[A/N] Kalimdor United Monthly Storytelling Event!

I’d be interested in at least coming out to join ya. Writing is what I like to do irl and in game. New to roleplay but storytelling is fun.

BTag: Splats#11142
Discord: Splats | VTuber/Art#2320

Late, but sent you a btag request!, ending in #1857

✧This month’s event is coming up on Saturday the 23rd!
In the spirit of the season, the theme will be “Scary Stories!”
Come tell us your favorite scary stories, or just come listen!
I will be telling tale of the infamous “Headless Horseman”, you won’t want to miss it!

✧Location: The “Stone Circle” in the north end of Feathermoon Stronghold (cross faction friendly, bring those potions!)

✧Event time: Saturday, October 23 at 5pm WrA time (8pm EST)
Hope to see you there!

Also: Show off your best Hallow’s End themed transmog! (optional)

This event is happening this coming Saturday, come hear some awesome stories!

Coming up tonight!

After taking a break for the holidays, this event is back!

Event date: Saturday, January 22. 5pm WrA time

Location: the “stone circle” on the north end of Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas
(location is cross-faction friendly, be sure to bring potions)

Theme: Perseverence! Tell us about a time you or someone you know overcame great odds!

Kalimdor United proudly brings you this month’s event in association with the newly created “Wyrmrest Community Project.”

The Wyrmrest Community Project aims to encourage multiple forms of RP through community engagement and hands-on involvement in event planning and promotion.

Edit: If folks would like an in-game calendar invite, reply to this thread or send me an in-game mail. If needed I can do so Horde-side as well.


Coming up one week from today! I am excited to see you all there!

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Midweek bump, this is only a few days away!

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This event is coming up tonight!

Planning to come for my first time - on my Grummle, Yak Ring. Yep, that’s right, gonna see who smells lucky because they persevered.

Starting at the top of the hour!

This event was great! So many good stories along with both old and new faces! Thank you all for a wonderful time and for helping to reignite my love of our shared hobby.


Wonderful turnout this month! So many great stories! Next event is scheduled for February 26!


Thank you for hosting! Had a great time! Hope to bring friends next month!


I will make sure to make a calendar event Horde side to get you set up!

The stories were great and the chatting between stories was equally enjoyable.

Our next event is scheduled for Saturday, February 26th!

Location: The “Stone Circle” at the north end of Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas
Time: 5pm WrA time (pst "Maeshkin-WyrmrestAccord for off server Alliance anchoring)
Bring [Elixir of Tongues], so we can share with friends on the opposite faction!

This months theme: Someone Special! Come tell us about someone special in your life! A significant other, spouse, or even a dear friend or companion. Come tell us who means the most to you!


Last month (my first time at the event) was lots of fun. This morning I was busy thinking about what tale Yak Ring (one of my Grummles) might share for his second visit. Double-checked the theme. Now I’m thinking that if Kunbo doesn’t show up & say something he may have sore ribs til mid-March.
:panda_face: :hearts: :panda_face:

Can’t wait to see what you come up with, just a week away folks!


It’s tomorrow! :panda_face: :scroll: :speaking_head: