A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

A lot of people have used the use of poison as the “go to proof” that Sylvanas was evil. But attitudes on poison are, in fact, quite mixed. If you look up “poison is evil” on the tvtropes website they note;

“Historically, this trope is most traditional in Western Europe and its descendants — others rarely cared unless there was a breach of Sacred Hospitality or fair duel. In tropical regions hunting with poisons was widespread; in Hindu tradition, poisonous critters are just another fact of life, and cobras even revered sometimes. China didn’t see poisons as something special, nor did Steppe peoples, Russians shrugged."

And, in fact, even Leonardo da Vinci proposed a vessel containing a mix of sulfide, arsenic and verdigris which could be thrown at enemy ships. As the rising fumes were inhaled, the result would be a sudden mass asphyxiation of sailors.

As far as her sisters, an undead would clearly have different views on death. Sylvanas didn’t want to destroy them, but make them “like her”. So this would be no more evil than forcing a resurrection on her.

All in all, these are things that can be seen different ways and are suitable for a “complex” character.

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I do think it was clumsily done, but I do give her some leeway since it is so reasonable that Sylvanas would have a different perspective.

Ah yes, “Zooval.” The ancient robot-death-god who secretly told her everyone needs to die in order for the universe to be saved. We have dismissed that claim.

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If your lore explanation for anything includes “The Jailer” as an ingredient it needs to be immediately discarded. The Jailer should be relegated solely to his own expansion and nowhere else in the story.

Yeah, I wasn’t referring to the jailer. Nothing in my message said any thing like that

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I consider it as evil as anything Arthas ever justified. And she is lucky Vereesa never found out or she would given her the Zendarin Windrunner treatment.

And I again I will compare her to Arthas, there might have been “more to her” then being dark, but that dark side was always overwhelming and was always going to the entire world nearly being swallowed in it.

Nobody denies she did bad stuff. What we are arguing here is the fact Blizzard pushed her down the slope so hard that diretly contradicts her previous personality even post Cataclysm. Sylvanas was a tactician and schemer. Total annihilation was never her thing until Jailer story came to be.


She was not that great of a tactician and had bouts of falling for her own hype. Whether it be her just full out trusting/not putting Varimathras on a tighter leash or her goal of making Arthas suffer only for him to ultimately escape. Heck she told Arthas about Ban’dinoriel.

As for her goal, her goal was whatever benefit her the most, whether it be turning Forsaken into her arrows or bulwark. If annahilation would have lead to Arthas’ death she probably wouldn’t have cared.

I disagree (although Arthas also has a complex and tragic aspect to him).

I disagree with that too.

I’m not surprised to hear you say any of it. It’s consistent with posts you’ve made in the past. But based on those past posts, I don’t think you’ll understand my perspective or even be interested in understanding it, so I’m not going to pursue the discussion further.


People hate her because she’s unapologetically Alliance only.
Her best friends (sans Lilian) are entirely Alliance leaders.
She tried to get the Forsaken to quit the Horde and join the Alliance.


When did that happen?

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Then there is nothing further to say then we totally disagree on how we see Sylvanas.

The book where Sylvanas kills the Desolate Council.


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about The Gathering. :dracthyr_nod:


I forgot its title, but that book is one I’ll never forget.
Sylvanas lies to herself in her own headmovies.


It’s weird how much you talk about Forsaken lore, and have such huge opinions…while never posting on an undead.

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That is a gross misrepresentation of the events that played out in the book.

PS - The “tactician” Sylvanas power slid into melee with a Death Knight. The end.

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You and Dread are talking about two entirely different events that are years apart from one another :dracthyr_nod:

Canon lore quests text and more made it very clear she is not Alliance. Its been made very clear in lore she sides with the Forsaken, that they are her people of her own free choice and will.


That’s a retcon, as was much of Before the Storm.

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