A new take on player housing

as i’ve commented before. garrison was their version of housing for that expansion. it wasn’t meant as proper player housing like we’re talking about but it was meant as a version of housing for one expansion and it did work like that quite well but was never meant as a real housing gimmick.

i get either sides point on this but they did mention it was a version of housing.

How many raids did we get in BfA? Don’t bother checking, Ill tell you - we got 5. How many raids are in Dragonflight? Hmmm, that would be 3. Seasons? Right.

That is seriously one of the biggest load of Tauren droppings I’ve seen here in a long time. And as for people not subscribing - do people not subscribe because Transmog was introduced? Or any of the other social/casual level content? Really mate, you need to get a grip.

Even a failing game like Wildstar was kept going as long as it was because of its excellent housing system. And little Palia is thriving because of its housing system. ESO has one of the most detailed, massive housing systems in MMOs and people love it. I don’t even want to get into housing in Final Fantasy…

You need to widen your field of vision.


see even Styg agrees with me that garrisons are player housing.

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What’s the time stamp because I don’t see it. I’m looking at the transcript on the side.

And what I copied and pasted would be contradicting themselves if that’s what they said.

The “mister potato head” model is also all that WoW is capable of doing.

They can set up some interaction points, they can create a menu where you can put one of a limited number of items there.

It’s how everything works in WoW. It’s how dragonriding customization works. It’s how transmog works. It’s how the garrisons worked.

That’s the limits of what the engine can handle.

WoW isn’t even a game where you can drop something on the ground and then pick it up again, remember…

But that’s not what they said. What they said was they didn’t want to do housing and they wanted to give us something more.

When EVERQUEST of all things has more housing things than WoW, there is a very serious problem.

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this just shows that blizzard makes all of their money from people who like to engage with raids.

this is why raiding is the main focus of every expansion.

People with notions of freeform building like KSP or Subnautica or whatever… WoW just can’t do that.

They can do the garrison.

“The garrison is unacceptable,” they say.

Okay. We’re done here, then.

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its quite easy to see where they discuss garrisons and how garrisons were their vision of player housing.

Exactly all of the examples you were given on what people would like for housing had nothing to do with freeform building.

They’ve already said player housing isn’t going to happen for a long time, not as easy as just adapting garrisons and moving them to vacant lots on Azeroth. I mean one issue Garrisons had was there wasn’t many reasons to leave your garrison, quests got you almost everything and all your crafting was in the garrison for the most part. They gave you an herb garden, a mine, a lake to fish and a place where they’ll skin animals for you giving you leather and meat. I’ve got a feeling Blizzard doesn’t want housing to be a repeat of garrisons, they want people out there adventuring and slaying mobs and such…not sitting in a digital house decorating or what have you

this is what i loved most about my housing complex in Warlords of Draenor, the lovely herb garden where i could tend my own plants after spending a nice sunny afternoon dipping my feet in the wonderful fishing pond next to my house.

i loved warlords of draenor and my lovely house.

well i dont’ know what they said in that video. i remember at the time it was mentioned that it was a housing system just not a ‘proper housing system’ like most want that would continue throughout the game.

i’m not here to argue anything really. i’m just speaking what i recall and that doesnt’ mean its right but that was always the gist of what devs mentioned when it came to garrison and housing. they also mentioned they scrapped their real housing project because they didn’t want to invest the resources into it.

its rather sad though because we see plenty of mmo’s on lower budgets doing the housing system so blizzard saying they dont’ want to spend the cash is just shameful. they could have hired one single artist 10 years ago to focus on decors and we’d have a nice housing system at a rather low cost, considering the return.

The problem is that people like this don’t realise what a huge impact PH can have on the game, gamewide. Even those who don’t participate in it can benefit from it.

Every craft, every profession, every activity, can have a direct connection with PH.

You can pick up patterns and housing items in raids and dungeons. You can find them in treasures, fish them up, learn a new craft (like Carpentry or Stonemasonery) to make use of them, get them from achievements, buy them on the AH, have them in events, the list is huge. Uninterested players can make gold supplying things to those who are, you could set yourself up as a carpenter to supply tools, or as an interior designer to design a home…I could sit here all day and come up with ideas.

The houses could provide what ESO’s do - an extra portal across the game. So you can port to your house, wherever it is. The potential is enormous.

I just can’t grasp why some can’t see it for the enormous, fun, gamechanging thing it could be.

It’s why a lot of the housing systems have things incorporated into the content of the game. Like in FFXIV where you get housing objects and designs from Raids, Trials and Dungeons. Where Crafting includes many decoration styles.

Same with ESO and SWTOR.

Adding those rewards to the content saw players farming that content almost obsessively. Playtime went up by a lot. There’s a way to make the system good for all content. So it doesn’t have to be just ‘Standing around’ in your house.

Everyone understands that just fine.

The real problem is that a bunch of you don’t understand the limitations of WoW’s engine.

You can have updates to the garrison.
You don’t want that.
Okay. Discussion ends, there.

Because they want to pick weird hills to die on apparently. Imagine the amount of gold making people could do from selling housing things! Millions. I would spend literally millions of gold on housing. I would go into debt with a gold loan shark to spend those millions.

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I did copy and paste it:

We never wanted just basic housing where you could just pick up a color or have certain NPCs be around. We wanted something that change the gameplay. And this expansion kind of offers that perfect time to do that. Come through the portal, can’t get back. We have to establish a base on Draenor.

So they specifically did not want to do player housing, which is one reason people get irritated when they call the garrison player housing.

It was a base that was phased. That’s it.

Then all they have to do is not repeat it. Nobody wants them to repeat it anyways.

We don’t want a garden, mine or mission table. We just want to hang curtains and move our couches around.



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