A new take on player housing

Oh, thanks for reminding me.

Runescape is another MMO that has a robust player housing system that doesn’t detract from the main part of the game. In fact, for some, it’s endgame content.

I love how you treat it like some manifesto.

It’s not that original of a thread.

isn’t runescape no longer active nor supported by its creating company anymore?

This is America. That’s only like 10-12 people…

I would bet you love a lot of the things I do just to bring up your inner troll.

Please keep replying we are grateful for the constant bumps! Thank you for doing as I asked I love when people are so helpful and compliant!

This is exactly how we got High Elf skin and hair colors for Void Elves, people like you constantly saying “it’s not coming!” and continuing to feed these discussions to even greater heights! Keep up the great work! <3

No, it is. Very much so, in fact.

Just released an entire new skill and they have regular updates.

All of the MMOs I’ve listed have active developers and players so idk what this argument is about?

damn, i responded to him

that is just simply wonderful news… you already have an MMO with player housing! congratulations, that is fantastic :slight_smile:

so you don’t need player housing in another MMO then, right?

I miss RP. :frowning: It’s been so long… sniffles

Ironic, considering there are more adults playing Palia right now than kids… and a lot of former WoW players… :thinking:

It does have great story! But it also has everything else WoW has.

You can’t learn anything about player housing from Garrisons. Because people don’t stay in their player housing like we did in Garrisons. Player housing isn’t built around getting quests there, doing dailies there, gathering there, etc.

So to say “we can learn how people would react to player housing through Garrisons” is not even remotely correct.

Warbands is just Legacies from Old Republic: a way to more easily make things account wide.

I think you might want to try out a few games with player housing first to decide that. Even Rift’s system, which was way too stupidly complex at times, fit in well and it was just a side thing if people wanted. And that game back in its day, was absolutely WoW 2.0 with a similar community— had Trion not flitted off to make other games and left it to die, it would have still been thriving alongside WoW.

Instanced housing with public listings to visit others is the best way to do housing.

You really don’t know what player housing is, do you?

thanks :slight_smile:

no, i do :slight_smile:

But what makes it a dead horse? They have never said “absolutely not happening.”

Garrisons have nothing to do with player housing.

What’s new? They’re toxic about every subject. So my response to that is “so what?”

The way to not have WoD 2.0 is to just not have WoD 2.0. It’s really that simple.

but why? for what purpose?

Why not? :slight_smile:

You’re wild, homie.

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because it would cost blizzard alot of time and money to create, which was expressly stated by Ion Hazzikostas.

No, it probably won’t.

Ion is factually wrong. :slight_smile:

Are you actually him, though? Can’t seem to get the taste of Blizzard out of your mouth.

If you actually read the thread Tovi, I explained CLEARLY why Player Housing would create some problems. If you need another refresher, allow me:

If Player Housing is launched with the same mechanics as garrisons, we have a WoD 2.0.

If Player Housing is launched without any mechanics similar to garrisons, its merely a RP property. “Wasted resources” that could detract from the original payload of the next expansion. And then what do you know. Everybody is a forced introvert. I’m not a fan.

do you have any official sources to confirm this statement?

attimis makes a very good point here…

Devs literally slipped up and hinted to Taliesin at Blizzcon that some form of player housing is coming, I’m guessing in Midnight because they said it’ll have features that “knock player’s socks off”. And that also lines up with how they’ve sacrificed the final raid tier from both SL and DF. Personally I want to live in Bel’Ameth! Or maybe Quel’thalas!

Where are you excited to live when it comes?

People like him who give their opinions on player housing without ever having touched player housing in any other game just boggle my mind. They have no idea what they’re even talking about. lol