A moment of silence

Just make him Gulliman already. The whole fall of Cadia storyline would be epic as a series or movie franchise.

Then again, anything 40k would have a lot of trouble with not running afoul of hollywood’s modern sensibilities.


… I can’t unsee that…


About time, he’s too good for DC and can finally play the role he was meant for, Eisenhorn in a 40k movie or show… or at least an Ultramarine

Cage REALLY wanted to play Superman too.

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His battle intro music:

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He could totally pull off a Gulliman. I doubt it’s so much Hollywood as it is GW never taking advantage of a good thing


On behalf of Canada I want to apologize for Nickelback.


this is the issue.

Why did you just shoot 20 eldar in the head.

Because eldar are alien scum. now go see the commissar over there guardsman. your faith in our immortal god emporer seems lacking. they will find it for you. or you will die while they they try to. either way…is good.

Yeah I’m sure that multi millionaire is really bothered about not being on a trash TV show.

So, they were rewriting the story? Gross.

DC needed to wipe the slate clean and start over. I will never understand why they struggle so much with their movies, while their animated movies are really good.

Not a huge DC fan, but I like Marvel. I guess both of them are in the dumps these days. I’m just praying they don’t ruin Guardian’s, and if they do I’m probably done with Marvel. It’s so bad now. Still waiting for X-men to come back but I dunno if I’ma care when all the OG are dead now and something something Logan’s daughter. Bleh.

Feels impossible the DCU could still have any fans after this lol. How can you invest in their “universe” if they don’t even know what they are doing and you have no reason to believe they won’t just axe movies or actors in the middle of their stories lol why care if they don’t. I’m no conspiracy theorist lol but Gunn destroying it purposefully seems more real by the day lol he can’t be just really dumb right.

Do what Cavill did. Well if ya can afford it lol. Simply buy a portion of the rights and stock of the Superman franchise, even if they kill the movies, you still make profits from comics, animation and games.

So in the end, he ironically he goes from Superman to straight up Lex Luther; even WB/Discovery couldn’t have planned that.

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THIS… Oh my god… I really wanted to see the rest of that! Poor deet!

Least we had SOMETHING new in the first place.

I hope the puppets were stored safely away. Last I read the jim henson company doesn’t just let puppets rot away somewhere. ( Unless its that one case of the puppet for Hoggle from Labyrinth kinda got lost and was found in very bad condition )

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Rumor (hope it is true) is Lisa and Brian Henson are supposedly trying to break away from Disney so they can branch out to release their own exclusives directly to the public.

From my understanding is that Dark Crystal cancelation was due to the mouse and Netflix not agreeing on something when D+ launched while keeping both Brian and Lisa in the dark until the last moments.

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The Sharknado series was actually good compared to Morbius.
Jared Leto can’t act… every character he has ever played has made me
physically cheer on the “villain”.

Why in the 68 Hells someone thought “Hey this movie bombed in the theater so hard that we should make another one?”

If Sony is so hard up on setting money on fire… send half the budget my way.

I… sense… HERESY!

Suffer not the mutant, the alien, the heretic, or… the typo to live!