Map was fine for 1.12 vanilla and alliance won during that period. If you forgot how to play AV, or your faction’s “meta” does not allow for it, do not blame external factors.
Don’t forget about when we pin the horde into IBGY and hold them off while we take their towers and then stand on the ledges above FWGY and pin them there and range aoe them as they spawn. Oh wait I had that backwards. So hold on…all the horde gravetyards can be exited from any direction, there are no choke points and the fight starts at allies first GY? hmm i dont see any problems here.
Just thought i’d sum it up. No point in arguing with horde. If you were them you’d probably defend it too. The one htat kills me is the superior intelligence. yes your choice of characters in a video game determines your intelligence. That statement shows that intelligence loud and clear.
Ahh, yes. Cherry-pick a comment that supports your argument despite much evidence that it was hyperbole. Clever.
This is exactly what twisting means, instead of recognizing that the comment was overblown and properly ignoring it you choose to react to it as if most people believe that to be true. Then you act wounded when someone calls out this twisted mess of misleading statements.
The truth is that horde do start closer to mid than alliance. The two groups do meet somewhere around Balinda. This does put the alliance on a defensive stance where the horde have the advantage.
Even if both teams fight evenly the horde can easily reach several officers, pull them, and kill them while holding off the alliance because the officers do very little damage and are quickly dealt with. In addition Stonehearth can already be attacked by the time alliance get to it and it’s not difficult to for the horde to defend it at that point.
So now the game is already in the horde’s favor, simply by virtue of starting locations. Yes, there’s more to the battle but it’s amazing that the horde team gets so much handed to them with the starting locations.
But hey, let’s swap up the starts and see how battles go from there!
Literally nothing has chanced mapwise, gear wise, talent wise or crbg wise from 1.12 vanilla AV to classic 1.12 AV. Yet while vanilla alliance won plenty of AV during 1.12 vanilla, they cannot do remotely as well unless they cheese crbg queue jumping premades.
You’re right. No use in arguing with horde, where all you have is nonsensical excuses.
The only mountains horde are riding ‘through’ in this image is the eastern edge of the map. its very simple to just ride the edge of the mountain ledge and not really deviate from that straight shot path.
Ironically, this complaint didnt work out quite how you wanted - the only ‘impossible’ path through ‘overly mountainous terrain’ on this image is a path alliance are taking. The path they actually have to take to SF is even longer.
It is literally what I was referring to earlier. It was an actual post by an actual player who actually believes what he posted.
The problem is, there is a habitual amount of alliance spouting off crap like that, and “horde wins 99%” and “horde owns 2/3 of the map from the start”. You guys continually push falsehoods, so much that you have ZERO credibility in these discussions.
I’ve played in those games, they really are pretty close to being true. If anything they are off by rounding errors, not by overblown statements.
But please, continue to say that things are fine as they are. The queues will continue to go up as the situation continues to stay unbalanced. Eventually this will be a PVE game if nothing changes.
But please, continue to blame your plight on things that were exactly as they were during 1.12 vanilla, when alliance won plenty, if not a majority of AV matches.
No, I don’t blame it on those things. They are a factor but not the whole story.
The fact is the game is quite different than Vanilla and those differences are multiplied in AV. Let’s tackle the problems one at a time and see if we can return some balance.
Horde players remind me of the dumb rogue from world of roguecraft. “I deleted my Alliance character and rerolled horde. That’s when my skill level jumped 1000%”
This was due to gear disparity, not because the map was balanced. By 1.12 naxxaramas had been out for several months. Alliance as a faction was FAR more progressed as a whole in naxx, and a group of 5-10 t3 geared players could take down drek with no issue whatsoever before horde could mount any real defense.
My guild did it. We would try to queue simultaneously into the same AV and just ride directly to drek and completely ignore other objectives. The warmasters were a complete joke for a Naxx geared tank, the towers were like piddly little spitballs and naxx geared dps blew everything up in under 60 seconds.
Not even remotely the same situation we’re in today.
No, sadly there are numerous alliance toon posts that pretty much suggest horde can get to and kill Bal before the alliance defense can even get there.
I’ve personally seen that argument thrown at broken personally in a number of thread, and no other alliance stepped in to say hey guys, this actually is not true
So you want to change things that were not a factor during 1.12 because…
Step 1: stop calling things that are the same as they were during vanilla 1.12, when alliance was winning AV “problems”.