A new take on player housing

i wasn’t a big fan of garrison. not as ‘housing’. it was a fun to build up but i wasn’t much into most of what it actually did. though i do agree with you.

housing wise i’d be happy with a teleport to house and purely decorations.

if it’s a lot system of some type with many house options around or just located inside cities, then no bank or vendors available in the house. make them available nearby. if its separate from cities/etc, then i’d like storage and at least reagent vendor and repairs. with some hard work involved in getting them in the first place.

i want a large time investment in housing, the basics being simple but the good stuff only for dedicated house gnomes. because, i wouldn’t be a house obsessed one and i’d probably not ever get them but i know my second half would have it all. but that’s on me and my priorities in the game. just like if i dont’ prioritize raiding/m+ i likely will never get top end gear, and don’t need it. nobody even needs mythic gear in this game except people that do mythic raids. well, except they let it ruin random bgs for some reason…

Why not?

it would be available like two steps away, make it more like a city. makes no sense to have some banker in your house if the bank is a 5 second flight away.

i mean, sure add it but its just weird to me to do that if i have access to it in a city. RP wise, why would i have a banker in my house, next to me while i’m typing this when i can just go to the bank two blocks down. it would be a waste of money ‘hiring’ a banker to come to my house.

yeah, i add logic and its a game. but some things should make some sense.

nothing stopping them from doing it, i wouldn’t do it myself.

if its a house hub, it would add activity having people go to the bank, ah, etc. makes the game more alive.

that said, i’d prefer to have it all in house for QoL, but you want people to see other people also in ‘your game’ if you’re a dev.

I think it’s weirder to not have a safe in your house.

I mean, who says your bank needs to be a person?

Player housing will never be revived nor expanded on as long as the people who “want it” refuse to even acknowledge it exists.

There’s no point in Blizzard expanding on it because the people it is meant to satisfy refuse to be satisfied with it.

i get it. just my reasons listed in my post above yours. not arguing i’m right, pointing out reasons for it though.

Garrisons are not housing. Never been housing. Never will be housing. It was meant as a player hub for one of the worst expacs to be put out. Sure WoD is decent for leveling now, but really outside of that, do you really go back to it for any real reason, save as a hearth to go somewhere else?

They are, but thank you for being Exhibit A why there will never be more player housing in WoW.

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They really aren’t. And anyone who has seen what ACTUAL housing in the vast majority of every other MMO has been will NEVER and I mean never think it is housing.

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see the biggest issue with this is that it is such a LARGE UNDERTAKING and blizzard has stated that they simply do not have the resources to create player housing without taking important things away from the majority of the playerbase.

honestly, i would agree with the Lead Game/Encounter Designer Ion Hazzikostas, we should have a raid every season and creating player housing would mean that we have atleast a whole season, if not a whole expansion, with no raiding.

i think alot more people would be unhappy if we had a full expansion with no raids.

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So because someone prefers certain activities and doesn’t enjoy others, you ‘suggest’ they go elsewhere?

Way to go, mate. I dunno if you have noticed but the casual/social player probably contributes significantly to keeping this game going.

well Lead Game/Encounter Designer Ion Hazzikostas has expressly said that the developer team at blizzard would have to give up creating raids in order to create player housing and that isn’t something they want to do.

I mean, if wow isn’t giving you what you want, i think it would be a great idea for you to find another game to play that better suits your needs, right?

This is a good point. I personally don’t mind whether it came with amenities. I have no qualms against running back to Orgrimmar.

I’m sure you’ve seen it a lot, people rush right out to shout that cities will be deserted.

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but they said it would be a large undertaking if they did more than 2 like garrisons. nothing stops them from only adding 1-2 styles per expansion which would be the absolute best way to implement the system anyways because people will want MORE and will come back for MORE. makes no sense to add a crazy housing system with 50 art styles if they want it to be a system they add on to every expansion to draw players in.

the initial basic housing system should just be using art that’s already in the game, and should require minimal work to just make the items decorations, that shouldnt’ even be artist related in the first place.

obviously they dont contribute as much as the raiders and pvpers because that is the main focus of blizzard’s development…

it is only the main focus because their numbers show them that raids and pvp make them money.

Fun fact, casual gamers are why WoW is still alive. If it was only the 1% at the top end of raiding/M+, the game would have gone the way of Wildstar.

it becomes a slippery slope, though, right? once they give you a little bit of housing, you’re just going to want more which is going to cost them alot of developer resources

But they aren’t. They even said in an interview that garrisons are not player housing :slightly_frowning_face:

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if that were true, then raiding wouldnt be the main focus of blizzard development.

Beg your pardon but I am a Boomer and own my own home in real life and would love to have some housing in this game come about…I think it would be great for esp us older players that don’t raid or pvp…give us something else to do in game…