A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

It has?
You mean when she gave Genn Greymane a fortress to kill the Forsaken from?
You mean when she knew and aided Alliance spies in Tirisfal?
You mean when she stayed with Jaina and Anduin?

Edit: Also when she literally tried to convince the Desolate Council to quit the Horde and join the Alliance?


Naw what? Calia sucks.

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She was good enough to know when to retreat and save the Horde, she was pretty damn amazing fighting back Arhas during the invasion. But you know, when people decide to hate something, nothing will change their mind.

Anyway, I don’t care what anyone says, I’m tired of hearing Alliance fanboy excuses how what was done to the Horde during BFA and SL was somehow justified. It wasn’t. It was done out of spite by some second rate writers who had more power than they deserved. It was unfair to the players that they decided to spend two damned expansions trying to make the player feel bad for what the writers did, despite the protests.


Calia needs to go away. Nobody wants her.

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No. She is literally nobody, who been pulled out writers bottom regions for no real story reasons. She is like a dog’s popo, in which you accidentally step into in TBC, and you carry her ever since on the bottom of your shoes. I really hope she will just die at some point, or will be put away in any other “respectable” way. Because her Arc, and hers Character, had no real meaning behind it, back in TBC - she was just a princess who somehow by “random chance”, got herself into the sunwell, and them somehow been resurrected by means never before seen or possible in WC lore, into “lighforget undead” (which is literally the dumbest idea ever, because if you get resurrected by the light, you just go back as living being). Wow, such “emotion wreaking story”, lmao. Especially since her forced “sacrifice” supposed to be dramatic, but in the end they said - Nah, she is lighforget unded now (why can’t narru revive her as living being, again?) - completely draining any emotions or meaning out her story. And we already have Soycouncil instead of Warchief, putting something into Orgrimmar waters, which turning freaking Horde into red Alliance. Effectively doing what she supposed to do in the story, as alliance rat inside Horde. So what the point for her even exists? I’d rather have that undead rogue girl, you travel with in Pandaria as a Leader of some sort, fighting against peacemaking Soycouncil. That can be funny story.


Every time this thread pops back up, I always mistake the little crown in the title for a trash bin.


Excuse me, what?

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As Calia never appeared in TBC, it seems someone is under the impression that Calia and Anveena Teague are the same person.

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They’re totally different. One is a super special magic girl character that’s the key to everything, and the other is uh…yknow…the thing

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Yes, indeed, i made a mistake starts playing on little banjo insincerely, - i gave her to much of the credit. I just assumed that they are the same girl, but her true story is even more forgettable LMAO XD And everything i said still stands, even more so. Nobody - resurrected by means that makes no sense in WC universe, trusted into the Horde to twist it into red alliance.

Calia was Blizzards way of trying to give the Horde their own Anduin character.