math are you talking about? Like really.