A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Calia is not a being. She is an outsider who only exist because she is the brainchild of Golden. She should have never died or resurrected.


i don’t give one single fig about gilneas.
the point isn’t giving up whatever.
the point is that the alliance character behaved predictably like the alliance for the alliance to the detriment of the horde with no consideration given (or perhaps worse, no care at all) that the worgen are the largest enemies of the forsaken in the alliance.


Its still funny to me that golden admitted during an interview that while writing bts she had no idea why people liked the forsaken and it “clicked for her” while writing calia and the depressed miserable forsaken


She has no idea how to write them and it shows.


That scene with Genn’s tail in BtS is peak Golden rubbish. Talk about ignoring consistency. I guess she doesn’t care to know and wings it.


I mean, I find it weird that the worgen are the only race based off a animal, fictional or otherwise, that doesn’t come with a tail option. Even the pandaren have the option to have one or not. But that’s just me

Whether they do or not as an option down the line… what ever.

Genn doesn’t have one. But she just went with it.

I’m aware Genn doesn’t have one and it was a bit silly, but minor in comparison to the other things that were done to lore over the years. I was just comenting on how the worgen don’t have one in general, being based off a wolf and all.

I on the other hand love it, I would guess that 95% of the Forsaken are former citizens of Lordaeron. It makes sense that cdev have been pushing this narrative since, dare I say the Forsaken’s inception.

I mean if those former Quel’thalas, Dalaran, Stormwind citizens want to throw a campaign together to get their lands back from the current occupants, I would be on board. Whatever belonged to them in life should belong to them in death as well, but as I always say there’s no universal court in WOW to decide such things. Could you imagine the headache?


Personally I feel Lordaeron’s only important in the sense that it died, and not because of the ethnicity of its residents. In that sense, I thought Sylvanas was a perfect figurehead for the race despite being a former high elf both because she was a personal story focus of Arthas’s abuse, and being the rallying character pushing back against it.

When people say “but Calia was a royal” all I can think is “so what?” The game trying to appeal to a sense of normalcy feels like a miss for a race that can never, and should never, be able to be normal again.


But at least that goes along with the general theme of undeadness, and also, there have always been other banshees and dark rangers canonically in existence even if you didn’t see them in the game. Calia is the only “uncanny Light golem” in history, and an example of two forces working together that were previously thought to be incompatible—one of which has been heavily associated with the Alliance, even if it’s not their exclusive property.

There are degrees. It is possible to go overboard.

But Horde players were never asked to be on the side of her “victims” before. The time Calia was introduced was the time the game was pushing us to turn against Sylvanas, whether we wanted to or not. That’s almost guaranteed to provoke resistance, if only out of spite.

See above—Calia goes way beyond merely “atypical,” in my opinion.


Cause not all werewolves in media have tails. Blizzard decided they wanted their werewolves, worgen, not to have tails.

And they say peer pressure doesn’t work.

Good to see you on the winning team <3

Scarlet Crusade involvement almost ensures that with the pamphlets a few patches ago

It’s both

Souther Gothic local displacement

Decaying society, literally and figuratively

She should explicitly abolish the throne tbh

Claim it only to destroy it

*insert my usual rant here *

Check out my PTR thread and give support or critique or both uwu


It’s useful in the sense of multicultural nationalism, like the Liberal Ideal of the United States

But I would like the Forsaken to have expanded territory:

  • Tirisfal/North Silverpine for Human/Ex Alliance Forsaken
  • Undead Elves make a home in Deathholme
  • They take Scholomance and make it anti-Dalaran for spooky magic: Necromancers, Demonology, Aberrology (Void), Dark Shamanism (Decay + Uncontrolled Elements), Constructs (Abominations, Infernals, Soul Golems, etc), Vampyr (Blood Magic)

That would be my ideal

Who cares retcon it and make the tail an option to hide or have

Not even a retcon cuz everytime Golden writes Worgen she has normative furry conventions in mind apparently


I’m aware of that also. Doesn’t mean I and others aren’t allowed to want them as a option

I feel like there should be a pun here : )

No one is denying that the Kingdom of Lordareon is gone; even Caila was like NOPE. The crux of the argument for me is about the land and the continuation of their legacy. If you liked the Warcraft lore and want to play as a former citizen of Lordaeron you roll a Forsaken period.

I would not doubt that some Forsaken don’t give a hoot about where they were in life, but I don’t deny those Forsaken who remember and want to maintain a piece of their living identity. Now that I think about Golden wrote Sylvanas regime as a history police, so maybe they’re going the “I’m free now” route. I swear there are parts to that book that makes zero sense to me.


devs still gave her and only her “Queensguard” soldiers

I’m not satisfied until she explicitly abolishes the throne in the story

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I’m not familiar with the Queensguard, like the Banshee Queen?

Anywho, there’s a whole scene in one of Golden’s books where she denounced her title in place of the Forsaken.

Queensguard are the “royal soldiers” originally for Sylvanas as the Banshee Queen but the NPCs are still being used for Calia and only for Calia

That was before they slapped the Queensguard on her at the end of Shadowlands so nope

I need in-game narrative affirming she not only RELINQUISHES her title but also ABOLISHES the throne formally and explicitly, and get rid of the Queensguard NPCs

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I love all of this. Would be perfect for the Forsaken!

I do not agree with this. I’m tired of people trying to change worgen to fit how they think werewolves should be. Blizzard has gone out of their way to make sure worgen don’t have tails, that’s their vision, they don’t want them tonhave tails. People need to accept that. You want to play with a tail? Go play ESO their werewolves have tails.

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