A map showing Horde advantages over Alliance in AV

LOL show me one call for a nerf thers no nerf calls its all call for balace and you are totally full of it pretending like it is already balanced.

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its more then that. starting location effect how the battle begins. the unfair traps and chokes are what wins them the game. SHGY- 100% choke 0 paths to get out of the gy. Road at N bunker 100% choke no way around it and thats on our side of the map which keep us from reenforcing towers. Horde say best choke is the bridge? How to you get around that? you know you do it. ALso what about your choke at RH? you have two towers worth of archers shooting at us. Why defend the imbalance? CHanges that balance the wins and make pvp fun for allies do not affect your ranking compared to peers not at all. Youre ending all pvp in the game so you better come over to the right side or your queues are going to be days because everyone is quitting. Want to PVP at all? you better wake up and start supporting a balanced map period.

get over it we know why the alliance are losing they just cant accept they are bad.

and there is it. Have fun in the future. PVP is over for all horde. Its done. WEre not playing anymore.


You asked for a CHANGE to how it was in Vanilla because Alliance played “differently” than they did in Vanilla. And change it they did. How is asking Blizzard to equalize the map because Horde are playing “differently” inconsistent to what’s already happened?

It isn’t.


If that’s the case you shouldn’t have a problem with Blizzard making changes to the map.

classic wow is done the pvp is trash and only raid night logins left its over already.

bring on classic tbc.

change the map to give a faction an advantage and thats not a problem because they cant win since they are bad???

you arnt ridding the coat tails of premade ranking groups when you accept that you can move on.

It isn’t balanced, but if you want balanced WoW come over to retail, it has its problems but it’s not as bad as people make it out to be

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yep the pvp is 100% better no premads on retail and a lot more bgs.

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The old Alliance premade queuing change was made because mass-dropping queues was forcing Alliance lobbies to launch with 5-15 people. Alliance got blizzard to make that change, not the Horde.

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Of course Alliance had to form groups to win. And the map is the reason. And all you little babies did was cry about it until Blizzard changed the game for you. There IS no fair playing field in the map. To deny that is absolutely stupid.

    • It’s harder to defend Balinda than Galv, who can fear and tank for a whole team. She can… well… iceblock herself.
    • Towers are easier to defend. 2 people per tower can delay a capture by a looong time. The defensive advantage of bunkers doesn’t work once you’re outnumbered.
    • Towers are faster to reach to recap. Harder to recap than bunkers, but you have more time to try.
    • The horde can reach SHB before even getting to Balinda.
    • IBGY is the best respawn position on the map, and it begins with the Horde.
    • The trinket position for the Horde is farther from the Relief Hut flag than the Aliance’s is from the Aid Station’s. May look like a disadvantage, but actually means there will probably be nobody there when you teleport back.
    • From the Relief Hut you get to see the whole base and access the situation. North bunker is in a blind spot to the Aid Station.
    • The door/ramp defense of the Horde is… wait for it… way better than the infamous Alliance bridge. All aoes are on the same spot, the archers from both towers hit like trucks (the archers from the South Bunker start to hit at the very end of the bridge), it’s multishot/chain lightning/diseases/you name it heaven, easier to heal and doesn’t automatically give in to superior numbers.
    • It’s easier for the Horde to offensively choke the Alliance at IWB than vice-versa at TP.
    • It’s also harder for the Alliance to hold the same IWB choke, since they have to spread all over the ridge and protect SHGY.
    • The Horde has a defensive forward choke (completely useless for the Alliance) next to IBT.
    • The Horde doesn’t have to take that stupid fall damage at the race north. Just jump through the trees.
    • The Horde GYs, except the Relief Hut, aren’t as easily farmable, since they’re not located inside cul-de-sacs.

It’s crazy because I play both horde and alliance and when i’m on my horde characters I am SO much better at literally everything. Then I log onto this guy and all of a sudden i’m a keyboard turning, button clicking, mouth breathing beta male that is just completely unmotivated to win AV because the queue is short so there’s no real point to even try.


This isn’t true.


It most certainly was. It was the 1/4 filled lobbies and the right-click report abuse that killed the original Alliance mass-queue dropping…Alliance did it to themselves griefing their own faction.


A true roleplayer. You are playing the character well

This isn’t true. Alliance are still starting with fewer players, more afkers and more bots. How did this fix anything for the Alliance? It didn’t. Alliance queue sync’d because it was the only way to overcome the huge advantages Horde have in that BG.

All Alliance now face the same disadvantages that “victims” of queue dodgers faced. This “fix” did nothing except hand Horde an I WIN button.

And you all can keep trying to Bllsht yourselves by saying you’re just amazing at this BG, but anyone with half a brain knows better.

That being said I have no idea why any Alliance would continue to queue for AV.

They’re not starting with as low as 5 players still, are they?

The change to break mass-queue dropping has no bearing on people being /afk or not participating at all. That is 100% a player behavior problem, not caused by any queue system change.

I am not saying the Alliance arn’t losing now, they clearly are…but the inciting-incident for the change to mass-queue dropping is all the fall-out it was causing Alliance AV puggers.

Spread the word

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Don’t know I don’t queue for AV. I do know when I didn’t go with a discord group the lowest we started with was 20. I don’t know any AV discord group that would have dodged a queue where 35 got the same BG number. Your “5” is complete hyperbole.

And so was the problem of Alliance choosing not to join discord groups.

Again, not true. The idea that Blizzard was trying to make things fair for the Alliance getting queue dodged is laughable. They couldn’t care less about making things fair for the Alliance as the FACTS clearly show.


No, 5 people is quite literal.

So you’re victim blaming now? Saying it was the Alliance PuG’s fault they started games short because they chose not to join premades? That it was the Alliance PuG’s fault for queuing up as intended?

You’ve cited no facts, just asserted otherwise and your only argument has be “nuh uh!”

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