A new take on player housing

nah, try out ff14, they do what wow doesn’t want to spend resources on.

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I couldn’t quit FF for good now, but I’d definitely play WoW and FF simultaneously.

Ditto. I easily spend hours just visiting and decorating my various strongholds in SWTOR. I’ve actually decided I like the fleet penthouses the best of all of them.

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No, it is not that simple. Double-edged sword.

While it remains in question if you need to progress the campaign with player housing, Garrisons required the player to have one to progress. “Forced Introvert”. It SUUUUUUUUCKED.

Also, to my beloved GD users who flagged my thread, despite it having relevancy:

Disclaimer: My opinion is mine and mine alone. Some may have the same view as mine, some may not. Regardless, if the community of GD decides to pull out their torches and pitchforks and decides to flag in an unjustified manner, you are part of the reason why the devs will not listen to us.

I was just about to type that very same thing. lol Now that all of my friends left Old Republic, the only thing keeping me there is housing. I still try to raid and pvp every once in a while, but I’m not active enough for the Sanctuary to keep me around.

and how many subscribers does final fantasy have?

i’m looking at the twitch FF14 section and it has a grand total of 5.4k viewers at the moment while WoW has 24.5k viewers

Do you know how low-poly WoW assets are compared to other MMOs?

A set of three barrels to put in your house will probably cost a few hours of work, at most.

It really won’t be that much. Dedicated asset artists do this work for dungeons and other stuff in the game, so they could just recycle and touch up.

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You are right they (the farm and garrisons) aren’t “real” housing but they were what WoW had.

Both had the bones of what you could have developed housing from. I really wish they had.

Add things. Beds. Furniture. Closets and storage. Spaces you could share. Maybe even another secondary hearthstone (like the garrison one).

Most cities have areas that would make good condos with varying numbers of rooms.

That way abandoned housing doesn’t liter the landscape, the hearthing is the same as the cloaks provide, and it gives vitality to cities.


well then if the other MMOs already have player housing and they already have higher poly assests, why are u still playing wow?

Yeah it literally is.

“Sir, should we put a mission table in player housing?”
“Naw dude, we don’t want it to be garrisons 2.0.”
“So no rechargeable trading mats, right?”

I’m not seeing the difficulty.

“Sir, should we tie quests to player housing?”


Why not? :slight_smile:

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It took them like, 7 years to get a working transmog system in place, and even it was extremely limited at the time. I’ll never miss having my bank and void storage full of weapons and armor I didn’t want to get rid of. The game not having housing yet isn’t all that surprising to me. I’ve got a feeling that it’s coming in the new few years though.


You’re thinking like a FF14 player.

Other MMOs phase their housing so this doesn’t happen.


Say it with me now…

Real :clap: player :clap: housing :clap: is :clap: not :clap: Garrisons :clap: nor :clap: do :clap: they :clap: function :clap: the :clap: same. :clap:

I truly do urge you to go play Old Republic and learn all about the ways in which player housing in an MMORPG is not like Garrisons before you continue further in this mindset.


As of a few weeks ago, they have 30 million. How many does WoW have? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

i really want to believe :frowning:

I’ll stick to hoping. Hopefully.

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I think so too. Garrisons are pretty awesome. They just need a little creativity and TLC to expand on them a bit and also make them a little more relevant to current expansions.

I’ve got no hope. Just a gut feeling. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well then, that is your view and I respect it. But so long as these forums decide to kick SO MANY DEAD HORSES, I see no problem reposting mine, as that is my view.

And because these forums decide to flag such a post in an unjustified manner, I’m going to copy it. Flagging it like that is against the CoC and you people wonder why the devs are not listening to us.

The devs rarely listen to us, anyway.

For anything.