A Monday Maintenance?

Bad take. It wasn’t unexpectedly. It was announced almost a week prior. If a restaurant I go every day tells me they won’t open next monday, so when it is monday, I just don’t go there and eat somewhere else instead of going to a review site and complain about it being closed. Which is what y’all doing on the forums.

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Unfortunately the same set of servers serve North and South America and Oceania so the middle of the night Irvine time is daytime somewhere.

It’s now extended to 11AM PDT :face_with_thermometer:

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Bnet is back up. severs should be soon-ish

i would like to know what’s up with all the downtime myself I can’t recall a time there wasn’t a maintenance notice up feels like they are doing one every few days this one is annoying me because I only get 1 day off a week and that’s today I finally got the dragon flight expansion wanted to play during my daughters nap time but now I can’t maybe I get hour in at her 5pm nap so annoying

Able to log into SCII and play. Can log into Classic but shows servers all offline. Retail will not allow a login of any kind.

hearthstone is back up. wow should be soon

It’s “gaming hours” almost always considering Blizzard is a global company. This time frame probably matches the employee’s work schedules best.

not to sound down but your calling game more stable of course it is with 1/3 the population. Back then wow was setting subscription records. Now the game is a blast from the past type game. I recently returned as somebody who was an original beta tester pre launch I can say I understand why the game is no longer not as popular. Just looking at the design choices expansion to expansion lol. example talent trees progression. start with nice talent trees then it gets compressed. ok fine then its removed and get choice on abilities. ok i can see that to make things simpler for less skilled players. But then yada yada etc and now talent trees are back and more complicated then ever. its like they don’t have any real direction and keep changing there mind on game direction lol as for the price if they increased that game would be dead especially in todays market were 99% games are free to play.

This bnet maintenance (not the same as WoW maintenance) was announced many days in advance and they have been transparent about it. It affects all bnet services, which includes WoW. It’s not the same as regular WoW-specific Tuesday maintenance. That should’ve helped you to know well in advance that WoW would be unavailable for play this morning.

In my experience, out of schedule maintenance windows are either for critical security patches, and unexpected hardware failures.

Could also be additional prep work for future changes.
Could also be that it was very planned and just not well communicated.

Can’t neglect your maintenance cycles. A little downtime now is better than catastrophic downtime later.

Either way, it is what it is. Time to touch grass.

look at that, retail is already up. more than an hour earlier than expected.