A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Harming the Horde how? It’s Glineas, if anything it seems it’s been a massive waste of resources that has been passing hands back and forth ever since the Glineans were the victims of the Forsaken’s first genocide/ethnic cleansing. Things are cooled between the Forsaken the Worgens. She’s doing it as a gesture of good will so that hopefully there’s little to no animosity between Glineas and the Forsaken and Genn doesn’t decide to push through and harm an already weakened people while they’re rebuilding. You’re saying I’m interfacing with this dishonestly, you’ve refused to even bring up what the Forsaken gain continuing to fight an utterly pointless war for land that they’ve never really held lmao.


You underestimate how widely reviled forsaken are.
Especially after BFA.
And if you think devs can keep their egos in check, we have wide histories of that not being true.

Do I really need to hold your hand and lead you on the path to understanding that Gilneas only needs resources if the devs say that they do?


Daughter, c’mon if you’re gonna condescend to me, do it right.

I have literally no clue what your point is about “Gilneas needing resources”, because I haven’t been arguing that the Gilneans need the land for resources, it’s their home that’s why they want it. I have been arguing that it’s a massive waste of resources, it’s passed hands back and forth ever since the gates were cracked back in Cataclysm. The writing is currently Calia wants to bring it up in hopes of doing a gesture of good will so that the Forsaken don’t continue to have a gigantic mark on their head after their leader literally became the BBEG.

I don’t know why you’re jamming your head in the sand so hard over the fact that a gesture of good will doesn’t solely benefit the Alliance, it makes the Forsaken look like they’re capable of moving past the sins of their leadership. Fighting over Gilneas has always been pointless, its been that way since Cataclysm. Sure, the devs could decide tomorrow that Gilneas has a wish granting pot of gold in the middle of it, but currently it’s pointless, let that be a point if it happens instead of deciding the Devs already wrote that as a fact. If the Forsaken don’t want to continue to die over a pointless conflict that they started, you know, given their fears of being killed for no good reason, their literal whole deal, maybe giving up Gilneas is in their best interest too.


If it means we set the borders back to where Forsaken fully Control Silverpine and Hillsbrad again I am all in for killing any Worgen on sight.

Spoken like a true alliance loving traitor.

It’s never pointless to deny the be enemy the means to fully destroy the Forsaken once they can Sandwich us from two Sides(Gilneas and Stromgarde).

Sure, whatever man, I guess. I just don’t want the Forsaken to be wiped out and they will literally not win a forever war, no one that tries the forever war ‘wipe out the enemy’ shtick wins.

Erevien, the faction war is over. Not every Alliance player or character is gunning for the total destruction of the Horde like you are for the Alliance, Genn’s learned to empathize with the Forsaken and they’re led by Anduin who literally is the biggest goody-two-shoes on the planet.


Only a Lordaeron fully ontrolled by the Forsaken is one worth fighting for. And there will be no peace until all Worgen are gone. They have no rights to and land. As long as Ivar holds half of Silverpine there shouldn’t even be talks to give them Gilneas.


The alliance is still standing. So you are wrong.

Alliance biased retcons to make sure Genn is always protected by the biggest plot armor.

The alliance is the true enemy. Their mere existence is an insult to every Horde member who are responsible for thousands of dead Orcs.

They wouldn’t be wiped out if the rest of the Horde actually supported them instead of giving the alliance everything they ask for on a whim.

tho, daughter lacks the condescending punch that son has.

I misread. My mistake!

I just don’t believe that Blizzard’s kneejerk “no war happens in Warcraft” expansion is anything more than a kneejerk.
Next expansion we’re gonna go back to the Alliance curbstomping the Horde.
100000% guaranteed.
Ashenvale, especially.

See above.
Blizzard doesn’t do things that positively benefit the Horde without also then kicking them in the face immediately after.


Schroedinger’s Gilneas, simultaneously under everyone and no one’s control for nearly a decade before Blizzard remembered it existed and gave it to the Forsaken.


The definition of echo chamber needs a link to this thread.

… A 1000-post thread full of opposing viewpoints? You have a strange definition of “echo chamber.”


I can literally scroll up and copy and post the same post written over and over again.
Its Erevien and his friends talking about how much they hate Calia. Am I missing something?

Sure you Will have an occasional stranger come in every now and then to point out the insane flaws in the reasoning but that doesn’t last long.
If you don’t like the term echo chamber maybe dead horse is more appropriate. It’s literally a two-year-old necro thread.

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It’s almost like there is a cutscene between Calia and Voss talking about…that Lordaeron is gone because of her brother’s actions, and that Calia is now Forsaken…


Yes, you are.

Being broadly critical of Calia is a near-universal position among Forsaken fans. It is not “Erevien and his friends.” Any umbrella that Erevien and Baal can both fit under is a pretty damn big umbrella.


So what am I missing?
You just refrased what I said.

There are valid critisms of Calia as a character. A few calid critisms have been shared in this thread, and I agree with them.

This thread is however not full of them. It is however full of some wild claims and a lack of lore observation on the parts of die-hard Sylvanas fans who only want Sylvanas at all costs to story.

I hope we see the Calia character grow and develop more into what the Forsaken embodies. The Forsaken deserve to be more than blight-throwing goons that exist as a prop for Sylvanas.


Of course they deserve more than that. They also deserve, far, far more than to be props for Calia’s ascension.

We’ve already seen that they’re willing to twist and bend the very nature of undeath to prop her up. They turned Sindane into a writer mouthpiece to have her announce “Actually, light-undead are totally cool, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.”

Calia, as her story is presently being told, cannot elevate the Forsaken. She can only drag them off in a direction that no one asked for. That’s why she exists, it’s the entire point of her introduction to the story. The same writers who wrote Sylvanas into a black pit of genocide and puppy-murder simultaneously dragged Calia out of the margins to be the representative of what they thought the Forsaken ought to be.

The only reason she’s been sidelined as merely one member of a council instead of having already become Queen is because of how unpopular they know that move would be. I firmly believe that. Audience backlash is literally the only thing saving us from Queen Calia of Lightforged Undead Lordaeron - it is, in fact, vital to the story of the game that that backlash remain strong.


I seriously wish I had as much faith in this company to listen to feedback that carefully.
maybe at one point I did…