You can 100% speed race dungeons, BUT YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE THE GROUP CAN HANDLE IT!
Just did a heroic and the tank was zooming so fast the group simply couldn’t keep up as he would pull the bosses before everyone was there. Along with wouldn’t wait for people to catch up when they died due to the massive pulls he was doing in which they simply did not have the DPS for it nor could they execute the mechanics. In which it pretty much made the run longer due to speed racer killing people constantly in their mad dash to get it done as quickly as possible.
Simply put the group couldn’t handle it, and it would of gone faster and better had they just done half sized pulled and chained into the next pull. Over yeeting the entire trash pull in one go boss to boss.
Please understand that if you are tanking and people are dying and your speed racing. Your out pacing what the group can handle and are simply being a nuisance over a good tank in the end. Watch what the group is doing, if their dying, slow down, if their not then more power to you in your speed racing.
Those tanks are often trying to top the DPS meters and they do that by doing large pulls and starting ahead of others.
One of the best things blizzard could do is nerf tanks AOE damage to nothing and rework how threat generation works. If they did that a lot of this nonsense would disappear.
or if blizz wants to be really nasty about it make it so if the tanks pull too many mobs in normals and heorics the mobs do 100% of their health as damage per hit. the forum tears would be epic.
That’s how tanks have fun, why threaten to reduce the already desolate tank population? Purely managing threat sounds like a boring chore, like dot upkeep but without the damage.
It is not fun for everyone else. Well maybe the healer. I had a tank who wanted to kick a healer because they were afk when they were not, they were simply a bit behind the group and trying to catch up. I voted no and the tank left. I laughed.
lol OP, just did a heroic run on The Nokhud offensive, the first part with the dragon, we kept dying. There is a roaming pack that runs around that gets called on from the objective group that goes into a rage, so instead of taking care of the roaming pack first, the tank decided to aggro everything.
Died 4 times before the tank quit. I kept asking, lets get rid of the roamers first so we can take down the mobs and interrupt their stunlocks. Nope, didn’t even speak, just kept doing the same thing over and over again until she left.
New tank enters, ask the same thing, he killed the roamers first like we aasked and pulled and killed them in 2 mins. We did that whole area faster because we played smarter and not aggro half the area.
Speed racers need to understand that some mobs have mechanics and can make things harder if they all group up together.
I would say most of the time it works out, and it’s fun for dps to rack up 100k per second as well. These tanks are usually well - practiced, and I don’t see why any logical person wouldn’t slow down if they are wiping. If it doesn’t work for you, or if there are some tanks that continue to pull what they can’t handle, just leave the group. Suggesting to crash the tank population isn’t a solution.
Not yet, I haven’t met one tank that can solo heroic dungeons right now. Unless they haven’t slept for 6 days and just farmed over and over again for BIS gear, just 6 days in, then no.