A new take on player housing

sure i’ll want more, then they have a reason to add a style or two every expansion. they can throw new items in the store and fund the new artists they have to hire for housing. its a simple test they can just ditch if they dont’ like the result and investment. but i highly doubt they would turn back once they start.

token price would likely skyrocket if they have rare, high value decors items drop in raids and the like that people can sell in trading post. and they’d profit off that also.

Blizzard has nothing to gain from expanding garrisons, though.

If you ask the average WoW player, “Would you like the garrison expanded? New buildings, new decorations, new customizations, maybe move it to the current expansion?”

The average WoW player will say, “Yeah! That sounds great!”

So why doesn’t Blizzard do it?

Because it would be nothing but negative publicity for them.

The average WoW player would think it’s great. But right there on the front porch, screaming at the tops of their lungs, for months, will be all of the “REEEEEEEEEEE GARRIONS AREN’T HOUSING! REEEEEEEEEEE GARRIONS AREN’T HOUSING!” people.

There’s no upside for Blizzard in that. Better to just develop the game in other directions.

don’t you see the big problem with this? if they scrap an entire raid tier for your housing, then you’re going to want more and they’ll have to give up even more raiding for more housing… it just is going to become too much.

Mr Hazzikostas is the Game Director of WoW, not the Lead Game/Encounter Designer. He may have held that position previously but it is not his job now.

His job, apparently, includes already reducing the number of raids each expansion. Despite not including player housing. So what he says and what he does seem to be two different things.

No. Because if I, and others, love this game (which I do) there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for something that would improve their game experience. And for me, player housing done well would vastly improve my game experience.

And it would do the same for many others. Just because you may not like it doesn’t mean it can’t be considered.


I would spend an unhealthy amount of time on an ACTUAL player housing system. My play time would go through the roof.


we get a new raid with every season, along with new mythic plus and new rated pvp rewards.

we would have to get rid of all of that to give people player housing.

and then wow would lose alot of subscribers because most players don’t really care that much about player housing.

Same dude.

I spent hours in each of my strongholds in SWTOR.

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but you’re just one person with one sub fee… compare that to the literal millions of raiders across the world, each giving blizzard a separate sub fee

they dont’ have to scrap a raid tier, as i said and ion said, doing two art styles like garrisons wont’ impact raids since that didn’t impact raids. they said they can’t do more than that per expansion though without it doing it. so what i said works precisely how ion said it would. no impact to raids with just 1-2 styles per expansion. and if they profit of it, they can hire their artists for sick decors people will pay for.

besides, they can reuse old assets for raids, nobody cares what raids looks like anyways. they just want to down a boss and get stuff.

Like in FF14 I spent a solid MONTH, barely sleeping on getting all the little things I wanted for my house. And even then I didn’t stop, I just started to sleep more cause health reasons xD

but ion expressly stated that giving the players housing would make them scrap at least one raid tier.

They said the opposite.

Your move.

I never really understood the desire for player housing until I played New World and started decorating my own place w/ chandeliers, tables, beds etc. I’m pretty sure certain professions could craft generic furniture pieces. There were also pictures? you could hang on the wall that gave you world buffs, if I remember correctly. It’s really all a blur now. I can see how a person could get a lot of enjoyment out of this.

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now you’re just trolling because he clearly said otherwise.

thank you very much brewa, that is a very good point you brought up.

garrisons were player housing.

its not really my thing but its fun and my second half enjoys it. she also watches hgtv way too much…

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But… you just linked the video where they said they aren’t houses.

Cory Stockton said it:

We never wanted just basic housing where you could just pick up a color or have certain NPCs be around. We wanted something that change the gameplay. And this expansion kind of offers that perfect time to do that. Come through the portal, can’t get back. We have to establish a base on Draenor.

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Ion Hazzikostas Article on Icy-Veins entitled

Ion Hazzikostas on Player Housing and Archaeology

He stated this expressly which icy-veins directly quoted him:

It’s very time-consuming and would cost us for example a raid tier.

You left out the sentence where he says it’s housing.

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I mean… again.

Threads like this are why housing in WoW is dead.

You guys shot yourselves in the foot, on this one.

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