A Monday Maintenance?

No. This is abnormal. I also can’t log into StarCraft either.

Oh yea cool. The servers are all going to be down for 3 and a half hours. Omg. This is terrible.

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We know.

Addiction is what causes people to freak out when they can’t partake in any given activity or substance.

This isn’t wow addiction I’m talking about, it’s general gaming addiction.

Normal people go “ah, crud, server gonna be down. Whelp, I got stuff to do, so I’ll do it now so I can play later.”

Addicted people tee on the forums, demand compensation, and in general whine.

Oh trust me. I am not addicted to this game in the slightest. I hope this means no Tuesday maintenance. I cant handle the WoW servers being down two days in a row.


Have you ever been upset when a service you expected to be working, wasn’t? Maybe a restaurant you go everyday is closed unexpectedly, your internet isn’t working for a few hours when you need it, a power outage during the night? Are you addicted to food, internet or eletrical currents for that?
In a time that (free to play) games and servers are avaible for more than 99,999% of the time, people are sure to expect such quality from anything they use, and Blizzard products don’t even come close to that. People aren’t addicts for demanding quality from a service that they paid for. Don’t throw the word around if you don’t know it’s meaning.


You might not be but some of these people act like it and should probably get help.

Wish maintenance didnt tick the clock on my game time…seems kinda unfair especially with literally almost every day having down time for something lately.


This was really insightful. Thank you. I wish Blizzard had a culture of having this level of transparency.

This is one of the best run betas I have had yet. Very little bugs and it runs smoothly. This possibly may be part of the reason why they felt comfortable giving it out to so many people with so much ease. So far, what they said was going to happen, has happened.

And people would be making stupid threads like

“Why is wow down for 4 + hours ,they should give us a refund” or " What does battlenet maintenance have to do with wow , they should fix that on their time not ours"

And yes I do believe some are actually dumb enough or trollish enough to say something like that and in some cases both .

This has nothing to do with Pre-Patch, it’s not even WoW specific. Battle.net itself is undergoing maintenance, not any individual game.

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People were demanding refunds and threating to sue Blizzard when the DDoS happened. That’s pretty terrible right there for those people to act like that.

why do this in the middle of gaming hours? Do this at like 2am to 6 am.

So Blizzard employees can have god awful schedules? I think we can do without the game for a couple hours a week if it means the people maintaining the game can work normal hours.

If you think otherwise, that’s a you problem. They should not and will not change it to be early morning hours before the sun is even up.

Middle of gaming hours ?

THey do this when most people are probably at work .
Yes it does affect us that have odd days off like Mondays and Tuesdays and why should they incovenience their employees and make them get up in the middle of the night to please a bunch of neckbeard wow players with the patience of a 4 year old in the back seat of a car.


there changing the hamsters out for mugy

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Today be Monday?

I chickened out when they were selling their first set of WoW blades for like $150 each (if you were lucky). Maybe there is another wave of blades they will be selling post this DC maintenance :smiley:

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Pay them extra on one-off occasions like this :man_shrugging:

As long as people are fairly compensated I don’t see the problem in having them come in late at night on the rare occasions that Battle.net itself needs maintenance.

It looks like a battle.net app update. I can’t even open the app at the moment.

I can but its now until 11am which was expected lol