A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Probably the most amazing thing about the anti-Calia hate was that it managed to get people angry about it in the General Forums before she was even in the game.
General is not the sort of place I would really expect reaction to the books from.

You under estimate the blind devotion to Sylvanas no matter what happens.

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Do you have a position that isn’t just, ‘Grr, Sylvanas’?


Wouldn’t this just indicate that people were just going to Be unhappy no matter the lore written?
Not sure if I would use this as a speaking point for your case…

It means that Blizzard knows that they are dealing with a very divisive character that they need to handle exceptionally carefully.

Yup. It’s been stated many times over.

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There are people in this very thread who dislike both Sylvanas and Calia.

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That’s not at all the point we’re trying to convey here. We literally have a bunch other threads on this very topic posted not too far from each other.
All by Erevien.

Yeah cause surprise surprise, we can’t control what they do. The future of the Forsaken narrative is quite topical right now given we’ll have their heritage questline in a few months and everyone has their two cents on where it should go. Similar to how the Desolate Council itself is comprised of people of varying different view points that, almost seen as player stand ins, do a decent job at showing the variety of views people hold on the Forsaken.

The “We are Forsaken, Death to the Living” Belmonts who’d rather see Calia dead again than stand next to her (Hi, thats me). The cooky blight throwing apothecaries that are just here for the fun of it all through Faranell (Hi, also a fan of this). Those who dont really care too much, have always been around and probably always will be through Verona, especially if they can be cook Dark Rangers. People who really want to see Calia do something but know she’s not that well liked, through Calia herself. And The Vosses of the world who want to find some some synthesis of all of these people that can be damn near impossible. It exists, but not without a lot of work.

Where you get this idea that there is any sort of echo chamber in here or that any of us are Erevien’s friends and conspirators I have no clue. Certainly not what I’ve been reading and if my dyslexia can get through it, I think most others can as well.


Erevien goes on sprees once in a while. No point in complaining about it.

Maybe I missed some of your posts that’s conveyed this but i’m really not seeing people talk like this.
It just seems like its a debate between anti Calia and not anti Calia.

As I mentioned,this is a necro thread from two years ago. We literally have plenty of other threads talk about the same exact thing.

It didn’t last.
I changed to kill a nelf monk that sits in orgrimmar and uses speed to get to the brawler’s guild.
Dk turns monks off.

It’s me, I am, it’s me

I’d imagine a bit of this defensiveness comes from peoples woes of Calia being put in charge of the Forsaken, which is a pretty stark difference to basically every bit of what the Forsaken have been, for better or worse. That said, I think Blizzard has realized that and pivoted to the Desolate Council fully for the future of the Forsaken, but people can’t trust that fully. Her saying “I have no intentions for the throne”? Like, for example they think going for the reluctant leadership deal. And to be fair, I can’t fully blame them for that I guess lmao, but I still think it’s too pessimistic ultimately.


I have never once said i wanted sylvanas back only that she i wanted her history to be viewed with both the good and the bad, I will hate calia till they do something interesting that isn’t going to bend the forsaken into what they obviously planned for calia to become prior to fan backlash forcing them to make the council


I think most of us can and do see Sylvanas for the good and bad.


I’m doing my part!

h ttps://i.redd.it/cvpnzbfz2gh51.png

This is the future the Calia fans want.


Where are these Calia fans saying that want peace and for the Forsaken to be Alliance?

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Pointing out the necro should probably not be done to people just going in after the conversations start. People will generally just follow whichever is getting the most traction (or in Erevien’s case people probably just avoid his threads).

Admittedly I want peace, but just because I think Faction war to be utterly stupid. I like the Horde and Alliance as separate political factions with their own interests and conflicts can occur, just outright war is ridiculous and inspires the dumbest parts of both the writing and players.

That said, if Calia’s gesture of good will just leads to Genn taking advantage of it, well… Hey, Anti-Calia Forsaken fans get proven right and maybe you have some content where Calia has egg on her face and has to strength her ties to the Horde and all.