A message to the speed racers out there

Noone believes you.

Get off the sauce please good sir.

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zooma zoom zoom

prrrt prrrt prrrt

These types of players are probably also the ones you see IRL flooring the gas out of every stop sign and traffic light and getting into traffic accidents more frequently, all in pursuit of trimming 30s off of their trip time.

Give trash mobs [Touch of Death] (instant ranged kill) that they can use only when there’s more than X mobs aggro’d. Cross the line and it’s an instawipe.

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A good tank adjusts their pacing to what’s appropriate for the group, they have control of the throttle and can push the group, to the point of wiping. A good tank pushes that throttle to the point where everyone is engaged in their role and nobody is bored.

That’s harder to gauge in a pug, and some bad tanks just put their boot to the floor and expect people to keep up.

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That’s obvious.

The “heroic” speedrunners certainly aren’t good at the game, but it doesn’t stop them from thinking the only reason they’re not world first raiders is because they can’t find good players to play with.

Talent specs, we can switch them on the fly now without books or resting

I hate tanks like that

It’s like dude chill

I especially don’t like it when they try to skip trash by walking around them in odd paths, that usually doesn’t work out & someone aggros said trash anyway by accident


Tanking is so easy even my dps does it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

For real though, pull big packs I don’t care I like to watch my AoE damage but for all that is holy PLEASE KEEP AGGRO.

In LFG, I usually ask right away, “Big pulls or regular?” If it’s big, I just run behind the tank until they stop and then start doing things.

Not possible YET in this expansion or unequivocally not possible?

Trust me its not fun for the healer. I get so pissed off at speed racers. It stresses me out when I can’t heal the dps because they end up taking the brunt of hits that the tank should be. I end up apologizing to everyone a million times because I feel like my heals suck. STOP IT!!! Stop killing your team for your small dick energy needs.

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Nothing makes things take a long time more than being in a hurry.

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I don’t mind a fast pace overall, but the bottom line is that, as a healer, there are times when I need to stop and drink to regen mana…

I am pretty good at doing this while maintaining a fast pace. All I need is a short 1-2 second break in between pulls so that I can start drinking, and I can continue drinking after combat starts because the HoTs that I already have on the tank will still be ticking.

My main problem is with the tanks that don’t complete each pull before starting the next. They will drag the last couple almost-dead mobs from the last pull into the new pull, creating a marathon run where we never drop out of combat, and I can never drink for mana.

I have feign and shadowmeld. If speedy wants to go ahead and pull everything and get the party killed, I’m good with it. I can even rez one of them if need be. If I am in a good mood, I may even rez someone that can rez the others. :innocent:

Make sure it isn’t the DPS pulling the extra mobs. All I do is tank and all I see is high DPS zooming ahead to pull mega packs of mobs to boost their DPS meter. I’ve stopped tanking those mobs and started letting the DPS die. I also get kicked from groups now for it even though Im not the one doing the stupid pulls.

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I’m fully aware. If you need to swap them before every boss in a normal dungeon though, that’s a completely different level of trying too hard. Also, fairly certain you can’t do that mid key.

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I dont think I ever witnessed a druid in my runs have mana problems… I only ever have holy paladins with mana issues. Maybe a holy priest or two that doesnt know how to manage their cooldowns but idk…

lol only if their bad holy paladins, I have zero mana issues, in fact I don’t think I’ve used a single mana pot or food this expansion so far.

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