A new take on player housing

I didn’t say War Within, I said Worldsoul Saga, most likely in Midnight based on Dev comments.

I will! I’ll bookmark this and we can come back when I’m living in my Kaldorei themed player housing!

Maybe yours can be Raid themed since you love them so much!


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I’ll give you the theory. That should sum up what player housing would be guaranteed to do:

If player housing were to be introduced into the World of Warcraft, there are two conditions that will already take effect: One condition where, if Blizzard developers greenlights player housing ONLY for RP purposes, the budget for that expansion will be shorter – and we might miss out on other components to the game. The other condition is that, if Blizzard developers greenlights player housing and includes some features from a garrison, then we have a WoD 2.0

Yo, what? Did that dude link his own post just for it to get flagged?

Maybe it should have been dismissed.

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This game is rated T for Teen, chief.

oh wonderful, please provide evidence of these “dev comments” as you describe.

thank you so much.

because if there are no dev comments regarding this, then there is no reason to expect it :slight_smile:

Huh, I could’ve sworn folks back in my old high school praised it for the story rather than anything else and I can’t remember anything else besides that from other folks. Like I know it did the ever popular thing back in the day of following the model that WoW set out but I could’ve sworn it was more story-based … welp.

You live and learn something new every day.

It comes back to the same thing I have been saying this entire time, because regardless of whether one wants to view Garrisons as player housing or not (for the reference, I do) we did learn a few things about the general WoW player from it. And as a community we are a whole lot more communally oriented than we are individually oriented.

As per folks’ generally feeling a sense of… strange happiness back then when Taanan jungle released. Not so much for the content but rather it was a genuine reason to actively be outside of your garrison. I remember folks being weirdly and distinctively happier after that point, although this is about as much of a personal pseudoscientific observation possible. Regardless though following into Legion with the Class Order Halls and later Covenants, folks quite liked the communal aspect in general.

So this idea of personal housing in WoW especially as folks compare it to other games just doesn’t … it doesn’t feel like it would work. There are ways of making it work, and there’s things one can do. Personally I think part as to why Warbands are a thing in The War Within is because they have rejiggled things so it would be possible for us to set up some kind of a “camp” with it being populated with our actual characters, rather than it being just for the login screen.
It is pure speculation but it fits with everything that we do know that has actually been said. And because of the Vulperan racial being able to set up camp anywhere in the world and even create an object in the world visible to other players, it feels like they have been building up the technology to make some kind of a “personalized warband camp” as a possible thing. This is pure speculation, but I don’t think full player housing really fits into the game … but I do think us having some sort of a regular camp that we can customize and interact with would be a plausible thing to add to the game.

And this wouldn’t be as big as your own personal “house” as that would separate folks away from each other. But if it was possible to have camps that people could interact with in some capacity, that doesn’t necessarily need to be locked away as a specific building but could exist far more freely out in the world as well as making more thematic and logical sense than a dwelling that our characters rarely if ever would return back to.

But just to simply summarize my point as to what I meant:
Personal “housing” doesn’t make much sense in WoW in my mind, but if one could have a version of it that doesn’t separate people into their own specific houses, then that could work. But without an active communal aspect, and as it also is required to be an at least psuedo-evergreen system, we can’t “anchor” ourselves to one particular spot either.

So the only way to make it work in my mind is to make the thing work as a social system of some kind. Whether it is via other players, or populated by NPCs. Which ultimately would probably also create circumstances surrounding it which would make it not feel quite like “player” housing.

If it got flagged, then the flaggers are in pure denial. The thread has relevancy to this one.

It’s a [REDACTED] place.

Actual shady stuff goes on in MG-Goldshire. Can’t talk about it on the forums because the language used would be bannable.

If you plan on going MG-Horde, PLEASE go to Goldshire and wreck everyone flagged for PVP. Would be so funny.

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Yeah I’m sure they did. It has the best leveling experience of any game I’ve played but just because it has a great leveling experience doesn’t mean they didn’t do all the traditional MMO-type stuff.

Should have just left it, idk.

Nope. People keep kicking the dead horse. So I bring it up. I’m guessing you’re one of them that flagged it.

I do not need to, I have 0 reason to try to convince you, an obtuse troll, of anything. I know what’s happening, the rest of us are on the same page, you’re trying to be a troll and failing miserably, and despite your complaints we will be enjoying our player housing! Thank you for keeping this thread bumped with your replies I’m sure OP appreciates your help!

Have a blessed and highly favored rest of your weekend!


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oh its fun times, mostly. at least the times i’ve had there with her. its a dirty place but i never seen anything worse than i’ve seen in trade chat anywhere else anyways.

but yeah, RP servers are likely the closest experience to FF14 wow will ever have. playerwise. besides that nonsense.

But it’s not a dead horse and sometimes kicking a dead horse works. Just ask the people playing classic.

As I said, children. Teenagers are children and want weird things. Leave that stuff for RuneScape.

this is quantifiably and mathematically factual

and i’m mad about it

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You’re more than welcome to assume that.

Its been a dead horse for years. People complained about the garrisons and everybody was toxic. That thread is to remind them of what player housing would do again in the event the devs launch it.

EDIT: I shouldn’t say “everybody”. I should say… TONS of people.

I’m super tempted to give it a necro. But we all know how that is going to turn out.

Yes, I know, and I pointed out you’re playing a game for children.

Right… btw nice ̶P̶o̶k̶e̶m̶o̶n̶ pet collection.

i wouldn’t go that far, there have been no dev comments saying that player housing is coming.

in fact, there has only been developer comments confirming that player housing is not coming.

There is an Icy-Veins article titled, “Ion Hazzikostas on Player Housing and Archaeology”.

in this article, Ion Hazzikostas stated

It’s very time-consuming and would cost us for example a raid tier.

since we have our raid tiers already set and ready to go, i think its safe to say that there will be no player housing in the world soul saga.

it was truly lovely having this discussion, but this is the end of the discussion as I have confirmed my position with two official articles.

have a lovely day :slight_smile: