A message to the speed racers out there

Only in mythic you can’t change

And why in the world would you need to change them mid-normal?


I’m not having mana problems, I just like to prepare for the worst. That means pre-hotting as much as possible (which uses more mana) and trying to go into each fight with as much mana as possible. Like I said, I don’t expect people to just sit there and twiddle their thumbs while I drink between pulls. I just need combat to drop for a brief moment so that I can start drinking, and drink through the first few seconds of combat. Doing that between each trash pull keeps me maxed out for the most part. Then when extra trash gets pulled or people stand in stuff during boss fights, I have extra leeway in terms of using mana.

I don’t think it’s necessary to drag the healer through the entire dungeon at 50% mana just to shave 2 seconds off the run.

Other than a few key pulls with mobs that CC the tank, it’s probably faster for me to solo kill 40 mobs at once than for the group to kill 10 packs of 4 mobs.

But yeah, a big part of learning to tank is adjusting to your group. If they are dead weight, just pull to solo, but if they just don’t know the dungeon, make sure you’re being efficient but try to minimize where mistakes CAN be made.

And also, a lot of people like to have the feeling that they are helping. I’d they are running back for the tenth time because they died to storm breath again they probably aren’t having fun.

Efficiency is king, but not at the cost of civility.

Some bossses require single target, others require AoE?

How is this still a foreign concept to people?

It’s a normal…


Sounds like there was alot more issues going on then just the tank.


I’d rather have optimal DPS, oh I see what’s going on here. Some stupid propaganda that’s anti-DPS just so tanks have an excuse to kick us out of groups.

I’m on to you, not funny you jerk.

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I play feral and resto, but ok.

And no, if you need to change your specs to down a normal boss, you have much…MUCH bigger problems.

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Right? I had a tank pulling 10-15 people and started raging as to why people weren’t interrupting the spells (because everyone in group has either no interrupt or only 1), but he was pulling so much he wasn’t even considering the fact that some of the abilities being used weren’t interruptable or were insta-cast and therefore couldn’t.

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Have to blame mythic+ for this tbh.

All the angsty speed runners in here are missing the point. We’re not trying to spend two hours clearing Ruby Life Pools. There’s three levels of speed to clearing a dungeon.

  1. Breakneck speed, tank gigapulls and dps AOE down everything, so we clear Ruby Life Pools in 10 minutes, assuming all the DPS use all their survival clickies because the tank isn’t holding threat and there’s unavoidable group damage.

  2. Tank pulls one pack at a time and takes time to scan every single pixel for threats and pretty things, making RLP take an hour.

  3. Tank pulls 1-2 packs at a time, and moves on to the next pack as the last enemy in the current pull is about to die, and you finish RLP in 15 minutes.

I’ve run with types 1 and 3 so far this expansion. Type 3 is vastly preferable. I’m okay with a run taking 5 extra minutes if it means I’m not hitting every single defensive I have as a DPS on every pull because the tank can’t hold threat.


We ended up with a speed running tank last night who pulled everything up to the first boss. After we all got killed he said ??? in the chat. I mean really? You pulled around five dozen elite mobs what did you think would happen?

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dungeon? difficulty? because that sounds like a standard pull and you just failed as a dps :stuck_out_tongue:

I made a post a few weeks ago about how playing smarter is faster than zergrushgogogogo BS. But then the speed racers came to the thread, claimed I wanted slow tanks, claimed they have the right to go as fast as they can when all I was saying was that going at the speed of your group’s capability, is faster than trying to go too fast.


Was that you? Because it was a bear tank.

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idk maybe if you didnt hide behind low level alts i could tell ya. but sadly you arent man enough to use youre main :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not mutually exclusive. Smart play in dungeons can look like “zergrushgogogogo” from the outside. Just because the tank is pulling all the mobs in the room doesn’t mean they are being reckless, more often than not it’s a case of understanding that they can live, and that their dps can kill it all.

I mean sure, if the group can survive the pull, then go ahead.

But if it’s beyond what the group can do, you’re actually slowing the run down.

I wasn’t on my main in the dungeon. I was on my Rogue and we all know how Rogues have such amazing AOE abilities to help mow down a huge pack of mobs!