A moment of silence

God that was such a bad movie. I can’t believe they made a second one.

I fixed your post for you.


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I have this mental image now of Nick Cage doing the eyes thing dressed as Superman. I think the world needs that right now.


I’m reporting you for libel! :rage::rage::rage:

Before anyone throws a fit, I am kidding. lol

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nah, they haven’t copied marvels multiverse yet to make it work right.

marvel/sony did this right at least. If one ever wondered if there was a porky pig spiderman…well now we know. the answer is yes.

DC got bigger issues. like its only really successful movies was teen titans go the movie.

you see it made millions. but was cheap (relatively) to make.

so it put up some impressive net figures. also why DCU is doomed to fail.

Cyborg is a loner! so lonely! except for robin, star, raven, beastboy. throw out that lore and make the emo edgy cyborg and yeah…see how that works out for ya.

I still have to wonder how bad they were botching The Witcher for him to bail. Cuz he freaking loves that story. It had to be BAD

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The writers and producers said they hated the books and games.

So it’s going to be that bad. :slightly_frowning_face:

The Witcher is from the same author who didnt want CD project red messing with his lore, right?

Guess he changed.

noooo :frowning: I wish he was superman

…so why go work on the show? I really don’t get whey people do that with adaptations.

Same thing happened with Halo. Or Monster Hunter where the director got real snippy at Capcom correcting him on some monster designs.

Context. There’s a big monster called Diablos in Monster Hunter. They have sort of dull toe nails because they dig in the ground. The movie wanted them with sharp scary nails. Capcom corrected that and he got mad.

He still made Diablos a carnivore which is hilarious because it eats cactus in game.

Doubt it. Bet he’s busy grinding the tf out of the Complete Edition

Right? LOL

Basically. He’s a legit huge nerd. How would anyone of us feel to get cast as Thrall or Jaina only for the production company to totally dump on the character?


Pay somebody enough… And your morals can change real quick

You don’t want to know the unspeakable things I would do for a Klondike bar

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Maybe. On the other hand, he had major creative disagreements with the showrunners. From day one he made no secret that he came on board only so long as the adaptation was as faithful as possible, because he’s a superfan of both the books and games. That’s the reason a Netflix series was able to get such an AAA list star as Cavill in the first place. The moment the showrunners and writers (predictably) decided to put their own spin on the story, there was a problem.

If I was a Netflix executive I’d be a bit miffed at the creatives in charge of the show. From my perspective they had one single job for a successful franchise: ‘make Henry happy’. And they botched it out of dumb, predictable, authorial hubris.


I’m still mad Netflix meanwhile cancelled their Dark Crystal series.

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I’m sure hes crying all the way to the bank.


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Shush, I’m still pissed about the Witcher. Superman and DC was already a broken project. Witcher with a star like Cavill fighting for it may have been enough to effect some change before it become to far gone.