A moment of silence

In Cavill’s defence, he was told by WB he was allowed to announce that he was back in the cape.

Since then, he’s been canned because the new Superman movie is going to focus on a younger Supes.

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/catches lois lane


Are you getting Henry Cavill and Jared Leto mixed up?

I can’t see anywhere where Cavill has been linked to Morbius…


Morbius has achieved meme status so I think they were being facetious


Someone earlier in the thread said "It’s Superman IV: The Quest for peace’in time” and I ran with the joke.

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Oh right! Gotcha.

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So wait, he left Witcher for Superman, and he got canned? That sucks. If he slims down a tad he’d be a cool James Bond.

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Let me guess, DC wants to update Superman with more melanin?


He was neck and neck with Daniel Craig to play Bond before Casino Royale started filming, but the high-ups in the production team ended up going with Craig because Cavill was seen as too young.

Not sure if you knew.


Somehow there’s going to be a second one.

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Dang, i wonder what’s in store for him next. What would be a good videogame adaptation? I thought he was perfect for Geralt.

I know. Warhammer 40k the movie, that’d be super dope, but probably not going to happen.

If there were 5 sharknados, I think it’s OK

On the bright side it did remind me that Tara Reid is in fact still alive

Could totally see him as an Ultramarine sergeant/commander.

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he was never brought back in the first place. WB never confirmed he was back, only he and the rock did.

WB gave him permission to announce he was back.

LOL fair enough :rofl:

I want Netflix to flesh out Henry’s Sherlock Holmes.

I really, really liked him in that part when he was in the Enola Holmes films. I honestly just wished they’d do more Enola Holmes films. Move over Nancy Drew :rofl: .



If David Harbor makes an Ad for the video game that he claims ruined his life instead of making him the most famous and beloved gamer actor in the movies.

He really is disappointing and irritating how Hollywood and entertainment sources treat him like a great actor with great potential like the great Henry Canvill.

Seriously, would you rather him be a Lich King than the best king of Stormwind? he makes me sick of the alliance when he’s not thinks of Varian Wrynn.

OMG, Henry Cavill :blush:

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