A new player's thoughts on this game

So I started playing this game approximately one month ago. My previous MMO of many many years is being sunset and I wanted to find something else. After playing HotS many times and having my favorite character be Illidan, I figured I’d make a demon hunter and try to have some fun.

So far, I’ve focused heavily in Legion and Dragonflight. The story telling and general presentation in the game is great. As someone that came from a very heavy story-driven MMO, this was a step down in some respects but the overall feel of the game, the scope and the characters are just really interesting. The world zones are varied which is a huge plus. Keep doing what you’re doing, Blizzard. While I haven’t seen much of the other expansion minus a zone here and there for Mythic keystones everything just seems amazingly crafted.

The combat part 1, wow, chef’s kiss. My previous game was more animation locked, and while they tried to improve it over the years there just wasn’t much that could be done thanks to the awful engine. But this game just feels snappy and extremely responsive for the most part. It’s very enjoyable. I just completed the Mage Tower challenge today and that was incredible. So glad I stumbled on that (more on stumbling into things later).

The combat part 2. Group content really feels hit and miss in this game. Dungeons seem fine, mythic dungeons have fun and engaging mechanics and a lot to learn as a new player. It’s rather chaotic at first, and borderline stressful. Thankfully, my experience with the WoW community in game has been exceptionally positive. The few times I’ve spoken about being new I’ve been treated with a great deal of respect. Mythic keystones have been a great grind so far. There are some dungeons that have mechanics that blend into the floor, which in my opinion, is a really poor design choice. The time traveling dungeons where you fight the dragons with the little gnome mage. So much “sand” on the floor with tan/brown AOE effects. It’s frustrating to take damage or get stunned because the mechanics are blending into the background.

The combat part 3. I’ve only done the base level raid difficulty, but it just feels like a a wagon of chaos. There is so much going on, and very little is clear. I don’t know boss names, but there are so many that have matching colors for mechanics as the floor similar to a few of the dungeons. There’s a boss that looks like she’s part of a tree or a flower. The ground is green, and there are green swirls all over the place that you have to avoid. While there are dozens of players running around & abilities going off. That same boss has a teal line that falls from above that nearly blends into the floor that stuns you if you touch it. Extremely frustrating to get hit by mechanics you can’t really see. There is a boss with reddish floors and red swirls, etc… The game feels like it’s being hamstrung by immersion, or perhaps the people making the art don’t understand what they’re making it for? It just feels really disjointed from being a “game” first.

World layout is awesome to behold, but really confusing to navigate & learn. In Dragonflight there feels like there are at least half a dozen various vendors that are of critical importance to gear upgrades, or profession upgrades that are simply not shown on the map. There’s one guy that I found in a cave in the middle of the plains that seemed to be an important profession character that I’ve never been able to find again. The various “machines” that have gear upgrades or gear transfusions where you turn something into a set piece are also not on the map and are very difficult to find. Again, as a new player nothing in the game explained the importance of any of these things and trying to remember what they are, where they are, and what currency is needed was a bit overwhelming. It feels like, as a new player, you just stumble into things without having an explanation of just what you’re stumbling across, and what exactly it will do for you later on. I get that you probably want people out and about doing things - but from a gameplay perspective, having these kinds of “vendors/machines/upgrade terminals” all in a central location would be ideal. Or, at the very least, have them all noted on your in-game map so you know what is where.

There are so many collectibles that I feel like I have a lifetime of stuff ahead of me. It’s insane and I’m excited for it.

I appreciate everything you’ve crafted in the game, and look forward to what’s in the future. I just hope you’ve heard feedback similar to the above and might be taking measures to not repeat the visual issues.


Which one?


careful here.


This is Nymue.

You want to stand in the little bushes with circles around them. They deal damage to the whole raid but if you stand in them long enough (or more people stand in them with you) they disappear.

For lines watch little orbs falling from the sky these will indicate where the lines will appear and than run around them.

You are correct that this boss (and this raid in particular) is a problem with mechanic colors matching the environment. One thing you can do to help is to go in and use the color blind options (I find option 2 works best) this makes the colors contrast a bit better.



retail is really hard to get into, classic is actually a better introduction because retail is a thousand bandaids over older content. even though I ultimately prefer retail


Great post and welcome to the game!

I think it’s really impressive that you were able to overcome the mage tower while only having played the game for a month. Amazing!


This is probably to turn in profession knowledge. If it is you can turn in these to learn more points to use in your crafting tree:

She can be found here:




This is a huge amount of information and you are likely to have to ask someone as there are tokens you get that can be traded for tier set gear. There is the catalyst that can change normal gear into tier. There is also crafted gear but that requires multiple currencies, finding the vendor to sell the item to make the crest, getting the crest crafted than crafting the gear.

If you ever have questions you can usually ask in trade in a major city. Just type /2 and than your question.

There is another channel you can join I think its channel 4 but there are mentors who are there to help guide you. You should see a green flag above their head.

Alternatively you can google it (unfortunately a lot of mentors will tell you to do this) or ask here on the forums.


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You have been playing World of Warcraft right? Just checking.

Great post, ya in some games they put all important venders and quest NPCs in same area so some players expect that here too but these devs can be sneaky, and its like they expect you to visit a site to tell you where everything is for upgrades. Websites seem almost mandatory like addons, you didn’t mention addons, did you survive this far without any?


I’m debatting telling you about an addon called All the Things. It shows you how much of the game you have completed/collected.

I think for a new player its not necessary and might actually drain your positivity seeing how much there is as its overwhelming even for players who have been at it for years.

Once you get used to the game though its a great tool and I highly recommend it.



Yeah, wow’s combat is for sure one of the cleanest I’ve played.

Yeah, sadly mythic dungeons and mythic plus has a decent barrier to entry. Need any tips though, I’d be happy to help.

Blizzard has been and always be bad about this. “Dodge the green circle in the green room on the green floor and the sky is green as well, while the boss throws green balls of crap at you.”


If you die to that boss I hope he wishes you a happy Saint Patricks Day.

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Top of the mornin’ te ya lass.


So I don’t know how to quote reply to the various questions - so hopefully those of you that asked will see this.

@ Sendryn: I played SWTOR since it launched. It’s being handed off to a “life support” developer and it breaks my heart.

@ Moo: Yep that’s the boss, yep that’s the vendor, and finally yes I’ve been googling a lot of stuff. Part of the problem is because the information in the game is sometimes so cryptic or not explained well, it’s hard for a new player to KNOW what to google.

@ Tricks: I had heard that addons were big in this game, so I went through “Curse” and looked at the most popular ones. Then I found a UI called ElvUI and have been using that for several weeks.

@ Malgronk: Mythic keystone dungeons have been super fun overall.


It’s crazy that you didn’t even need to say Nyume but based on this, anyone who’s done the fight automatically knows that it’s Nyume.
I have my own particular thread about this myself (Can we please stop making mechanics of an encounter all the same color?)
I’m glad you’re enjoying the game and getting an overall positive experience. If you don’t have a solid M+ group to run with, my push group is looking for a DH and newer players are great since they have less bad habits (and egos) built up from years of playing, making it way easier to work with them.
Hit me up on bnet sometime and we can run some together! My btag is RavageDionne#1430, and I’m primarily active in the late afternoon (EST) and all night on the weekends unless something comes up.
Either way if you decide you’re fine on your own/with your own group, it’s actually heartening that this didn’t turn into some of the horror stories I hear from people’s fresher experiences to WoW.

edit: I see you’ve met our tank, Malgronk, already.
This is excellent.



Welcome to the game! Good time to be a demon hunter.

Gotta get some cool mounts now! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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There’s a red circle on Mythic.

If not removed (with multiple players soaking) in 10 seconds, it wipes the entire raid.

The red circle CERTAINLY stands out. Which is good since it’s a fast raid wipe if not handled immediately.

(So the green design actually makes sense, once you’re playing with all the fight mechanics implemented.)


It’s honestly a good mythic fight for its place in the raid. Then again it comes right after the council fight so anything would be good in comparison :thinking:.


I hate Council so much.

(EVERYONE I know hates Council…)

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It’s just a bad fight. Nothing about it is worth salvation.