A new take on player housing

My hope for housing in WoW died a while ago. Former WoW devs gave me Palia. So that is my consolation. lol

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I know. Bummer, isn’t it?

Wait, former WoW devs made Palia?

You are more than welcome to post and talk about your views. And others are within their rights to point out the flaws in them. This isn’t a Dead Horse. It is something that ION has said is still actively discussed at Blizzard.


Yes… yes it is.

I have a ship and an apartment to decorate in Warframe so I guess that’s my consolation. :sweat_smile: I really should give Palia a try one of these days.

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Yep. Singularity 6 is made up of some former WoW devs who wanted to create a game with a more positive atmosphere to promote a better community.

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dude, ff14 was pretty close to wow subs so not sure what your point is. at this rate, i gave wow 5 years before ff14 surpasses it. because squarenix is still about making a good overall gaming experience and wow is just lost in their endgame loop nonsense.

Again, I’m not sure why you’re calling this a dead horse. Just because something is requested a lot doesn’t mean it’s a dead horse.

Requesting classic servers back before we got them was “kicking a dead horse” because Blizzard said over and over and over and over and over again that we’re not getting them. They have not done the same with player housing…

Since I can’t tell if this was directed at me as well as the collective you, I’m gonna let you know I didn’t flag your damn post. It went gray as I was reading it.

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You can say that till you’re blue in the face. You’re still going to be wrong.


Huh. That’s neat. I tried the Palia beta, but never fully got into it. It wasn’t bad, just wasn’t the most amazing thing I’ve played.

Dunno, guess I just love the world Blizzard built. Azeroth is great and it would be nice to own a piece of it for one or more of my characters… I’m not nearly as invested in Palia’s worldbuilding to justify playing more than a few hours every six months.

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“General WoW player” =/= “Player housing”.

Which is why I didn’t say that.

I HAVE, that’s why I say it. The reason I don’t comment on the SWTOR stuff is because I have no experience of it, just that I state the things I have heard of it and then rely on other people’s take from it. Since I don’t know what it is like I can only relay what I have heard of it.

But I have experienced player housing both in the most simplest forms to some of the most complex versions of it. The most benign and simple aspects of it from Habbo Hotel, to Puzzle Pirates, to ESO, and many, MANY single player games with housing architecture - I have plenty of experience of it, and this is why I don’t think it would work in WoW. Because WoW’s playerbase has more in common with the general mentality and attitude towards activities in the game to something like Habbo Hotel and Puzzle Pirates, than what it has to ESO or FF14.

And the commonality between these types of housing you find in games like those, besides that players seem slightly psychotic, is that housing is built as gathering places. Not individual housing, if anything they existed more as gathering places where people showed off individual achievements through cosmetics or designs that were hard to get.

WoW could quite easily do something like that. But I don’t buy that the game nor the community would be all in overall for housing akin to what one sees in games like ESO.

The only example I have of this that would function in a realistic fashion is ESO. And… I disagree immensely with that, at least in regards to how ESO does it. Because the system relies on that you have access to it at all times but that it has a physical location on the map (as an instanced room of course but that it is supposed to be at one physical location or another).

And… the teleportation that was required for that was just absolutely incredibly and completely baffling and distracting because one kept asking “now where the hell am I now”.

Sendryn, drop the attitude please. Just because I don’t automatically agree with everyone who is screaming “player housing” wildly doesn’t mean I don’t get it. My perspective is different because I don’t share your view or what is easily the most common view of it (I am well aware that I’m not part of the majority opinion).

But I clearly know what player housing is on multiple levels of complexity and styles.

Because I count tens upon tens of threads created regarding player housing. It might be even above one hundred… Simple as that.

The argument here is that Blizzard would be losing out on thousands upon thousands of dollars if they didn’t launch classic servers. Player housing wouldn’t even come close if greenlit.

Wow. Some light in these trying times!

My issue with WoW housing is if it doesn’t let me do this:


Then I would instantly find it unappealing as a long term thing. So depending on what it would cost content wise (let’s say that raid tier) it’d be pretty feels bad imo. Granted, I know it’s a bias because I play both games. But I imagine there is some overlap with others who may get their Barbie/housing fill elsewhere.

(I’m not saying it would cost a raid tier, just an example.)

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Again, just because something is requested a lot doesn’t mean the topic is dead. Blizzard has not killed this topic they way they tried to kill classic server requests.

I get it. You’re tired of seeing this request but… you’re doing it to yourself. Nobody is forcing you to click on threads you know are about a topic you’re tried to seeing. The title of this thread isn’t vague.

That wasn’t my argument at all, actually. What you quoted was an example of a dead horse.

Citation needed.

I have no idea what this means.

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Because people want it.

Probably not true.

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It’s very much centered on the housing and skills, so there’s no hostile creatures and there are less quests. It’s a “cozy MMO,” as opposed to an MMORPG. So it is very different.

Except that’s exactly what you did: talked about what happened with the “general WoW player” with Garrisons.

Rift and Old Republic are instanced. You teleport there from a window. Rift’s, you clicked on the key in the list of your housing plots. Old Republic’s, you clicked on “go to stronghold” in the list of your strongholds.

And all of it has public listings if you want. People used to do contests for certain room setups or themes. Others would hold events, holidays, etc. Guilds would do the same.

First off, I asked and there was no attitude. Secondly, no one is screaming. And third, most of what you said doesn’t make much sense to me if you have all of this knowledge of player housing but keep going back to Garrisons and odd things like “this needs a communal aspect!”

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Their posting style reminds me of a certain dracthyr avatar whose name starts with “D”.

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I’m expressing gratitude in a blunt fashion. Even though expression cannot be really shown or displayed between two users over the internet.

I’m blunt because people decided to flag. It was wrong of them to do so.

I should elaborate a little bit. The argument to be had is: Blizzard would not make as much money, therefore less motive for player housing, compared to classic servers.

Remember how thousands of players lined up when Nostalrius was getting shut down? That was so beautiful yet so heartbreaking.

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only 5.4k viewers on twitch though, i dont think that’s a good sign…