A look at the future of the Forsaken - Support For Calia ♕

Her powers is like trying to use infected or poisened blood to save someone

Calia shares plenty with the Forsaken. At the end of the day her life was completely ruined by the Scourge and was left powerless and traumatized for many years. Heck, if you really want to get into thematic parallels, rejecting Calia, despite the fact that she just wants to help and be with them and means no ill will or even hatred towards them, just ends up making her just as Forsaken as any undead. On top of that Calia is at least of Lordaeron, just like a vast majority of Forsaken are, something Sylvanas isn’t.

Ultimately there’s a lot the Forsaken are and casting out those too different them is silly. Are the Forsaken going to cast out Forsaken Priests, or God Forbid Forsaken Paladins when those happen, too for wielding the Light? It’s the same source that actively harms them. What about the Forsaken raised by Sylvanas’s Val’kyr, like Lilian Voss? They weren’t “raised using the same force” or “subject to the same architect of their death”.

This is why I’m in favor of the Desolate Council and Calia being on it, she represents a part of them because at the end of the day the only thing all Forsaken are is that they’re undead who are together now.


I would hope they do reject them

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Come on, you’re better than that. One image to pull the heart strings?

Oh, I’ve done the Worgen starting zone so many times that my love of it occasionally wears thin. Occasionally.

That gif you posted is… weird? What the heck is this supposed to be in support of:

The forsaken are not just of lordaeron they are of many nations, i hate this hyperfixation on lordaeron and its history


I could link a ton, but it’d take time.
It was a great example though, because it wasn’t advertising the war in warcraft.
It was just artists drawing orcs and wolves being orcs and wolves.


a nelf tree burning.

I posted a jpg of the worgen staff you get from the newbie zone.

Are you drunk? This is an honest question.

I am so terribly sorry that I said “gif” when I should have said “jpg” because that is just so very important.

Are you actually arguing that staff, that one little item, means something in the greater scope of this game?

Dude, come on. I’ve seen you make some seriously great points about the lore of this game, and this is what you’re reduced to?

you’re incredibly confrontational homie.
i just wanted to make sure you’d opened the right image, given it directly correlates with the worgen shield.


Goodbye to the Forsaken’s main Faith then. While a majority of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows focuses on the dark half of Priesthood, they do emphasis a knowledge and usage of the Light as well.

I mean, a vast majority of them are from Lordaeron, it was a big kingdom and it was the primary territory affected by the Scourge and its where Forsaken players raised after Cataclysm are. It’s no more a “Hyperfixation” than the focus on Sylvanas is.


No this is just people desperate to turn forsakens into humans with a skin condition, right down to using a failure from a line of worthless royals


We have to ignore every other undead and their cultural additions cause someone who’s biggest achievement was being brainwashed by a naaru and sleeping in a ditch showed up


I do think Dreadmoore is right in that the weapon is focused on Glineas, if you look them up on the wiki, their new icon has roses and the same symbol as the weapon in question.

If you want to fight that windmill, you’d best be charging at Blizzard ever since they stuck the High Elf with the skin condition as the Forsaken’s Leader and made a guy who ritual’d into his completely intact cousin’s skin as her champion.

I’m certainly not arguing for ignoring other Forsaken, I’m personally in favor of the Desolate Council because there is so much variety of Forsaken.


I’m in favour of the council i just think it should be made up of forsaken who have been there since the start and not people who’s only claim to fame is they popped out of the right people


also, calia’s very first move was for the alliance.


She’s shown her desire to help the Forsaken and was of great help in cleaning up of Lordaeron. Besides, using that metric of “Who’ve been their since the start” the council is made up of just Faraneil and Velonara, the former is a rat who I’m almost certain knew about Putress’s coup plans given the guy was pretty high up in the RAS and yet did nothing to really stop him and the latter was basically a nobody til Cataclysm.

That’s politics for you. The Horde lost the 4th war and was on some incredibly shake grounds given the genocide of the Night Elves and destruction of their home. Unless if the Forsaken are willing to continue to sacrifice themselves for land that even Garrosh would say they dishonorably took, giving back Glineas is just a smart move for them to earn back some good will. Besides why would they even want to keep fighting over Glineas?


you forgot velonara, we could have easily had banshees like aethelyste, even maybe an abomination


I did mention her, actually. She’s effectively a nobody because she didn’t show up properly in game til Cataclysm That said, sure! I’d love a proper banshee and abomination also on the council. This and newer Forsaken, including Calia, are not mutually exclusive.

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No they are, cause calia is an abomination who should have died in that ditch


Funny word choice there lmao.

Anyways, live in undeath mad about it.