A New Hope

Once again, exaggerate and minimize.

The one you fail so often to post and constantly misrepresent? Yeah, we’re all aware of what the interview actually says and it doesn’t agree with your assessment.

So, the fringes of the fanbase that are as irrelevant (but not nearly as noisy) as the NEFPA?

You’re right, Blizzard said Horde was wrong.

Your false dichotomy is also proven false by how the story has and is playing out.

Literally isn’t.


I can and will. Because I nor any other posters are beholden to you and the other fringe posters.


The story says you’re wrong. That’s why Tyrande is going to SL, that’s why Thrall promised Sylvanas’ head to Tyrande.

No matter how much you kick and scream, that part of the story is carrying forward into SL.

In a different expansion. Just because you’re impatient doesn’t mean stuff isn’t happening. Again, you aren’t special.

Now you’re minimizing what happened to other Alliance races. Does your selfishness know no bounds?

Please, you can’t even say how much of the Nelf population was lost.

In Vanilla.

Keep seething and eventually you’ll make it fully into #2.



From what I remember Silverpine was originally planned to be the 10-20 zone for both sides, but they ran out of time on developing the worgen side of things and just kind of dumped them in Darkshore.


I hate this. I loved the Gilneas starting zone it was so cool, but I hate that as a worgen player you don’t even get to see the resolution to the conflict. You have to play on Horde and do Silverpine Forest (which I highly recommend, great questline) to see what happened to Gilneas after the Worgen fled with the Kaldorei.

Also what irritates me is that Silverpine Forest is one of the only times we actually get to see Worgen be badass and vicious. They actually feel like savage werewolves, but as an Alliance player I never see it. We only get to see Worgen as tea sipping noble people who are basically just furry Stormwind Humans.


This doesn’t surprise me at all. Planned to give the Gilneans a district in Stormwind, but that got scrapped. Planned to have Alliance players play through Silverpine and see the badassery, that gets scrapped.

Really makes me think that Worgen are just always in the back of Blizzard’s minds and they don’t really care about them as a race compared to Humans.

Just look at the map like there’s not much else to tell you.

You know exactly which interview I’m talking about, and you also know that they stated that Sylvanas is NOT evil in there despite commiting genocide.

Irrelevant? Do you know how many people agreed that the resolution to Teldrassil being 1 Val’kyr was pure bs ?

When ? They never did that, they also never explicitly stated that burning teldrassil was bad. Rather the opposite.

The story told us that the Horde is not to blame for anything, and that it’s all good now, then the Night Elves forgave them (besides Tyrande who still is being portrayed as crazy and unreasonable for WHATEVER reason).

Literally is.

As for Soldiers, the Horde and Alliance lost about an equal amount. As for total lives, the Alliance lost the entire night elf civilian population which was quite large.

Again, just because Tyrande does something doesn’t mean she is right in doing so. She has no support of any lore characters, and the writers also stated that she already avenged Teldrassil.

Yea I bet anything is going to come out of that lol.

The Horde also promised to stay out of Ashenvale, instead they invaded AND commited genocide.

If you ignore the fact that Sylvanas is getting a redemption and not dying, sure.

Are you seriously comparing an empty theramore to a full scale genocide of a playable race in 3 of their zones?

And Garrosh died for it, Sylvanas is getting glorified for it.

“far too few” are left

In BfA. He made his first appearance in BfA.

To be fair, they don’t really care about humans as a race either, apart from the Wrynns.

But the fact that Arathi was prioritized over Gilneas in the 4th War reminds me of something I read back in an older threat. What if Anduin doesn’t want it to be reclaimed because he prefers to keep Genn in Stormwind? Partly because he really likes him, but also because that way he can control him better?

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This is the biggest problem with the Alliance, since Cata it has been the Wrynn and Friends faction. Although I still think they favor Humans over any other race in the Alliance. Hell they are forcing us into the Human capital, they always have the humans come in to save the other races after they have had their teeth kicked in. It is annoying.

For once I would like to see the Wrynns and Humans get theirs and have to have their butts saved by the non-human races.

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:roll_eyes: :point_down:

Do you know how many people are screeching about it endlessly on the forums? Hint it’s only about 4. No points for guessing who they are.

The entirety of BfA and in Shadows Rising.

Blizzard has never stated that the Burning of Teldrassil was good.


Also false.

Patently False.

False again.

Go to the Blizzard site that describes the different races. You’ll see under Forsaken that Sylvanas is not their leader. You’ll also note that she is no longer warchief. She belongs to the Maw Covenant.

Patently False again.

Back this up with something other than your head canon. A sourced number perhaps?


Don’t have one?

Thought so.

She is seeking revenge on Sylvanas. That literally means the revenge story is proceeding.

Keep kicking and screaming.

It once again proves your delusions false. Because the story is moving forward.

If you bothered to read, I didn’t compare them in scale. Only pointed out that you are minimizing the significance of events to further your flimsy arguments and now your ire is even directed at other Alliance.

Right, so you have nothing.

Keep moving those goalposts. This is what you said :point_down:

You original, incorrect point was that Rastakhan was in the story for a patch. Patently False. He had been in the WoW story way longer than your nobody Night Elf.




true :roll_eyes:

At least in Darkshore they didn’t.

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When Tyrande requested troops Cultiras and Dazaralor wasn’t settled and as far Anduin knew all Horde was with Sylvanas, perhaps with the exception of Saurfang. When he joined the siege of Ogrimar most Horde fraction leaders were with Saurfang.

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Yep. You could play Night Elf.

sad trombone


I feel for you. Both sides got – wait, I can’t say that on the forums.

ANYway. It’s a shame how many players think misery is a zero sum game, like both sides can’t have been treated really unfairly and both faction’s players don’t have a right to feel however they feel about it. Things’d be a lot pleasanter on the forums if fewer people were playing the “Blizzard hates my faction” Olympics.

No one gets the gold for BfA except Blizzard’s pocket book.


Y’all got a metric ton of customization options, have a full zone in Shadowlands dedicated to following up the Teldrassil subplot, the authors are making Tyrande look like super sayian 4, and Blizz has suggested Teldrassil will regrow.

The Forsaken’s biggest contribution to the narrative was Voss having 3 lines of dialogue and one Apothecary being the voice of reason in Shadow’s Rising.

The only way it could be worse is if we were Worgen.


A few . Several other races have plenty more. Humans literally have about 40 faces per gender. Every night elf Male face besides this one has a weird constipated expression.

Not really. It’s just a scenario. That zone isn’t dedicated to that subplot.

You and I both know these aren’t relevant. Power-ups (that too a pseudo power-up) are not an answer to competent portrayal, and Blizzard suggests a lot of things only to ignore or turn back later.
All of the above can be summarized by “maybe it’ll get better” which from experience is not something to look forward to, and can actually be worse (eg, ALP).

The Forsaken have still been portrayed as mostly competent and able to defend themselves. While it’s true they are currently in limbo, they are back in Lordaeron and will get plot points as soon as we return to Azeroth. Besides, there are more patches .

To simplify, what I’m trying to say is that having mere presence is not a fun experience.


Fair enough.

And at least we got Banner Bae giving the

“Say sike right now” side eye was nice. Although I’ll die mad that Saurfang’s last words were For Azeroth and not “FOR THE HORDE”. Like giving a genuine roar when we know Slyvanas’s in the BFA cinematic was a lie.

Also would’ve been neat if they delved inro it. Any first gen Forsaken who was turned in like their early 20s has now spent more of their adult life hanging around Orcs and Trolls than they did Dwarves or even Humans for that matter.

Just a moment with a named Forsaken character going “The Forsaken are bigger than the Banshee Queen. The Horde had our backs when even our own family didn’t. We’ll never forget that. You’re standing in our way, and you remember what you told us to do those standing in our way, human, undead, or otherwise”.

Would’ve shut me up for a few months at least.


Uh they’re not. I don’t really care what some datamined dialogue says. Because it’s second only to the promises of a politican running for office in terms of reliability. SR suggests that might be in the cards. But it’s not going to matter unless the game world changes. Would you be happy with a quick paragraph that says the Kaldorei are all fine in Nordrassil? They all got new homes and cotton candy and lemonade and are just living their best lives. But of course you can never actually go and see this. Would that work for you?

As for the Forsaken being competent. Uh, when, exactly? When they lost Darkshore or when there’s still no shortage of people hopelessly loyal to a monarch who could not have refuted them any more thoroughly or publicly?

And mere presence might be fun. But also having your world ruined, then getting a cameo at most and some new character who is aesthetically the antithesis of your faction’s vibe, is hardly a win.

Worgen made out like bandits when it comes to customization because they got all the human options on top of the Worgen ones.

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Where exactly?

But to be honest I simply blame Blizzard for never keeping exact same narrative for each faction experience.

There are 2 versions of exact same event starting from WoT.

I can’t tell if you mean this as a good thing or not… Because honeslty, worgen got screwed.

Am I grateful human and worgen form were separated for customization? 100%, absolutely. However, just transfering over all the new Human customization to worgen SHOULDN’T count… I play a Worgen to be a Worgen, not a human.

And as far as WORGEN customization goes we got screwed. We got a few fur colors (stripes? really? what the **** is that? why can’t we get a solid black, grey, and brown fur color like we got white), and some eye colors. OH, and one new ear option. Worgen got screwed in customization.


I meant this in a good way. I thought you guys got some nice options, I made my Worgen alts look nice in both their forms. Sorry you were so disappointed.

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