A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Blizzard vision sucks so who cares

Good lord this patch alone we’ve saved them from FIVE narrative trainwrecks of varying gravity, their vision is bad


Oh wow smh. I can’t.

That would actually be good for the story especially for someone with the last name Menethil.


Do you see my concern now lmao

ESPECIALLY when the shields of those queenguard were replaced with the Lordaeron L

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Absolutely, that actually took my concern up a notch. My mind went straight to “blame it on the intern,” because that’s deliberate; someone at least did a quick google search on her background.

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Now go to my PTR thread and say that lmao :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just looked them up; wowpedia says they dissolved. No wonder I’m not too familiar I didn’t do a single Tower Warden, and quite frankly I don’t have a flipping clue what it was about. I just remember the crowd going wild at Blizzcon when Patty Madison made a reference during her panel.

Unless they remove the NPCs, they ain{t dissolved lol

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The only future for the Forsaken is without Calia. She is just garbage.


Personally I would argue the Forsaken, especially since Cata onward, have more embodied 70s-80s punk anarchic horror movies than any pre 20th century horror tradition.

Which I think is a good thing. That bit in Darkmoon where rotted fists burst from the ground to throw up the horns remains the coolest thing in WoW if you ask me.

Which is why I advocate for the Worgen to get the more classy, gothic horror angle. They’re already styled heavily off Victorian England for Jack the Ripper’s sake. They’ve got witches and werewolves and class disparity.


I never played WC1 and 2 so i have never even remotely cared about the lordaeron identity, all lordaeron is to me is a place where the dead live, who they were before death is such a worthless uninteresting story and its part of why i hated bts so much


Tbf all the human kingdoms are pretty one note. They existed less because the creatives had an interesting idea for the geopolitics of a fantasy world and more to justify having human factions with different colored RTS flags.

The humans of Azeroth really are exceptionally boring. Ya got things like TES where every human faction represents a different fantasy. Ya get Rome with the Imperials, Vikings with the Nords, Medieval Britain/France with the Bretons and Arabian Nights / Adventures of Sinbad with the Redguards.

But until Gilneas we never saw even different architecture. The Lordaeronian structures manned by the Scarlets in the Plaguelands were identical to SW ones just with red flags.

You’d think they could at least take a page from Warhammer Fantasy and just take historical nations but give them a wizard or two. The Empire is clearly the Holy Roman Empire, Bretonnia is just Feudal France with Arthurian legend trimming, Kislev is just the Kievan Rus but they got bear calvary now because why not.

And the thing is I think SW’s dishwater dull, paint-by-numbers Playmobil Castle Playset aesthetic could be great as a nice starting spot for more interestinf fantasy. A beige wall is the best to hang artwork on afterall.

But despite having everything from crystal holy space goats to now a pint sized adeptus mechanicus the story insists on orbiting around the loaf of Wonderbread that is SW and it’s denizens.

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It’s just politics. You can dislike it, but you might as well join Erevien in calling Thrall a traitor the second he limited the Forsaken’s use of blight and stationed guards to watch them as Wraithgate. Then carry that onto Garrosh for continuing the ‘no blight’ policies. Stuff has cooled between the Worgen and the Forsaken, even Genn only really hates Sylvanas. Unless if the Forsaken want to continue to fight a protracted war for land that doesn’t even matter that much, wasting their resources and killing their people, they need to give it up. It’s purely to their benefit even if it helps the Alliance too.


No, dude, it isn’t. You’re trying to devalue the argument instead of interfacing with it honestly. Calia is behaving like the Alliance, aiding the Alliance, and harming the Horde. That isn’t exaggeration, that is literal fact: No one, not even the night elves, hate the forsaken as much as the Worgen do.

For some reason, Blizzard’s planted all of the nelves’ supplimentary non-Sylvanas hate on orcs.

That’s just the way it is. Calia is trying to give the forsaken’s greatest enemy in the Alliance a power stronghold to attack them from before they even rebuild their racial capital.

If it isn’t clear, I’m Dreadmoore. Dreadmoore’s just missing from my character list for some raisin.


Yeah until Before The Storm. Where Genn realized he’d been pretty unfair to the Forsaken.

And now you’ve 5 years of peacetime where presumably the Forsaken didn’t bother the Worgen because they were never interested in seizing Gilneas. That was dropped on them by Garrosh with more than the mild implication that he would be just as, if not more happy, had the Forsaken been wiped out in the invasion.

The Bloodfang still have it out for the Forsaken, or at least Ivar does, which I maintain is a good thing.

Because that’ll allow an excuse for a BG or EBG where the Bloodfang fight the Defilers or whatever.

Personally I’d recommend revisiting the Strand of the Ancients but with it just being one match like the Wrath siege EBG, set on either Fenris Isle or Alterac City.

Also her commitment boils down to bringing up the topic at a yet to be scheduled meeting down the line.

To say nothing of how bizarre it is that;

A. Gilneas went from an uninhabitable Blight bog to apparently occupied by the Forsaken between the Sylvanas book and Reclamation of Lordaeron questline and,

B. The Forsaken apparently had a battlegroup very determinedly defending duck and all while attempting to reclaim their capitol.

The Worgen Forsaken rivalry basically isn’t a thing. The Worgen are a big deal in Silverpine, a small subplot in Hillsbrad, then never come up again for a whole decade until they’re again relegated to a subplot in Valheim or whatever the Hell the Legion viking place was called.

It’s a fairly moot plot point that barely ever comes up. The Forsaken don’t share the Worgen’s animosity. How could they? The Worgen are barely a thing. Seriously there was more Goblin content on the Horde before they were a playable race than there is Worgen content now over a decade after their implementation.

Might as well bury the hatchet and let the Worgen have their spooky Victorian zone. Because seriously the poor spooksters look out’ve place pretty much everywhere else not called Duskwood.


The forsaken didn’t have it to begin with until blizzard needed alliance calia to become queen of the forsaken in everything but name, so that she could help the alliance by using the Horde.

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Man I’ve replayed that quest more times than I can count.

And I’m lost how “universally mistrusted Mormon proves useful enough to be accepted and makes vague promise to bring up a topic in a meeting” is seen as a 1,000 Year Oath of Loyalty to Stormwind.

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Blizzard is aware that the forsaken playerbase doesn’t like Calia, so they gave them some random lines about how Forsaken don’t trust or like her, while also including lines where they do – including from Belmont himself.

And just like how they send us to meet The Horde Council but we only go to see Baine (and sometimes Mayla), when we get sent to meet with The Desolate Council, we will only meet with Calia (and probably Derek/Lilian).


Time will tell. If they ruin the Forsaken I’ll just stop playing. It’s really not that big of a deal.

And I imagine I’ll scarcely be the only Forsaken fan to do so. If they want to blow more holes in this already pretty damaged ship that’s their buisness.


I’m just saying, past behavior is the best predictor of current and future behavior, and Blizzard rarely breaks from the trodden path.


We’ll see. I’m just not sure what the point would be. The Belves are already basically Humans But Red as is. Ruining the Forsaken would just sabotage a niche but enduring faction.

Thing is they did prove they can write skullfaced supervillians who are quietly actually pretty chill with the Maldraxxi.

So just do that again, would be my suggestion.